Articles and nouns

Part 1 - Countable and uncountable nouns :

Uncountable nouns :
Rice – sand – music – money – luck – electricity – water – blood – juice – shopping – work – noise – hair – room – experience – time – coffee – tea – beer – accommodation – advice – baggage – behavior – bread – chaos – damage – furniture – information – luggage – news – permission – scenery – traffic – progress – weather .

Notes :
Did you hear a noise just now ? ( = a particular noise )
I can’t work here . There is too much noise ( not “too many noises” )
I bought a paper to read ( = a newspaper )
I need some paper to write on ( = material of writing on )
There is a hair in my soup ! ( = one single hair )
You’ve got very long hair ( not “hairs” ; = all the hair on your head )
You can stay with us . There is a spare room . ( = a room in a house )
You can’t sit here . There isn’t room . ( = space )
I had some interesting experiences while I was away . ( = things that happened to me )
They offered me the job because I had a lot of experience ( not “experiences” )
Enjoy your holiday . Have a good time !
I can’t wait . I haven’t got time .

Part 2 - Articles :

1 ) We use “THE” when :
There is only one of something : the sun ; the earth ; the capital
We say : the sky ; the sea ; the ground ; the country ; the environment
We use “the” before “same”
We say : go to the cinema ; theatre ; concert
We usually “the radio” but “television”
We don’t use ‘the’ before the names of meals “breakfast ; lunch ; dinner”
We don’t use ‘the’ before ‘NOUN + NUMBER’ : platform 9 ; room 6

2 ) With the words like “school ; prison ; hospital ; university ; church” when you use ‘the’ , they have different meanings .
We hardly ever use ‘the’ after ‘bed ; work; home’ : go to work ; be in bed ; be at work ; start work ; finish work ; go home ; come home ; arrive home ; be at home
We say ‘go to sea ; be at sea’ when the meaning ‘go / be on a voyage’

3 ) The children / children ; people / the people

4 ) We have ‘Play + the + kinds of instruments of music’ , Ex : play the piano

5 ) THE + ADJECTIVE = groups of people : young ; rich ; sick ; old ; poor ; disabled ; elderly ; unemployed; injured ; homeless ; dead

6 ) THE + NATIONALITY = the people of that country : the French ; the Dutch

7 ) We don’t use ‘the’ with : names of people / places ( continents ; countries ; states ; regions ; islands ; cities ; towns ; mountains

8 ) We use ‘the’ with the names of oceans ; seas ; rivers and canals : the Atlantic (ocean) ; the Indian ocean ; the ( river ) Amazon ; the Mediterranean ( sea ) ; the Channel ( between France and Britain ) ; The ( River ) Thames ; The Nile ; The Red Sea ; The Suez Canal ; the Rhine .

9 ) We use ‘the’ with Plural names of people and places :
- People : The Taylors (= the Taylor family )
-Countries : the Netherlands ; the Philippines ; the United States
-Groups of islands : the Canaries/ the Canary Islands ; the Bahamas ; the British Isles
-Mountain ranges : the Rocky Mountains / the Rockies ; the Andes ; the Alps

10 ) The + DIRECTIONS : the east / south / west / north

Part 3 - Singular and plural :

1 ) Sometimes we use a Plural noun for one thing that has two parts .
For example : trousers ; jeans ; tights ; shorts ; pants ; pyjamas ; glasses ; spectacles ; binoculars ; scissors + V ( không chia )

2 ) Some nouns end in “- ICS” but are Not usually plural :
athletics ; gymnastics ; mathematics ( or maths ) ; physics ; electronics ; economics ; politics ; news + V (singular)

3 ) Some words ending in “- s” can be singular or plural : means ; series ; species
4 ) Some singular nouns are often used with a plural verbs : government ; staff ; team ; family ; audience ; committee ; company ; firm ; police + V ( plural )

- ’s ( the girl’s name ) and of ….( the name of the book )

Neither / either / not only + A nor / or / but also + B + V b
A + along with / together with / with / like / besides / including / accompanied by + B + V
nguon VI OLET