Natural disasters
Forest fire
Volcanic eruption
Unit 9: Natural disasters
Period 69: A closer look 1
Unit 9: Natural disasters
Period 69: A closer look 1
rage - raged (v):
strike – struck (v):
bury – buried (v):
collapse - collapsed (v):
shake - shook (v):

diễn ra khốc liệt
đổ bộ, đánh, đập
chôn, vùi
Rung, lắc
Sụp đổ
- evacuate (v): di tản
Forest fire raged for 3 days
- scatter (v): thổi bay
Firefighter managed to put out the fire
- put out (v): dập tắt
- shelter (n):
chỗ ở, chỗ trú
rage - raged (v):
strike – struck (v):
bury – buried (v):
collapse - collapsed (v):
shake - shook (v):

- evacuate (v):
- scatter (v):
- put out (v):
rage - raged (v):
strike – struck (v):
bury – buried (v):
collapse - collapsed (v):
shake - shook (v):

diễn ra khốc liệt
đổ bộ, đánh, đập
chôn, vùi
Rung, lắc
Sụp đổ
- evacuate (v): di tản
- scatter (v): thổi bay
- put out (v): dập tắt
- shelter (n):
chỗ ở, chỗ trú
Yesterday a terrible storm…………………….the rural area of Ha Giang Province.
Villagers rushed into public shelters as soon as the volcano…………………
Hundreds of buildings were completely destroyed when the earthquake………………….the city.
The mudslide…………………the whole village while people were still sleeping in their houses.
The forest fire……………………for eight hours and some animals were badly injured or killed.
We managed to run out of the house into the street before the walls……………………
Ex1: Fill, listen then check.
Ex2. Match, listen, check and repeat
Ex3. Complete.
1. The rescue workers set up a camp to………………………….for the flood victims.
2. On the second day, there was a rainstorm which helped to………………………………………….
3. When the storm started,they………………….in a cave.
4. As the tornado moved through the town, high winds…………….…………..across the streets.
5. The police had to…………....………… public, shelters before the volcano started to erupt
provide aid
put out the forest fire
took shelter
scattered debris
evacuate the village
II. Pronunciation
Stress in words ending in –logy and -graphy
II. Pronunciation
Stress in words ending in –logy and -graphy
Ex5. Listen and mark the stress on the correct syllable in the words below. Pay attention to –logy and -graphy
Ex5. Listen and mark the stress on the correct syllable in the words below. Pay attention to –logy and -graphy
Ex 6. Read the following sentences and mark(‘) the stresses syllable in the underlined words. Then listen and repeat the sentences
1. We are studying the geography of Asia
2.I had a biology lesson this afternoon.
3.They share a common interest in photography.
4. A biography is a book that tells the story of someone’s life, written by someone else.
5.Zoology is the scientific study of animals and their behaviour.
Ex 6. Read the following sentences and mark(‘) the stresses syllable in the underlined words. Then listen and repeat the sentences
1. We are studying the ge’ography of Asia
2.I had a bi’ology lesson this afternoon.
3.They share a common interest in pho’tography.
4. A bi’ography is a book that tells the story of someone’s life, written by someone else.
5.Zo’ology is the scientific study of animals and their behaviour.
Learn new words by heart
Do A1, A2 (WB)
Thank you for your attendance !
Good bye !
nguon VI OLET