Drawbacks of
Traffic jam
Write the drawbacks of your city.
Welcome all of teachers and students
Period 13: Skills 2
Lesson plan for English 9
1. Does your city, or the one nearest to, have any of these drawback?
- Urban sprawl
sự bành trướng đô thị
- Air pollution
ô nhiễm không khí
- noise
tiếng ồn
- Bad weather
thời tiết xấu
- High cost of living
sinh hoạt đắt đỏ
- crime
tội phạm
- Traffic jams
tắc đường
- overcrowding
quá đông đúc
2. Listen and write the missing word in each gap. 
“Some ------------------------ have problem with population crime, or bad weather- here we have traffic jam”
2. Before going to the ------------------------ , she has to take her children to school.
3. In the evening the ------------------------ is even worse
4. Now so many people have a car, and there aren’t enough ------------------------ in the city
3. Listen again and choose the correct answer.
What is the most serious in Bangkok?
A. pollution B. bad weather C. traffic jam
2. How does Suzan go to work?
A. By car B. by sky train C.by metro
3. How long does it take Suzan to go to work everyday?
A. Two hours B. five hours C. half an hour
4. In the evening the traffic is ------------
A. better B. worse C. the same
5. Why is traffic so bad in Bangkok?
People move around by boat
There aren’t enough roads
C. There isn’t a sky train or metro
4. Read the paragraph and complete the outline below
Topic sentence:
Problem 1:
Problem 2:

Problem 3:
 -These factors contribute to making city life more difficult for its residents
-Living in a city has a number of drawbacks
-There is the problem of traffic jams and traffic accidents.
-Air pollution negatively affects people’s health, and it also has a bad influence on the environment.
-The city is noisy.
Living in a city has a number of drawbacks. Firstly, there is the problem of traffic jams and traffic accidents. The increase in population and the increasing number of vehicles have caused many accidents to happen every day. Secondly, pollution negatively affects people’s health, and it also has a bad influence on the environment More and more city dwellers suffer from coughing or breathing problems. Thirdly, the city is noisy, even at night. Noise pollution comes from the traffic and from construction sites. Buildings are always being knocked down and rebuilt. These factors contribute to making city life more difficult for its residents.
5. Choose one item from the list in 1. Make an outline, and the write a paragraph on one of the topics
There are a lot of disadvantages of living in a big city, air pollution is among the most serious problems.



To conclude
air pollution comes from the factories in the city. Big cities attract a lot of both inside and outside investments, so the number of factories is increasing quickly. This makes the air extremely polluted by smoke from factories.
that there are too many transportation means also makes this problem worse. Exhaust from cars, motorbike is one of the factors that make the air polluted.
the city is noisy. Noise pollution come from machines, vehicles, industrial factories. It may affect the mind, health and behavior. It may cause physically discomfort and temporary or permanent damage to hearing. It causes headache and irritability. It may cause deafness, stress and high-blood pressure
air pollution, which contributes to making more and more people get many serious diseases, such as lung cancer, tuberculosis and so on, is a big drawback of city life.
There are a lot of disadvantages of living in a big city, air pollution is among the most serious problems.


To conclude
public services such as health service, postal service cost a lot. This is because the development of big cites is faster and faster, these big cities become big economic centers of country.
price of food in big city is also much higher than in other area. Vegetables and fruits, which are really cheap in the villages, cost a lot in the urban area. This makes it difficult for people to consume healthy food.
it is not easy to live in a big city, especially for the poor and workers because they have to pay too much for public services while their salary is too low..
- Learn the new words by heart. ​
- Write a paragraph about the disadvantages/drawbacks of city life.
- Do exercises E1, 2 in workbook (page 15)​
- Prepare for Unit 2: Looking back (New words, grammar)​
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