ACTIVITY 1. Look at the pictures of these students. Where do you think they are? What are they doing?
The international students are in Vietnam. They are learning about Vietnamese culture and getting to know their Vietnamese fellow students.
Unit 7: Further education
Staff (n)
Nhân viên, nhân lực

Coordinator (n)
Điều phối viên
Host (n):
Chủ nhà, người đón tiếp
Ex:you can get ___ when you come to a foreign country.
Culture shock(n):
Cú sốc văn hóa
Be over the moon with :
Rất khoái chí, phấn khởi
Study abroad (n)
Du học
New words
Staff (n): Nhõn viờn, nhõn l?c
Coordinator (n): Di?u ph?i viờn
Host (n): Ch? nh�, ngu?i dún ti?p
Culture shock (n):cỳ s?c van húa
Be over the moon with: khoỏi chớ
- Study abroad (n):Du h?c

ACTIVITY 2. Listen to an international student studying in Viet Nam. He is talking about his experience of pursuing higher education abroad. Take notes about each point below.

ACTIVITY 2. Listen to an international student studying in Viet Nam. He is talking about his experience of pursuing higher education abroad. Take notes about each point below.

Vietnamese history and economic development
Very friendly and helpful
Very organised , knowledgeable and thorough, available for emergencies:

Eat breakfast and dinner with host family, and lunch with Vietnamese fellow students: food - healthy and delicious; has his favourite dishes

Lives with a host family, has his own room, comfortable and clean, has Internet

ACTIVITY 3. Listen again and decide if the following statements are true (T), false (F), or not given (NG). Tick the correct boxes.

ACTIVITY 3. Listen again and decide if the following statements are true (T), false (F), or not given (NG). Tick the correct boxes.

a friend`s
Work in pair. Discuss how you should prepare for studying abroad.
Study abroad
Apply for a Passport and Visa
Research Your Destination`s Local Customs, Culture, and People
Research about your new home
Refresh Your Language Skills
Pack or buy weather-appropriate clothes
Good morning everyone. My name is David. I come from Canada and I have been doing an undergraduate course in Viet Nam for two years. Today I`d like to share with you my study-abroad experience.
Well, my experience in Viet Nam has been great so far. My classes take place at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Hanoi.
I`m taking courses in Vietnamese history and economic development. The faculty staff are very friendly and helpful, and the programme coordinator is very organized, knowledgeable and thorough. He is always available for any emergencies, making sure that I have everything I need.
I live with a host family and have my own room, which is comfortable and clean, and has Internet.
When I first arrived, I was completely over the moon with everything, but then I realize that I was experiencing a culture shock. Luckily, I had the support of my host family. Since I came, I`ve been included in all family gatherings and outings. I also took an intensive Vietnamese language course and at the end of the first year, I was able to freely communicate with my host family in Vietnamese. This also helped me integrate with the local culture. Viet Nam is quite a safe country although the roads are a bit dangerous. I was really worried when I used a friend`s motorbike to get around the city.
Things are not expensive here so I can easily live on a student`s budget. I usually eat breakfast and dinner with my host family, and lunch with my Vietnamese fellow students. Vietnamese food is very healthy and delicious, and I have my favourite dishes. I`ll miss my host mum`s cooking very much when I go back home!
I think this programme of study has been worthwhile. I`ll return home as a much stronger, confident and culturally sensitive person.

- Learn by heart the vocabulary
- Practice the tasks again
- Prepare for the next lesson - writing
nguon VI OLET