Mini game for all of you
1. Where is it ?

-> Bao Loc city

Which of the following words is about the world
“Dân số”?
A. Populated
B. Populate
C. Populated area
D. Population
Look at the word and choose the correct answer
A. ˌpɑːpjuˈleɪʃn
B. pɑːbjulei’sion
C. pơ:’piuleɪʃn

How many populations in VietNam(2019)?
A. More than 95 milion
B. More than 96 million
C. More than 97 milion
D. More than 98 milion
The population of Bảo Lộc, Viet Nam is 151915
In the future, the population in Bao Loc city will increase
The main reason is that don’t have family planning.
Great disparity in birth and death rates(Sự chênh lệch lớn về tỷ lệ sinh tử)
Demand for production forces (Nhu cầu về lực lượng sản xuất)
( quan niệm lạc hậu)
Backward concept
Male and female disdain
want to have a son ...
Tư tưởng trọng nam khinh nữ,
Muốn sinh con trai…
nguon VI OLET