List some sports having 6 letters
Suggested answers
1. Tennis 2. Soccer
3. Squash 4. Skiing
5. Boxing 6. Diving
7. Hockey
Unit 14: The World Cup
Period I: Reading
I. Pre-reading
Describe what you see in the picture. Name one of the players

Personal information

Full name: Edison Arantes do Nascimento
Date of birth: October 23, 1940(age 68)
Place of birth:Três Corações, Brazil
Nickname: The Black Pearl
Height: 1.74 m (5 ft81⁄2 in)
Playing position: Forward
He won his first World Cup at 17
b. Ask and answer the following questions to see how much they know about soccer and the World Cup
1. How often is the World Cup held?
Every four years
2. What does the abbreviation FIFA stand for?
The FÐdÐration Internationale de Football Association.
3. When and where was the first World Cup tournament held?
In 1930 in Uraguay.
4. Who is considered the all-time best soccer player?
PelÐ (The Brazilian foward)
5. When was the World Cup first held in Asia?
In 2002 in Japan and Korea
6. Is there a World Cup tournament for women?
Yes, the Women’s World Cup was first held in China in 1991.

Host countries and FIFA World Cup Champions
How to pronounce score of a football match
2 - 2: two all
1 – 0: One – nil
0 – 0: Nil – nil
Ex: In the first World Cup, Uruguay defeated Argentina by 4 to 2.
c. Match the words in A with their definitions in B
Correct answer
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