What color is this?
 It’s red.
What color is the apple?
 It is a red apple
What color is this?
 It’s yellow.
What color is the banana?
 It’s a yellow banana.
What color is this?
 It’s green.
What color is the pear?
 It’s a green pear.
What color is this?
 It’s pink.
What color is the dress?
 It’s a pink dress.
What color is this?
 It’s orange.
What color is the orange?
 It’s an orange orange.
What color is this?
 It’s brown.
What color is the dog?
It’s a brown dog.
What color is it?
 It’s blue color
What color is the pen?
 It’s a blue pen.
What color is this?
 It’s purple.
What color is the backpack?
 It’s a purple backpack.
What color is this?
 It’s black.
What color is the ca?
 It’s a black car.
Dark blue
Light blue
nguon VI OLET