Advantages and disadvantages of intelligent machines
Unit 7: Artificial intelligence
- costly = expensive (adj):
- upgrade (v)
- precisely (adv)= exactly
- error = fault (n)
- defect (n):
- workforce (n)
- malware (n) =malicious-logic software
: đắt
: đúng, chính xác, cẩn thận
: lỗi, sai sót
: khuyết điểm
: nâng cấp
: lực lượng lao động
: virut máy tính
1. Put the following phrases about intelligent robots in the appropriate columns.
2. Complete tasks faster and more
precisely than humans
3. Have fewer errors and defects
6. Reduce the workforce and cost
of production
1.Costly to train the operating staff
and upgrade the computer programs
4. Malfunctions due to computer
system crashes
5. Hackers taking control of
computers and causing damage
2. Combine the sentence halves.
1. d
2. f
3. b
4. a
5. c
6. e
3. Complete the outline. Then write an essay of 220-260 words to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using intelligent robots, using the ideas in 2 and 3.

-advantages: reduce workforce in industries, help doctors to do surgery and do research
-disadvantages: become useless by power failure, attached and taken control of by hackers leading to the misuse of robotic devices
Robots are widely used in the food industry and medicine
They have advantages and disadvantages
Replace humans in stressful and dangerous work
The advantages outweigh the disadvantages
Suggested answer:
A.I. robots are widely used in areas such as the food industry and medicine. Obviously, they bring advantages as well as disadvantages.
The advantages of intelligent robots are countless. Robotic machines can replace the human workforce in industrial assembly lines because they cannot only complete tasks faster than humans, but also make fewer errors. Furthermore, unlike humans, they take no breaks. In modern manufacturing plants, one out of every ten thousand workers is a robot. That is the reason why robots are so widely used in the automobile and electronics factories.
In hospitals, A.I. robots can operate on patients, and help doctors to discover damaged organs in patients. They also help experts to do research on any serious side effects caused by the interactions of different medications on patients that can lead to complications in treatment.
The disadvantages of A.I. are undeniable. Robots and other robotic machines are designed and programmed by humans. Therefore, they can be disabled due to power failure. In such cases, the computer systems will crash and A.I. devices will become useless machines. Another disadvantage is that the computer operating systems could be taken control of by hackers, causing misuse of robotic devices. This could potentially be dangerous to human lives.
In conclusion, robots benefit humanity because the aim of their creation is to replace people in stressful and dangerous jobs, and make their lives better. The advantages of using intelligent robots outweigh the disadvantages. But relying on them completely is dangerous, because so much we can go wrong with them.
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