I. Cách sử dụng đại từ quan hệ và trạng từ quan hệ (Unit 09)

  1. Đại t quan h: who, whom, whose, which, that.
  • Who: được dùng để thay thế cho danh t ch người và làm ch ng cho động t trong mnh đề quan h  (…… N + who + V)

The man who is standing over there is my father.

      N        who          V

  • Whom: được dùng thay thế cho mt danh t ch người và làm tân ng cho động t trong mnh đề quan h.  (……N + whom + S + V)

The man whom you met yesterday is my brother.

      N       whom    S     V

  • Whose: là đại t quan h s hu, thay thế cho danh t ch người hoc danh t ch vt (thay cho: his, her, its, their, Tom’s)

The house whose windows are broken is mine.

        N              whose          N           V1       V2

             + Riêng danh từ chỉ vật có thể thay thế bằng the + N + of which

  Example: The house the window of which are broken is mine

  • Which: được dùng làm chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ thay thế cho danh từ chỉ đồ vật, con vật hoặc sự việc.

Example: This is the book which I like best.

  • That: được dùng thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người hoặc chỉ vật, hoặc chủ ngữ gồm cả người và vật, sau những đại từ không xác định, hoặc sau dạng so sánh nhất…

Example: - That is the bicycle that/ which belongs to Tom.

       - The architect who/ that designed this building is very famous.

  1. Trạng từ quan hệ: why, where, when.
  • Why:  mở đầu cho một mệnh đề quan hệ để chỉ nguyên nhân, lí do.(có thể thay thế bằng That)

I don’t know the reason why/ that you didn’t go to school yesterday.

  • Where (=on, in, at which) mở đầu cho một mệnh đề quan hệ chỉ địa điểm nơi chốn.

The hotel where we stayed wasn’t very clean.

= The hotel in which we stayed wasn’t very clean.

  • When (=on/ in/ at which) mở đầu cho mệnh đề quan hệ chỉ thời gian. (có thể thay  thế bằng That)

  I will never forget the day when/ that I first met my husband

II. Vị trí của giới từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ (Unit 10)

  • Trong mệnh đề quan hệ, khi đại từ quan hệ làm tân ngữ cho giới từ thì thường được đặt ở 2 vị trí: trước đại từ quan hệ WHOM, WHICH hoặc sau động từ.
  • Trong lối văn phong trang trọng, giới từ được đứng trước đaị từ quan hệ WHOM, WHICH

The man to whom my mother is talking is my form teacher.

  • Trong lối nói thân mật, giới từ thường đứng sau động từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ

The man whom my mother is talking to is my form teacher.

  • Chú ý:  * không dùng giới từ với THAT hoặc WHO

* Với cụm động từ (phrasal verb) thì giới từ không được dùng trước WHOM và WHICH

  * giới từ WITHOUT không được dùng ở vị trí sau động từ

  The woman without whom I can’t live is Jane.

III. Các loại mệnh đề quan hệ

  1. Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định (Defining Relative Clause): là mệnh đề được dùng để xác định danh từ đứng trước nó. Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định là mệnh đề cần thiết cho ý nghĩa của câu, không có nó câu sẽ không đủ nghĩa.

The  man who robbed you has been arrested.

  • trong mệnh đề quan hệ xác định có thể bỏ các đại từ quan hệ làm tân ngữ: whom, which, that và các trạng từ quan hệ trong lối văn thân mật

The book you lent me was very interesting.

    Người soạn: Vũ Thanh Tùng                                          Trường THPT Lục Ngạn số 4


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Do you remember the day we met each other?

  1.  Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định (Non – defining relative clause): là mệnh đề cung cấp thêm

thông tin về một người, một vật hoặc một sự việc đã được xác định. Đây là mệnh đề không nhất thiết phải có trong câu, không có nó câu vẫn đủ nghĩa. Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định được tách khỏi mệnh đề chính bởi dấu phẩy hoặc dấu gạch ngang.

 That man, who lives in the next flat, looks very lonely.

 The book “Jane Eyre”, which I was reading, is really good.

  • Không dùng đại từ quan hệ THAT trong mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định
  • Những từ đứng trước mệnh đề quan hệ thường: Tên riêng, tính từ sở hữu, This, That, These, Those...


  • Không thể bỏ các đại từ quan hệ làm tân ngữ WHOM, WHICH và các trạng từ WHERE, WHEN, WHY trong mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định
  • Trong mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định WHICH có thể được dùng để thay thế cho cả mệnh đề đứng trước nó
  • Trong mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định, các cụm từ chỉ số lượng: all of/ most of/ neither of/ many of… có thể được dùng với WHOM, WHICH và WHOSE

Mary has three brothers, all of whom are married.

IV. Dạng rút gọn của mệnh đề quan hệ (Unit 11 + 12)

  1. Cụm phân từ

a)      Hiện tại phân từ (V_ing ): được dùng khi động từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ chia ở các thì hiện tại đơn, hiện tại tiếp diễn, quá khứ đơn, quá khứ tiếp diễn, hoặc khi động từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ diễn tả mong muốn, hi vọng, mong đợi..

That man, who is sitting next to Mary, is my uncle.

That man, sitting next to Mary, is my uncle

b)     Quá khứ phân từ (VPP): quá khứ phân từ đựơc ng khi động từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ ở dạng bị động.

The boy who was injured in the accident was taken to the hospital.

The boy injured in the accident was taken to the hospital.

  1. Động từ nguyên mẫu (To infinitive): được dùng sau The first, the second,…, the last, the only, động từ khuyết thiếu, hoặc sau cấp so sánh cao nhất.

The captain was the last person who left the ship.

The captain was the last person to leave the ship.

Here is a form that you must fill in.

Here is a form for you to fill in.

* khi đại từ quan hệ who(m), which, that đứng làm tân ngữ hoặc bổ ngữ thì ta có thể lựơc bỏ đại từ quan hệ

  The man who(m) you met yesterday is my friend.

  The man you met yesterday is my friend.

V. Câu nhấn mạnh (Cleft sentences) (Unit 13)

1. Câu nhấn mạnh chủ ngữ (subject focus)

   It is/ was + S + that/ who + V…: Chính ai đó làm gì….

   The boy visited his uncle last month.

   It was the boy that/ who visited his uncle last month

2. Câu nhấn mạnh tân ngữ (Object focus)

   It is/ was + O + That/ Who + S + V

   The boy is learning English.

   It is English that the boy is learning

  1. Câu nhấn mạnh trạng từ (Adverbial focus)

It is/ was + Adv. of place/ time + that + S + V + (O)

She bought him a present at the shop

   It was at the shop that she bought him a present

  1. Câu nhấn mạnh bị động

It is/ was + O + that + is/ are/ was/ were + Vpp

    Người soạn: Vũ Thanh Tùng                                          Trường THPT Lục Ngạn số 4


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People talked a lot about his house.

   It was his house that was talked a lot about

VI. Liên từ cặp đôi (Conjunctions) (Unit 14)

Both …and: vừa…vừa, cả…và

Not only…but also: không những…mà còn

Either…or: hoặc cái này, hoặc cái kia

Neither… nor: không cái này cũng không cái kia

  • Both + N + and + N + V (plural): Both Mary and Tom are students.
  • S + V + both + N + and + N: She plays both tennis and badminton
  • S + both + V + and + V: He both sings and dances.
  • S + be + both + adj + and + adj: She is both beautiful and intelligent.
  • S + V + both + Adv. phrase + and + Adv. phrase: We go to school both in the morning and in the afternoon
  • Cách dùng Not only…but also, either …or, neither…nor tương tự như both and tuy nhiên trong các cấu trúc này động từ chia phù hợp với chủ ngữ thứ 2 (đứng gần động từ nhất), còn Both …and động từ luôn chia ở dạng số nhiều

VII. Cách sử dụng: Could/ be able to & Tag questions (Unit 15)

1. Could/ be able to.

a/ At present: Can/ is, are, am able to.

§­îc dïng nh­ nhau. Trong v¨n nãi ta hay dïng “can” h¬n.

 ex: Can you play the video?

b/ At past: Could/ was/ were able to.



Was/ were able to

DiÔn t¶ mét kh¶ n¨ng mét ai ®ã cã thÓ lµm ®­îc trong qu¸ khø.

Ex: My child could say some simple words when she was 12 months old.

DiÔn t¶ mét hµnh ®éng mét ng­êi nµo ®ã ph¶i xoay xë, ph¶i cè g¾ng hÕt søc ®Ó lµm ®­îc trong mét hoµn c¶nh cô thÓ.

Ex: We were able to find some useful books in the big library.

2. Tag questions.

Ví dụ: 1. It looks beautiful, doesn’t it?

2. It isn’t red, is it?

3. She must work very hard, mustn’t she?

 Cách sử dụng:

  + Nếu phần đầu câu hỏi là thể mang ý khẳng định thì phần đuôi câu hỏi là thể mang ý phủ định, và ngược lại.

  + Chủ ngữ của phần đầu câu hỏi và phần cuối câu hỏi phải giống nhau.

  + Nếu phần đầu câu hỏi là động từ thường thì phần cuối câu hỏi phải mượn trợ động từ (do/ does/ did). Nếu phần đầu câu hỏi là động từ “to be/ must/ can/ will…” thì phần cuối cũng là động từ “to be/ must/ can/ will…”.


VII. Câu bị động (Passive voice): THAT Clause (Unit 16)

S1 + V1 + that + S2 + V2 → It + be + V1pp + that + S2 + V2 (1)\

        → S2 + be + V1pp + to V2 (2a)

        → S2 + be + V1pp + to have + V2pp (2b)

  • Chú ý: V1 thường là: agree, hope, believe, consider, feel, know, think, say, understand, find, expect…
  • Be chia theo thì của V1

    Người soạn: Vũ Thanh Tùng                                          Trường THPT Lục Ngạn số 4


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  • Khi V2 xảy ra đồng thời hoặc xảy ra sau V1 thì ta dùng cấu trúc 2a
  • Khi V2 xảy ra trước V1 ta dùng cấu trúc 2b

They say that many people are homeless after the flood.

It is said that many people are homeless after the flood.

Many people are said to be homeless after the flood.


I. Lựa chọn đáp án đúng nhất

1. It was the boy ______ broke the window.

A. which   B. who    C. whom   D. whose

2. The new camera ______ I bought on the internet last week is broken.

A. whom   B. which   C. for which   D. at which.

3. We met Mary’s father, ________.

 A. who teaches us English    B. whom teaches us English

 C. whose teaches us English    D. that teaches us English.

4. Peter is the one ______ we miss most.

A. who    B. which   C. whose   D. that

5. The teacher _____ is very kind to everyone.

 A. to whom I talked yesterday     B. who I talked yesterday.

 C. to that I talked yesterday     D. that I talked yesterday

6. Has she bought the dress--------------------------?

A. that she is fond in           B. which she is fond of       C. who she wants to give to        D. which you made of

7. English is the subject which she is good-------------------------.

       A. at  B. of C. about D. in

8. Has she got the job------------------------?

A. which she applied to     B. which she applied about      C. which she applied for        D. which she applied on

9. That is the woman---------------------------.

       A. who daughter I fall in love to  B. whose daughter I fall in love for

       C. whose daughter I fall in love with D. to whose daughter I fall in love

10. The restaurant----------------------------overlooks a beautiful lake.

   A. we often go to which       B. which we often go to        C. where we often go there    D. which

11. The trees------------------our village are bamboo ones.

     A. to surround B. surrounding C. surrounded D. surround

12. The people------------------in the accidents have been taken to Bach Mai hospital.

     A. injured B. injuring C. to injure D. injure

13. The pictures------------------by Picasso are expensive.

     A. painting B. to be painting C. painted D. to paint

14. I like living in a house--------------------the sea.

     A. overlooked B. overlooking C. overlooks D. looks to

15. There are a lot of problems--------------------immediately.

     A. to be solved B. to solve C. that solve D. solve

16. I am the last one--------------------of the news.

     A. informing B. to inform C. to be informed D. inform


17. Tom was the last--------------------the classroom yesterday.

     A. to leave B. leaving C. left D. leaves.

    Người soạn: Vũ Thanh Tùng                                          Trường THPT Lục Ngạn số 4


                                                                                               ĐÊ CƯƠNG ÔN THI HK II

18. A--------------------------is someone who sells meat.

         A. baker B. butcher C. chemist D. shopkeeper

19. A person who sells flowers is called a-------------------------.

A. florist B. farmer C. vegetarian D. biologist

20. We call a man who delivers mails a-------------------------.

A. newsman B. mailbox C. mailman D. officer

21. We’d like to buy the house------------------------overlooks West Lake.

A. who B. whose C. where D. which

22. The woman,-------------------------daughter Jack loves, is very kind.

A. whose B. who C. whom D. which

23. The letter--------------------------she received this morning is from the USA.

            A. who B. whose C. whom D. which

24. I don’t know girl-------------------------is wearing a long blue dress.

            A. whom B. whose C. which D. who

25. The police are asking the man-------------------------car has been stolen.

            A. whom B. whose C. which D. that

26. The man--------------------------she respects is her teacher.

            A. whom B. whose C. which D. who

27. Our house,---------------------------was destroyed in the storm, is now being rebuilt.

            A. whom B. whose C. which D. who

28. I like the car---------------------.

A. which imported from Japan B. he is driving     C. which have air conditioner       D. which he is driving it

29. The ring---------------------is made of gold and diamond.

     A. she is wearing it B. he gave it to her C. she is wearing D. Linda like

30. The job----------------is very dangerous.

A. he applied              B. for it he applied            C. he applied for it                    D. which the coal miners does

31. The man------------------must be intelligent and handsome.

     A. whom loves her B. who loving her C. she is loving D. she loves

32. Literature is the subject---------------------.

    A. I am good in B. I am terrifying of C. I am bored at D. I am bad at

II. Viết lại các câu sau- sử dụng các gợi ý được gạch chân hoặc trong ngoặc đơn.

  1. He was the first man who left the burning building.
  2. You are the last person who saw her alive.
  3. My brother was the only one who realized the danger.
  4. The pilot was the only man who survived the crash.
  5. The city suffers from air pollution. The city suffers from water pollution. (both…and)
  6. He is interested in gardening. He is interested in collecting stamps. (not only…but also)
  7. The library doesn’t have the book I need. The bookstore doesn’t have the book I need. (neither…nor)
  8. We can fix dinner for them or we can take them to the restaurant. (either or)
  9. Solar energy is free. Solar energy is inexhaustible. (both…and)

III. Viết lại các câu sau

1        The hotel wasn’t clean. And it wasn’t comfortable.

The hotel was ...................................................

2        It was a very boring film. It was very long too.

The film .......................................................

3        Is that man’s name Richard? Or is it Robert? It’s one of the two.

That man’s name .................................................

4        I haven’t got the time to go on holiday. And I haven’t got the money.

I’ve got .......................................................

5        We can leave today or we can leave tomorrow - whichever you prefer.

We ..........................................................

6. People say that he has 22 children.

    Người soạn: Vũ Thanh Tùng                                          Trường THPT Lục Ngạn số 4


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  1. People say that he sleeps on a bed of nails.

        He ..........................................................

  1. People say that he won a lot of money gambling.

        He ..........................................................


  1. Câu nhấn: CLEFT SENTENCES (SUBJECT/ OBJECT/ADVERD) (Viết lại câu)
    1. The boy visited his uncle last month. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2. I and she sang together at the party.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3. Nam’s father got angry with him. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    4. The boys  played football all day long. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    5. The girl received a letter from her friend yesterday. -------------------------------------------------------------------
    6. His presence at the meeting frightened the children. ------------------------------------------------------------------
    7. My mother bought me a present on my birthday party. ---------------------------------------------------------------
    8. The neighbor told them about it. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    9. My friend came to see me late last night. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    10.            That boy scored the goal for his team. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    11.            The dog grabbed at the piece of meat and ran away. -------------------------------------------------------------
    12.            The strong wind blew the roof off. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    13.            The police arrested the man at the railway station. ---------------------------------------------------------------
    14.            The man is learning English. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    15.            The woman gave him the English book. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    16.            She sent her friend a post card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    17.            Hoa borrowed some English books from Long. ------------------------------------------------------------------
    18.            The little boy greeted his grand father in a strange language.


  1.            The pedestrian asked the policeman a lot of questions. ---------------------------------------------------------
  2.            The dog barked at the stranger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


V. Bài tập về câu hỏi đuôi (tag questions)

1. Today is Monday,.................?
2. The children have many computer games to play, .........................?
3. You had better not go out in the cold weather, .......................?
4. These are your cases here, ........................?
5. Nothing matters, ......................?
6. Let's go out for the meal together one day, ...................?
7. Post this letter for me, ....................?
8. Everyone was impressed by her beauty, ......................?
9. Jsck's enrolled in this course, ...............?
10. There won't be any good news for you, ...............?



Name : …………………………                              MÔN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 CTC

Class : 11                                                  Thời gian : 60 phút ( không kể thời gian phát đề )



I/. Phonetics :                                                                                        

Find out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:

    Người soạn: Vũ Thanh Tùng                                          Trường THPT Lục Ngạn số 4


                                                                                               ĐÊ CƯƠNG ÔN THI HK II

1. A. shopped B. booked  C. missed  D. wanted

2 . A. things  B. paintings  C. posters  D. books

Find out  the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others:

3. A. service  B. offspring  C. pressure  D. biography

4. A. athlete  B. resource  C. discovery  D. ecologist

II/. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence , then make a cross :

5. The little girl ………… I borrowed this pen lives next to my door.

 A. from that B. who C. whose     D. from whom

6. When we entered , they ………… a football match on TV.

 A. are watching           B. were watching          C. has watched         D. had played

7. She didn’t say ………… about her job when I spoke to her.     

A. everything    B. anything        C. something         D. nothing

8.  They thanked me for ………..  them to dinner.

 A. to invite  B. to invite C. inviting  D. invited 

9. Could everybody………… bag has got lost please stay here?

 A. who B. whom C. whose D. which

10. My father wanted me …………. an actor.

 A. to become B. become C. becoming D. became

11. Neither you nor I………….. here yesterday.

 A. am B. are C. was D. were

12. She bought the book …………. she had heard it was good.

A. because    B. although        C. if  D. and  

13. It is the room ………….we usually hold our meetings 

    A. that     B. which     C. where  D. when

14. Nuclear power is cleaner than coal.

A. strength  B. rule  C. might  D. energy

15. You did not read anything about the space,…….?

A. didn’t you  B. did you  C. were you  D. weren’t you

16. My grandfather was a very clever man . He ……………..speak five languages.

A. can   B. is able to  C. could  D. were able to

17. Do you know when the 2006 Asian games took place?

A. happened  B. deepened  C. added  D. struggled

18. What are you interested….doing in your free time?

A. for  B. in   C. over   D. on

19. The Great Pyramid of Giza ranked as ………..tallest structure on earth.

 A. the B. a C. an  D. no article

20. We all regard pollution as a…….matter to human beings.

A. serious  B. seriously  C. seriousness D. seriousful  

21. If you had told me , I ………………..you my car.

 A. will lend B. would lend C. have lent D. would have lent

22. They worked as astronauts,……………?

A. don’t they  B. weren’t they    C. did they D. didn’t they 

23.  My brother never indulges ……………smoking.

    Người soạn: Vũ Thanh Tùng                                          Trường THPT Lục Ngạn số 4


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A.  with B. in C. to D. on

24. I will make every …………to arrive on time.

 A. difficulty B. delay C. effort D. mistake

25. It ………..the children that painted the walls.

 A. is B. was C. are D. were


III/. Circle the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.


26. It was in New Delhi which the first Asian Games took place.

            A                      B            C                               D

27. Not only my father but also my mother are going to the meeting.

        A                         B                C                  D

28. We met a deaf student  whom is very intelligent

              A           B                  C   D

29. You can sea the sea in the distance, don’t you ?

               A         B         C                            D

30. He is said being 108 years old.

       A     B        C               D


IV/. Read the passage and choose the best answer:

When I was in Scotland last year, I visited a special hydroelectric power station. It is inside a mountain. It rains a lot in the mountains of Scotland and there are huge lakes high up. The water falls down through large pipes to a generator in the power station. The energy of the moving water turns the generator and this produces electricity. A big transformer then increases the number of volts over 400.000.The electricity goes through cables to different parts of Scotland, England and Wales.

The inside of the power station was very clean because it doesn’t burn coal or gas. It was also very quiet. I was very surprised. It was just like being in a hospital, really.

I think hydroelectric power stations are much safer than nuclear power stations. They are also better for the earth than coal or gas power stations. Some countries like Sweden and Netherlands have said they aren’t going to build any more nuclear power stations. They are going to try to make clean electricity using water or wind. I think we should do the same and spend more money in building hydroelectric power stations

1. What can be the best title for the passage?       

A. Future of Electricity   B. Electricity from water   

C. Dangers of Nuclear Power   D. Electricity in Scotland

2. We can learn that the word “hydroelectricity” means “using ____________”  

A. the energy of the water to clean the air B. pipes to carry water               

C. water power to produce electricity  D. wind power to produce electricity 

3. Why does the writer say the hydroelectric power station is like a hospital?   

A. It looks like a hospital     B. It is very clean and quiet.   

C. It has beautiful scenery.    D. it uses a generator.

4. What is the passage mainly about?         

A. The advantages of hydroelectric power stations  

B. The future of electric power

    Người soạn: Vũ Thanh Tùng                                          Trường THPT Lục Ngạn số 4


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C. The number of electric power stations   

D. The countries that have nuclear power stations

5. What does “they” in the last paragraph refer to?    

A. Gas power stations     B. Coal power stations       

C. Nuclear power stations        D. Hydroelectric power stations


 B. WRITING : 3ms 

V/.Choose the right word to fill in the blanks : 1m

          house           collection        has          since        the        an          with           and

 Linda lives alone in London, with her wonderful ………collection….. She has been collecting all the Royal mementos ……since ….. 1960 when she saw the wedding of Princess Margaret on TV. The first thing she bought were a disk ……with….. the Queen’s head in ……the.. centre, and a few Coronation mugs to go with it. And now she has a huge range of things : pictures, paintings, ashtrays, hundreds of mugs, tea-pots, tea-clothes, biscuit tins, posters, books flags, toast rack, egg cups, candle sticks and so on. In fact, she ……has…..over four thousands Royal souvenirs.


VI. Rewrite these sentences as directed : 2ms

1. Mai plays the guitar well. ( Tag question )

-> Mai plays the guitar well, doesn’t she ?

2. She can’t play badminton. David can’t play badminton.( neither …nor)

-> Neither she nor David can play badminton .

3. The pedestrian asked the policeman a lot of questions ( cleft sentence – focus subject )

-> It was the pedestrian that/ who asked the policeman a lot of questions .

4. He described his hometown in his novel. ( cleft sentence in the passive )

-> It was his hometown that / which was described in his novel.

5. People suppose that the film is very good . ( change into passive voice )

-> That film is supposed to be very good.






NAME: ..................... CLASS:11A.......MÃ ĐỀ 149                                       TIME:45 MINUTES


Choose   from the four options given (marked  A, B, C and D) one best answer to complete each sentence

1.  Lisa's been able to play the piano since she was six, ____?

 A.  wasn't he B.  hasn't she C.  isn't she D.  has not she

2.   The woman felt proud of her husband. She lived next door.

 A.The woman who living next door felt proud of her husband .   

 B. The woman who lived next door felt proud of her husband .

 C. The woman who lives next door felt proud of her husband .

 D.  The woman lived next door felt proud of her husband . 

3. Everybody congratulated the astronauts ____ their successful trip into space.

 A.  for B.  of C.  in D. on 

4. From the four underlined words or phrases A,B,C, or D, identify the one that is not correct.

  Neither James or his brother has been come to Paris.

    Người soạn: Vũ Thanh Tùng                                          Trường THPT Lục Ngạn số 4


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                    A  B            C          D 

5.  Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

 A.  hoped B. admired C. missed D.  looked 

6. From the four underlined words or phrases A,B,C, or D, identify the one that is not correct.

    This year, that is for the first time, the event is open to all amateur athletes along with the traditional professional.               

  A          B                              C                                      D

7. ____________ I bought the golden fish.

 A. It was from this shop that B. It was this shop which C. It was this shop that D. I was from this shop where             

8. Despite the bad weather, he ____ get to the airport in time. 

 A.  couldn't  B.  can C.  was able to  D.  almost

9. EMS stand for ____.

 A. Express Mail Service B.  Electronic Mail Service C. Economic Mail Service D.  Environment management Service

10.  ____________in 2001 that the World Trade Center was destroyed.

 A. It was  B.  What was C. It is D.  Which was

11. You should not indulge yourself ____________ anything that can form a bad habit.

 A.  on B.  at C.  in D. for 

12. He is very good at ____________ people singing with his guitar.

 A. accompanying  B.  making C. having D. getting 

13. When the sky is blue and the sun is shining, you may say to your friends "_____"

 A. What a beautiful day, is it? B. A beautiful day, is not it?

 C.  It's not a beautiful day.  D.It's a beautiful day, isn't it?   

14. Many rare ____ of animals are in danger of extinction.

 A. species B.  pairs C. beings D. classes 

15.  I left it ____ on the table ____ in the drawer. 

 A.  neither - or B.  either - nor C.  either - either D.  either - or 

16. She is not intelligent, and she is not beautiful

 A. She is either intelligent or beautiful B. She is not only intelligent but also beautiful

 C. She is not intelligent nor beautiful D. She is neither intelligent nor beautiful

17.  "What sports do you like?". "…………………"

 A.  Yes, it is my favorite sport B.  Well, I love volleyball and soccer

 C. No, I don't.  D.  I think it's boring

18.  "How many times a week do you play tennis?"- "………………."

 A.  At the stadium B. At least four times C. Not very well D.  I like it,too  

19.  What are you interested ____ doing in your free time?

 A.  over B. on C.  for D. in 

20.  Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

  A. avid B. admire  C. variety D. while

21. ____ Julia ____ her sister are going to the park. 

 A. Not only-but also B.  Neither-nor C.  Either -nor D.  Both-and 

22. I _____ the film last night because I _____ it several times before.

 A. did not see / had seen B.  have not seen / see  C. do not see / have seen  D. had not seen / saw 

23.  Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

 A.  provides  B.  texts C. helps  D. documents 

24. When the telephone rang , she ………. a letter.

 A.  was written           B.  writes C.  wrote                  D.  was writing     

25. "Hi, sorry, I'm late." "…………………"

 A. That's OK. B. Pleased to meet you. C. Hi, my name's Jim  D. Hi,I'm from Canada 

26. From the four underlined words or phrases A,B,C, or D, identify the one that is not correct.

 She hardly dances beautifully or sings well, doesn't she?

           A        B            C                    D  

27. From the four underlined words or phrases A,B,C, or D, identify the one that is not correct.

 He is the second person be killed in that way.

    Người soạn: Vũ Thanh Tùng                                          Trường THPT Lục Ngạn số 4


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                    A                       B       C      D

28. Which of the following leisure activities do you think British people often do in their spare time? The word "spare" is closest in meaning to "____".

 A.  absent B. free C.  lost    D. empty

29. We have apartment ____ the park.

 A.  overlooked B. overlooking C.  to overlook  D. overlooks 

30. How long ............ waiting for me? Just a few minutes.

 A.  are you          B.  have you been          C.  were you           D. had you been

II. READING (2,5ms)

A- Choose the item among A,B,C or D that best answers the question from 31 to 35about the passage

Millions of people of all ages enjoy a hobby which is both interesting and fun. And every year, more and more people start a stamp collection   (31)……..their own and discover an interest which can last a lifetime. Starting your collection is easy (32)…….stamps can be found everywhere. Holiday postcards from friends, birthday cards from relatives and letters from pen pals can all (33)………you with stamps from all over the world. But once you have started collecting (34)………, you will probably want to join the Stamp Collectors’Club which (35)…….to provide collectors with new Bristish stamps.

31. A. of            B.  for            C. from          D. on

32. A. moreover  B.  because     C. furthermore        D. addition

33. A. export   B.  provide            C. consider    D. take

34. A. attractive   B. competitive      C. great   D. seriously

35. A. own   B.  survive             C. exists   D. live

 B- Read the passage and answer the questions from 36 to 40 that follow by circling the corresponding letter A,B,C, or D.

 World Wildlife Fund (WWF) safeguards hundreds of species around the world, but we focus species attention on our flagship species: giant pandas, tigers, endangered whales and dolphins, rhinos, elephant, marine turtles and great apes. These species not only need species measures and extra protection in order to survive, they also serve as “umbrella” species: helping them helps numerous other species that live in the same habitats where animals or plants are normally found. In addition to our flagship animals, we work to protect numerous species in peril around the world that live within our priority eco-rigions. Laree predators like snow leopards and grizzly bears, migratory species like whooping cranes and songbrids, and a host of other species facing threats also benefit from WWF’ s conservation efforts. Our wildlife trade experts at “traffic” work to ensure that trade wildlife products, doesn’t harm a species, while also fighting against illegal and unsustainable trade.WWF is known for acting sound science. Science leads and guides us strategies and approaches, from the way to restore tigers in viable, breed population to decide which areas need protection the most.

36. What does WWF stand for?

A. World Wildlife Fund. B. World Wildlife Food. C.   World Wildlife Formation. D. World Website Fund.

37. How many species do we pay much attention to?

A. 8    B.  5         C. 7                 D. 9         

38.What is the meaning of the world habitats in pharagraph 1?

A.  The place where animals or plants are normally found.               B. The place where animals or plants can drink and sleep

C. The place where animals or plants can eat find their enemy.       D.The place where animals can find and keep their body warm.

39. What can science help us in safeguarding endangered species?

A. Lead and guide strategies and approaches.         B. Find the way to kill all species easily.

C. Discover another habitat of animal.        D.  Search for a food source for animals.

40. Which of the following is not stated in the passage?

A.WWF safeguards hundreds of species around the world.              B. These above species need extra protection so as not to be extinct.              

C.  WWF is known for acting on sound science.                                 D. All species are so fierce that scientists can’t take care of them.

VI. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers.

  Rain forests cover less than six percent of the earth’s area, but they have 100,000 kinds of all the kinds of plants on the earth. Three-fourths of known kinds of plants and animals call the rain forest their home. Twenty percent of our different kinds of medicine comes from rain forests. The glues on an envelope and in shoes come from tropical plants. Rain forests provide materials for hundreds of other products.

Rain forests are also very important to the world’s climate. The Amazon rain forest alone receives about thirty to forty percent of the total rainfall on the earth and products about the same percentage of the world oxygen. Some scientists believe that the decreasing size of rain forests will affect the climate on the earth, making it uncomfortable or even dangerous for life.

    Người soạn: Vũ Thanh Tùng                                          Trường THPT Lục Ngạn số 4

nguon VI OLET