Cụm động từ tiếng Anh
Ví dụ


Account for:
- form the total of st

- to explain

- chiếm bao nhiêu %/tổng
- giải thích

- The Japanese market accounts for 35% of the company’s revenue.
- The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd.

Exercise 1:
1. Recent pressure at work may ______ his strange behavior.
A. look for B. account for C. ask for D. come in for
2. High-tech companies ______ 32% of the total value of the payrolls in the area.
A. go in for B. ask for C. look for D. account for


Act as st:
- do a particular job

- have a particular effect

- làm một công việc cụ thể
- có tác dụng/vai trò nhất định

- He was asked to act as an adviser on the project.
- The launch of the new investment trust will act as a support for this market.

Act for sb/st = on behalf of sb/st
- đại diện cho ai/ cái gì
- The Council of Mortgage Lenders claims to act for 98% of lenders.

Act on/upon st = do st following (advice/ instructions, ect.)
- làm việc gì theo chỉ dẫn/lời khuyên của ai đó
- The Board of Directors will act on the findings in the report.

Act up:
- behave badly/ wrongly

- not perform as well as it should

- cư xử tệ, phá đám

- không hoạt động tốt

- Sophie got bored and started acting up.
- My car always acts up in cold weather.

Act out = behave badly because of unhappiness
Act st out
- role-play

- express one’s negative feelings
- quấy, nhiễu

- đóng kịch

- bộc lộ cảm xúc (thường là tiêu cực)
- These kids act out because their lives are a mess.

- Jennifer did a superb job acting out the role of Auntie Marne in the play.
- I got tired of Mark constantly acting his anger out on me, so I ended our relationship.

Exercise 2:
3. My son is always so happy at home, so I can’t understand why he’s suddenly ______ at school.
A. acting out B. acted on C. acting as D. acted for
4. Abraham was able to act ______ interpreter and interlocutor for our group.
A. out B. up C. for D. as
5. “Don’t act your aggressions ______ on me!”, she cried.
A. upon B. out C. for D. up
6. Some people say that capital punishment ______ a deterrent.
A. acts for B. has acted on C. acts as D. is acting out
7. She was authorized by the Commission to act ______ its behalf.
A. out B. on C. for D. as
8. There are few exceptions to the rule that a solicitor may not act ______ both seller and buyer.
A. out B. on C. for D. as
9. There have been concerns as to why the Board didn’t act ______ a recommended pay raise.
A. out B. on C. for D. as
10. Children’s negative feelings often get ______ in bad behavior.
A. acted out B. act upon C. acting up D. acted as
11. The children were acting ______ the story of the birth of Jesus.
A. out B. on C. for D. as


Agree on/upon st:
- discuss and come to the same decision about st
- have the same opinion

- đồng ý sau khi thảo luận
- có cùng ý kiến với người khác

- We couldn’t agree on what to buy.
- My father and I don’t agree on very much.

Agree to st = accept st
- chấp nhận điều gì đó
- I should never have agreed to her appointment.

Agree with st = think that something is morally acceptable
Agree with sb = be good for health
- tán thành cái gì (xét về góc độ đạo đức)
- có lợi cho sức khỏe của
- I
nguon VI OLET