Welcome to our class
1. Look at the flags of some countries. Give the names of the countries.
The U.K
(The United Kingdom)
United States of America

Period 60 Unit 7 : TRAFFIC
Lesson 4: Communication

I. New words:
1. illegal (adj) [ɪˈliːɡəl]: bất hợp pháp
2. reverse (v)  [rɪˈvɜːs]: đảo ngược, quay đầu

+ to reverse a car : Lùi xe
3. right-handed (adj): thuận tay phải
4. allow (v) [əˈlaʊ]: cho phép
Wednesday, January 20th, 2021

= (to) turn back (v):
5. laws: /loː/
Pháp luật
6. roof: ruːf/
mái nhà
2. Why do these countries drive on the left? Listen to the text then write your answers below
Reasons why this happened :
1. Some countries used the same system as UK
2. Many people are right- handed
1. Look at the flags of some countries. Give the names of the countries.
Wednesday, January 20th, 2021

Period 60 Unit 7 : TRAFFIC
Lesson 4: Communication

(so on the left-hand side, it is easier for them to use a sword or something when they are on horseback -in the past)
In fact, this practice of England and some other countries also has its historical cause. From the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, when England and a few other countries did not have cars and bicycles, people traveled by horse, or on foot. Knights and wealthy nobles often wear swords with them on the road. Normally, people are right-handed, so the sword is worn on the left side of the body so that when needed, they can immediately draw the sword. When being attacked by the enemy from the front, the left side of the road will be more convenient to block and attack the enemy. Imagine, if a right-handed person attacks from the front, the attack will be aimed at the left side of the attacker, so one has to dodge to the right to avoid the attack. For that reason, people have been walking on the left side of the road in England and some countries for hundreds of years.
Why do these countries drive on the left?
3. Look at the strange driving laws below. Five of them are true, but one is false. In pairs, can you find the false driving law?
4. Discuss the laws and put them in order from the strangest to the least strangest.
Are there strange rules in Viet Nam?
Learn by heart new words.
Do Exercise C1, 2,3 – P6 in Workbook.
Prepare Skill 1 for next period.
Good Bye!
Happy day!
Thank you for your attention !
Thank you for your attention !
nguon VI OLET