Getting started
1- Have you ever used the Computer? What programs on the computer do you usually use?
2- Why is computer very important nowaday?
3- Do you know anything about the Hardware and Software ?
4- Besides the computer, Do you know other technology?
Thanks for your replies :)
I will give you a video-clip talked about the computing devices.

1) How many basic devices are there in the computer? What are they?
- A: Three. They are: Hard drive, RAM ( Ramdom access Memory) and CPU (Central Processing Unit) .
2) Which things can we store in the hard drive?
-A: photos, music, documents and softwares.
3) What are the functions of Hard drive, RAM and CPU?
-A: Harddrive: to store the software.
RAM: to make computer faster and easy to access
CPU: to complete tasks and make things work together.
4) What does the speaker want to talk in this video ?
-A: How the computer can work and the main parts of computer.

Quick task
Can you guess what they are?
Miraculous (adj) : Amazing, marvelous, wonderful,..
Appropriate (adj) : suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, person, occasion, etc.
Capable (adj) : having power and ability.
Calculate (v) -> calculating (a) -> calculation (n) -> calculator (n)
Add (+) , subtract (-) , multiply (X) ,devide (:)
Lightning speed (noun phrase) : very fast moving
Accuracy (noun): being true, correct, or exact.
Data (n) : items of information
Memo= memorandum ( singular) -> memos ( plural):a short note designating something to be remembered.
Communicate (v) : to give or interchange thoughts, feelings, information, or the like, by writing, speaking, etc. -> communicator (n) : a machine or a person helps you to transmit.
Interact (v) : to act one upon another.
Task 1
1. Magical

2. Place of scenic beauty

3. Interact


5. Hardware
A. link or act on each other

B. programmes performed by the computer.

C. in a strange or mysterious way.

D. the physical part of the computer system.

E. Places where the scenes are interesting and beatiful.
Task 2
Which of the three options below is the best title for the passage?

The Computer – A new Invention
The Computer has become part of our life.
What can the Computer do?
Task 3
1. What can a computer do to help us in our daily life?
A: We can visit shops, offices and places of scenic beauty, read newspapers and magazines , receice and send letters to anywhere, we can even learn foreign languages
2. Why is a computer a miraculous devide?
A: Because it is capable of doing almost anything you ask it do. It is a calculating machine, an electronic store, a magical typewriter, a personal communicator and You can even use it for entertaining.

Task 1 - The uses of modern inventions.
+ Cell phone
+ Radio
+ TV
+ Fax machine
+ Electric cooker
+ Air conditioner
+ Others…
Task 2 – GAME!!!
Can you give a lot of answers of question?
-Information technology is very useful to our lifes. What does it allow us to do?
Tip: Make a list of the answers as many as you can 
transmit receive make process store send hold design
Task 4 – Work in Group 1

That brings me to the end of my presentation . Thanks for your listening.

Have a nice day! Gook luck ! ^_^

Group 1 – 10 T1
nguon VI OLET