Welcome to Thailand
Bangkok is the capital of Thailand . It is know as the land of golden Temple because the temple appears everywhere in Thailand
Thailand is also a neighbour of Vietnan. The area of this country is 513,000km² and is the world’s 50th largest country
In Thai , the offical language is thai . The population is about70,000,000 people
Thailand is famous of abudant cuisine . Thai food is loved by many people in the world and mixed with 5 basic flavour : sweet , spicy , sour , bitter , salty
Thai people are Buddhist . The culture of Thailand is influnced by the cultures of India , China , Cambodia
The famous custom of Thailand is the bow . This gesture is used when meeting , breaking up . They bowed by folding their hands together and lowering their heads
Thailand most imporant festival is the Thai New year . Also know as Songkran . It‘s often held on April 13th
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