Unit 9: Festivals around the world
Lesson 4: Communication
a. What animal is it?

b. Why is it a special animal in some countries?

c. Do you know any festivals where it is important?

Look at the picture and discuss
the following questions with a partner
Thanksgiving : Lễ tạ ơn
cranberry [`krænbəri] (n): quả nam việt quất
gravy /’greivi/: nước sốt
a turkey [`tə:ki] : con gà tây
feast [fi:st] (n): bữa tiệc, yến tiệc
stuffing [`stʌfiη](n) : hỗn hợp để nhồi vào gà
fortunate [`fɔ:t∫nit] (a) : may mắn
(to) gather : tụ họp
an adult / adult / : người lớn, người trưởng thành
a. What animal is it?

b. Why is it a special animal in some countries?

c. Do you know any festivals where it is important?

A turkey
It’s one of traditional foods of an important festival
2. Now listen and check your answers.
3. Listen again and write True (T) or False (F) for the following sentences.
Thanksgiving is a seasonal festival only held in the USA.

It is held on the third Thursday of November.

Families and friends gather to have a feast.

In many countries, only adults prepare the feast.

Cornbread is one of the traditional dishes.

After the feast, people always stay at home to play board games.

People help those less fortunate at Thanksgiving.
It’s also held in Canada
Children also take part in food preparation.
Some people like to go for a walk or take naps.


on the fourth Thursday of November

on the second Monday of October
Thank God for successful harvests
Go for a walk, take naps, play board or card games, help those less fortunate, …
turkey, stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes, cornbread, cranberry sauce,…
Hoi Mua – Phu Yen, Activity 4, Communication, p.31
People of ethnic minorities in Phu Yen celebrate Hoi Mua Festival every Mach. It is held to thank the Rice God for the crop, and to pray for better crops in the future. Families also worship ancestors and parents on this occasion. Villagers voluntarily contribute money and other things to celebrate the festival.
In this festival monks are invited to preach. People play drums, sing songs and dance. They also drink rice wine through a long thin bamboo tube. There are some other activities such as cultural shows, buffalo races, and traditional games. The festive atmosphere is felt around all the villages.
*Answer the questions:
1. Where is HOI MUA held?
2. When is it held?
3. Why do they celebrate this festival?
4. What do they often do in this festival?
5. What do they drink?
In Phu Yen.
In March.
Thank the Rice God for the crop, and pray for better crop in the future.
They often play drum, sing songs and dance. They also take part in other activities such as cultural shows and traditional games.
They drink rice wine through a long thin bamboo tube.
Phu Yen
In March
Thank the Rice God for the crop, and to pray for better crop in the future
They play drum, sing songs and dance. They also take part in other activities such as cultural shows and traditional games.
They drink rice wine through a long thin bamboo tube.
4 Work in pairs. Imagine that one of you is from the USA and the other from Phu Yen,
Viet Nam. Ask and answer questions about Thanksgiving and Hoi Mua, a harvest
festival in Phu Yen. Use the information in this lesson and on page 35.
A: Where did you take this photo ?
B: I took it in Hoi Mua festival in my village.
A: Yes. It’s Thanksgiving.
B: In March.
A: on the fourth Thursday of November in the
USA and on the second Monday of October
in Canada.
B: …
Do you have a harvest festival in your country ?
When do you celebrate Hoi Mua festival ?
What about Thanksgiving ?
4. Work in pairs. Imagine that one of you is from the USA and the other from Phu Yen, Viet Nam. Ask and answer about Thanksgiving and Hoi Mua, a harvest festival in Phu Yen.
A: This photo is so beautiful.
Where did you take it?
B: I took it in Hoi Mua festival in my village.
Do you have a harvest festival in your country?
A: Sure It’s Thanksgiving.
When do you celebrate Hoi Mua festival?
B: In March. What about Thanksgiving?

Hoi Mua – Phu Yen
People of ethnic minorities in Phu Yen celebrate
Hoi Mua Festival every March. It is held to thank
the Rice God for the crop, and to pray for better
crops in the future. Families also worship their
ancestors and parents on this occasion. Villagers
voluntarily contribute money and other things to
celebrate the festival.
In this festival, monks are invited to preach. People
play drums. Sing songs and dance. They also drink
rice wine through a long thin bamboo tube. There
are some other activities such as cultural shows,
buffalo races, and traditional games. The festival
atmosphere is felt around all the village.
nguon VI OLET