Câu 1. All the applicants for the post are thoroughly ________ for their suitability.
A. searched B. vetted C. investigated D. scrutinized
Câu 2. They knew that it was just not feasible ______ such a small firm to compete with the big boys.
A. in B. at C. for D. about
Câu 3. If we lose the case we may be _______________ for the costs of the whole trial.
A. compatible B. liable C. available D. accessible
Câu 4. The committee is _______ of well-known mountaineers.
A. contained B. comprised C. included D. consisted
Câu 5. It is desirable that the hotel manager remember to call the __________ staff every 6 months to clean up the air conditioners.
A. maintaining B. maintain C. maintainable D. maintenance
Câu 6. He made all sorts of beautiful plans for his tour without taking into consideration the possibility ________ an entry visa.
A. of refusing B. of being refused C. of refusal of D. to be refused
Câu 7. A new TV show has sparked ________ by showing the positive side of dropping out of college.
A. controversy B. argument C. contention D. debate
Câu 8. Singapore is a ____ example of a smart city, and is constantly evolving its "city brain, "a backbone of technologies is used to help control pollution, monitor traffic, allocate parking, communicate with citizens.
A. lead B. leading C. led D. leader
Câu 9. Despite the tough _______ in the sector, our little store managed to break _________ its first year in operation.
A. contest/level B. competition/equal C. competition/even D. opposition/equal
Câu 10. This ticket ____ you to a free meal in our new restaurant.
A. allows B. grants C. entitles D. credits
Câu 11. Sarah’s friends all had brothers and sisters but she was a (n) _____ child.
A. singular B. individual C. single D. only
Câu 12. Ian has no difficulty in ____ into use the perfect plans his friends have prepared for him.
A. lending B. taking C. putting D. heading
Câu 13. Lifelong learning can also help _______ some of the weaknesses of the education system.
A. amend B. repair C. mend D. adjust
Câu 14. Teachers’ _________ would rise an average of $1000 under the proposal.
A. pensions B. salaries C. wages D. incomes
Câu 15. Those in ____ of banning laptops in classrooms like to demonstrate how handwritten notes lead to better learning compared to notes taken on a computer.
A. search B. need C. view D. favor
Câu 16. Volunteers may be required to obtain Red Cross _______ in order to serve through hospitals and healthcare organizations or provide disaster relief.
A. diploma B. certification C. license D. degree
Câu 7. Of 30 countries inspected for airline safety, only 17 received a _________bill of health.
A. clear B. clean C. pure D. dirty
Câu 18. Solar power is ____________________ to become the world`s largest source of electricity by 2050.
A. estimated B. antedated C. anticipated D. awaited
Câu 19. The contract includes a 35-cent per hour increase in night shift ____________ pay.
A. difference B. different C. differential D. differentiate
Câu 20. To solve the problems of pollution, it is important to identify the ____ of it.
A. reasons B. purpose C. causes D. facts

Câu 21. The judge declared he was immune ____________ prosecution.
A. to B. from C. about D. at
Câu 22. Most young people want to ____ an independent life without being influenced by anyone.
A. lay B. put C. lead D. bring
Câu 23. Though she lost her job last month, she still wanted to save_____ so she said that she had left it willingly.
A. mouth B. face C. reputation D. fame
Câu 24. The final winner will be the one who breaks through ______ and survives till the last minutes.
A. obstacles B. difficulty C. hindrance D. impediment
Câu 25. Your store needs a bold sign that will catch the _____ of anyone walking down the street. That may help to sell more products.
A. eye
nguon VI OLET