ĐỀ CƯƠNG TIẾNG ANH 11 HỌC KỲ 2             




I. GLOSSARY (Bảng từ vựng)





 ĐỀ CƯƠNG TIẾNG ANH 11 HỌC KỲ 2             

1. architect (n) a person whose job is to design buildings, etc. kiến trúc sư

  architecture (n) khoa kiến trúc

2. arrogant (adj) kiêu ngạo; kiêu căng; ngạo mạn

3. bother (v) (often used in negative sentence and questions) (- with/ about sth): to spend time and/ or energy doing sth bỏ công; bỏ sức

 Ex: He didn’t even bother to let me know he was coming. (Anh ta thậm chi chẳng buồn cho tôi biết là anh ta sẽ đến.)

  bother (n) [U] điều khó khăn; điều rắc rối

4. brave (adj) can đảm; gan dạ; dũng cảm SYN courageous

5. burglar (n): a person who enters a building illegally in order to steal kẻ trộm đào ngạch

6. capacity (n) sức chứa; dung lượng

 Ex: The fuel tanks have a capacity of 25,000 gallons. (Bồn xăng có sức chứa 25.000 gallon.)

7. communal (adj) công; chung; công cộng SYN shared

  commune (n) nhóm người (không thuộc một gia đình) sống chung với nhau và có chung tài sản và trách nhiệm

8. competitive (adj) (- with sb/ sth): as good as or better than others cạnh tranh; có sức cạnh tranh; phải chăng

 Ex: Our prices are highly competitive (= as low as or lower than those of the others). (Giá cả của chúng tôi rất phải chăng.)

  competitively (adv) đủ khả năng cạnh tranh

  competitiveness (n) tính cạnh tranh; tính đua tranh

9. courteous (adj): polite, especially in a way that shows respect lịch sự; nhã nhặn OPP discourteous

  courteously (adv) (một cách) lịch sự; nhã nhặn

10. coward (n) (disapproving): someone who is not brave enough to fight or do something difficult or dangerous that they should do người nhát gan; người hèn nhát; người nhút nhát

11. cramped (adj): not having enough space chật hẹp; tù túng

12. customer (n): a person or an organization that buys sth from a shop/ store or business khách hàng

13. facsimile (n) fax bản sao; bản fax

 Ex: It’s a facsimile machine. (Đó là một chiếc máy fax.)

14. fax (n) a letter or message sent by fax bản fax

 Ex: You can send faxes by email from your computer. (Bạn có thể gửi fax bằng email từ máy tính của bạn.)

  fax (v) (- sth to sb; - sb sth) gửi fax

15. graphics (n) designs, drawing or pictures, that are used especially in the production of books, magazines, etc. hình vẽ; đồ họa

 Ex: Text and graphics are prepared separately and then combined. (Chữ viết và hình vẽ được chuẩn bị riêng rồi sau đó được kết hợp lại.)

16. in operation (idm): working, being used or having an effect hoạt động; có tác dụng

 Ex: The system has been in operation for six months. (Hệ thống này đã hoạt động được sáu tháng.)

17. make (n) hiệu, mác (hàng hóa)

18. network (n) mạng lưới; hệ thống

19. notify (v) to formally or officially tell sb about sth thông báo SYN inform

 Ex: Competition winners will be notified by post. (Những người thắng cuộc sẽ được thông báo bằng thư.)

  notification (n) sự thông báo; thông báo

20. orphan (n): a child whose parent are dead trẻ mồ côi

21. pacifist (n): a person who believes that all wars are wrong and that you should not fight in them người theo chủ nghĩa hòa bình

22. pickpocket (n) kẻ móc túi

23. punctual (adj) đúng giờ

  punctually (adv)

24. recipient (n) a person who receives sth người nhận

25. reduction (n) (- in sth) sự thu nhỏ; sự giảm bớt





 ĐỀ CƯƠNG TIẾNG ANH 11 HỌC KỲ 2             

  reduce (v) [T] thu nhỏ; giảm; giảm bớt

26. release (v) (- sb/ sth from sth) tha; thả; phóng thích; giải thoát

  release (n) sự thả; sự phóng thích

27. secure (adj): not likely to be lost; safe an toàn; bảo đảm

  secure (v) (- sth against sth) bảo vệ

  security (n) sự bảo đảm

28. shoplifter (n): a person who steals sth from a shop while pretending to be a customer kẻ ăn cắp trong cửa hàng

29. spacious (adj) (approving) (of a room or building): large and with plenty of space for people to move around in rộng rãi SYN roomy

 Ex: The house has a spacious kitchen. (Nhà đó có căn bếp rộng rãi.)

  spaciously (adv) (một cách) rộng rãi

  spaciousness (n) sự rộng rãi

30. speedy (adj): happening or done quickly or without delay nhanh chóng SYN rapid

  speedily (adv) (một cách) nhanh chóng

31. subscribe (v) to pay an amount of money regularly in order to receive or use sth đặt mua (dài hạn); thuê bao (mạng điện thoại, v.v.)

 Ex: Which journals does the library subscribe to? (Thư viện này đặt mua những tờ báo nào?)

  subscriber (n) người đặt mua báo dài hạn; người thuê bao (sử dụng mạng điện thoại, v.v.)

  subscription (n) tiền mua báo dài hạn; tiền thuê bao (sử dụng mạng điện thoại, v.v.)

32. surface mail (n) letters, packages, etc. that go by road, rail or sea, not by air thư gửi đường bộ hay đường biển

33. technology (n) machinery or equipment designed using technology thiết bị công nghệ

 Ex: The company has invested in the latest technology. (Công ty đang đầu tư vào những thiết bị công nghệ cao hiện đại nhất.)

 → technological (adj) (thuộc) công nghệ

  technologically (adv) tính chất công nghệ

34. telecommunications (n) (also infml telecoms) viễn thông

  telecommunication (adj) [only before noun] viễn thông

35. telegram (n) bức điện; bức điện tín

36. tenant (n): a person who pays rent for the use of a room, building, land, etc. to the person who owns it người thuê; người mướn (nhà, phòng ...)

37. thoughtful (adj) (approving) showing that you think about and care for other people chu đáo; quan tâm; ân cần SYN considerate; kind

  thoughtfully (adv) (một cách) chu đáo; quan tâm; ân cần

  thoughtfulness (n) sự chu đáo; sự quan tâm; sự ân cần

38. transaction (n): the process or activity of doing something usually something related to business sự giao dịch

  transact (v) (- sth with sb) tiến hành (công việc kinh doanh)

39. transfer (v) to move from one place to another; to move sth/ sb from one place to another chuyển; di chuyển

 Ex: How can I transfer money from my bank account to his? (Làm thế nào tôithể chuyển tiền từ tài khoản của tôi sang tài khoản của anh ta?)

  transfer (n) sự chuyển; sự dời chỗ

 → transferable (adj) có thể di chuyển; có thể chuyển nhượng

40. transmission (n) [the process of sending out electronic signals such as radio or television signals, or a signal sent out in this way sự truyền; sự phát

  transmit (v) to send out television or radio programmes, electronic signals, etc. truyền; phát

 Ex: Fax transmission has now become a cheap and convenient way to transmit texts and graphics over distances. (Hiện nay, gửi fax là cách rẽ và thuận tiện để gửi văn bản cũng như hình ảnh đi xa.)

* danh từ riêng

Portugal (n) Bồ-đào-nha

  Portuguese (adj) (thuộc) Bồ-đào-nha

  Portuguese (n) tiếng Bồ-đào-nha; người Bồ-đào-nha





 ĐỀ CƯƠNG TIẾNG ANH 11 HỌC KỲ 2             

II. GRAMMAR (Ngữ pháp)

Defining relative clauses
(Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định)

Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định (defining/ identifying/ restrictive clauses) là mệnh đề được dùng để xác định danh từ đứng trước nó. Mệnh đề xác định là mệnh đề cần thiết cho ý nghĩa của câu, không có nó câu sẽ không đủ nghĩa.





 ĐỀ CƯƠNG TIẾNG ANH 11 HỌC KỲ 2             

Ex: The man who told me this refused to give me his name.  (Người đàn ông cho tôi biết điều này từ chối cho tôi biết tên.)

• Đại từ quan hệ được dùng trong mệnh đề quan hệ xác định.






For persons For things

who/ that which/ that

who(m)/ that which/ that


whose/ of which


Ex: The woman who/ that lives next door is a doctor. (Người phụ nữ sống ở nhà bên là bác sĩ.)

 The picture which/ that was damaged is worth thousands of pounds. (Bức tranh bị hỏng trị giá hàng ngàn pao.)

 What’s the name of the man whose car you borrowed? (Người mà bạn mượn xe tên gì vậy?)

- Dùng that (không dùng who / which) sau tiền tố hỗn hợp (gồm cả người lẫn vật, sự vật), sau dạng so sánh nhất và sau các từ chỉ định lượng all, every(thing), some(thing), any(thing), no(thing), only, little, few, much, none.

 Ex: She’s one of the kindest people that I know. (Bà ấy là  một trong những người tốt bụng nhất mà tôi quen.) [NOT ...who I know]

- Có thể bỏ các đại từ quan hệ làm tân ngữ who(m), which, that trạng từ when trong mệnh đề quan hệ xác định.

 Ex: That’s the man (who/ that) I met at Allison’s party. (Đó là người tôi đã gặp tại buổi tiệc của Allison.)

Non-restrictive relative clause

(Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định)

Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định (non-defining/ non-identifying/ non- restrictive clauses) là mệnh đề cung cấp thêm thông tin về một người, một vật hoặc một sự việc đã được xác định. Mệnh đề không xác định là mệnh đề không nhất thiết phải có trong câu, không có nó câu vẫn đủ nghĩa. Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định được phân ranh giới với mệnh đề chính bằng dấu phẩy (,) hoặc dấu gạch ngang (-).

Ex: This is Ms. Rogers, who’s joining the firm next week. (Đây là cô Rogers, người sẽ vào công ty tuần tới.)

• Đại từ quan hệ được dùng trong mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định.






For persons For things



who/ whom which


whose/ of which


Ex: Jake, who lives next door, is a doctor. (Jake, người sống ở nhà bên cạnh, là bác sĩ.)

 This picture, which was damaged during the war, is worth thousands of pounds. (Bức tranh này, đã bị hỏng trong chiến tranh, trị giá hàng ngàn pao.)

 We passed Harrods shop, whose windows were decorated for Christmas. (Chúng tôi đi ngang qua cửa hàng Harrods, các ô kính bày hàng của nó đã được trang hoàng cho lễ Giáng Sinh.) [= ...Harrods shop, the windows of which were decorated...]

- Không dùng that để giới thiệu mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định.

Ex: This is Naomi, who sells the tickets. (Đây là Naomi, người bán vé.) [NOT This is Naomi, that sells the tickets.)

- Không được bỏ các đại từ hoặc trạng từ làm tân ngữ who(m), which, when trong mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định.

Ex: Professor Johnson, who(m) I have long admired, is to visit the university next week. (Giáo sư Johnson, người mà tôi ngưỡng mộ từ lâu, sẽ đến thăm trường vào tuần tới.) [NOT Professors Johnson, I have long admired...]






 ĐỀ CƯƠNG TIẾNG ANH 11 HỌC KỲ 2             




Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1. a. relative b. telephone c. spacious d. deliver

2. a. equip b. surface c. away d. advance

3. a. convenient b. recipient c. transmission d. possible

4. a. secure b. service c: parcel d. early

5. a. letter b. pleasant c. express d. office

Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one.

6. Mrs. Pike has just bought some kitchen __________ for her new house.

a. equip b. equipped c. equipment d. equipping

7. Thank you for phoning when I was ill. It was very  __________ of you.

a. think b. thought c. thoughtful d. thoughtfully

8. Thanks to the progress of science and __________ , human life has become better and better.

a. technology  b. technological c. technologically  d. technician

9. I would like to send these letters __________  air mail.

a. in  b. with c. by d. over

10. Could you please provide us __________ some more modem equipment?

a. for b. by c. in d. with

11. How far is your house away __________ the city center? 

a. in  b. for c. at d. from

12. __________ fax transmission is commonly used in most offices.

a. A  b. An c. The d.

13. That post office provides us with __________ best services with __________ well-trained staff.

a. the /a b.  / the c. a / the d. the /

14. He was a kind and courteous mailman.

a. polite b. strict c. unpleasant d. rude

15. Without more training or advanced technical skills, they’ll lose their jobs,

a. out of date b. backward c. up to date d. old

16. There was a __________ parking area to cater for the tourist trade.

a. thoughtful b. courteous c. possible d. spacious

17. Newspapers and magazines are often delivered early in the morning,

a. offered b. given c. provided d. distributed

18. Because the doctors and nurses acted properly and quickly, the baby was operated successfully.

a. cheaply b. promptly c. conveniently  d. usefully

19. If you want to send a document and do not want to lose its original shape, our facsimile service will help you.

a. post b. express c. parcel d. fax

20. She had been assisted by a stranger __________  her motor and drove her to safety,

a. who started  b. whom starting  c. starting d. that will start

21. With our senses, we perceive everything __________ .

a. is around us b. that is around us  c. whom is around us d. whose is around us

22. The volunteers, __________ enthusiasm was obvious, finished the work quickly.

a. who b. whom c. whose d. that

23. The musicians __________ yesterday have played together for many years.

a. to who we listened b. who we listened to  c. to that we listened d. to whom we listened .

24. Many scientists have claimed that __________  like music are often good at mathematics.

a. children b. children who c. children whom d. whose children

25. The student __________ had an impressive record.

a. the prize was awarded  b. that the prize was awarded





 ĐỀ CƯƠNG TIẾNG ANH 11 HỌC KỲ 2             

c. to whom the prize was awarded  d. who the prize was awarded


26. Those __________ have used our services for more than one year can enter the competition.

a. who b. whom c. which d. whose

27. I think it was your Dad  __________ .

a. phoned b. phoning c. that phoned  d. which phoned

28. That man is a newcomer in our company. Do you know him?

a. That man is a newcomer in our company. Do you know whom?

b. That man who is a newcomer in our company. Do you know him?

c. Do you know him that man is a newcomer in our company?

d. Do you know that man who is a newcomer in our company?

29. Yesterday I went to __________ I had never been to before.

a. Thanh Ba Post Office, that b. Thanh Ba Post Office where

c. Thanh Ba Post Office which d. Thanh Ba Post Office, which

30. She has two grown children, both of __________ live abroad.

a. who b. whom c. that d. whose

Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given.

31. yesterday / I / go / Thanh Ba Post Office / send some money / my brother / the city

a. Yesterday I went to Thanh Ba Post Office where to send some money to my brother who was in the city.

b. Yesterday I went to Thanh Ba Post Office to send some money to my brother in the city.

c. Yesterday when I went to Thanh Ba Post Office sending some money to

my brother in the city.

d. Yesterday I went to Thanh Ba Post Office and sending some money to my brother in the city.

32. I / arrive / 7 am / the post office / open

a. When I arrived at 7 a.m., the post office which had just been opened.

b. When I arrived at 7 a.m., the post office had just been opened.

c. I arrived at 7 a.m. when the post office had just been opened.

d. I arrived at 7 a.m. at the time the post office had just opened.

33. the staff / help / me / send the money / very helpful and courteous

a. The staff helped me to send the money were very helpful and courteous.

b. The staff that helped me to send the money which were very helpful and courteous.

c. The staff whom helped me to send the money they were very helpful and courteous.

d. The staff that helped me to send the money were very helpful and courteous.

34. the service / good / only two hours later / my brother / phone / he had received the money

a. The service was so good that only two hours later my brother phoned me to say that he had received the money.

b. The service which was such a good that only two hours later my brother phoned me to tell that he had received the money.

c. The service was such good that only two hours later my brother phoned to

tell he had received the money.

d. The service was so good that only two hours later when my brother phoned to tell that he had received the money.

35. I / satisfied / the service / Thanh Ba Post Office

a. I was satisfied with the service of Thanh Ba Post Office.

b. So that, I was satisfied with the service of Thanh Ba Post Office.

c. Nevertheless, I was satisfied with the service of Thanh Ba Post Office.

d. I was satisfied with the service of which Thanh Ba Post Office.

Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

Even where there is an efficient ‘door-to-door’ delivery system, there are additional advantages in using Post Office (PO) boxes. There are certain conveniences for using PO boxes.

PO boxes allow mail to be picked up when sorted, rather than when it is delivered to the physical address, which will be some hours later.





 ĐỀ CƯƠNG TIẾNG ANH 11 HỌC KỲ 2             

A mail user who regularly receives large parcels or items that must be signed for may find it convenient to pick up the rest of the mail at the same time.

A mail user who moves frequently can keep a mailing address.

A mail user may desire a more famous or prestigious address. For example, in Washington, D.C., many large P.O. box facilities are located near or even outside city limits.

A business receiving large volumes of mail may maintain separate post office boxes for separate departments, such as one for sales, one for customer service, to reduce the need to sort internally.

PO boxes are more secure than many home mailboxes, preventing mail theft and identity theft.

If you live on a boat, PO boxes can serve as your address, but are not necessary.

36. A PO box is more convenient for a mail user who frequently moves,

a. True b. False c. No information

37. If you use a PO box, you can get your mail earlier than you use a door-to- door delivery system.

a. True b. False c. No information

38. Home mailboxes are surely opened by mail thieves. ,

a. True b. False c. No information

39. Each business man rent only one PO box.

a. True b. False c. No information

40. If you live on a boat, the post office does not allow you to rent a PO box.

a. True b. False c. No information

Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.

A post office is (41) __________  authorized by a postal system for the-posting, receipt, sortation, handling, transmission or (42) __________ of mail. Post offices offer mail-related services (43)              __________ post office boxes, postage and packaging supplies. (44) __________ addition, some post offices offer (45)__________ postal services such as passport applications and other government forms, money orders, and banking services.

Post offices also (46) __________ post-office boxes to people and businesses (47) __________ prefer not to have mail delivered to their home or office, or who live or stay at addresses to (48) __________ mail delivery is not (49)__________ .

The back rooms of a post office are a place (50)__________ mail is processed for delivery. Mail may also be processed in other post offices that are not open to the general public.

41. a. services b. equipment c. sending d. mailing

42. a. pass, b. giving c. handle d. delivery

43. a. so b. such c. such as d. so as to

44. a. For b. In c. Of d. On

45. a. non b. nor c. not d. no

46. a. lend b. borrow c. rent d. employ

47. a. who b. whom c. which d. that

48. a. who b. which c. that d. where

49. a. present b. free c. ready d. available

50. a. where b. that c. which d. what





Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

1. a. post b. busy c. swim d. spacious

2. a. equipped b. delivered c. transferred d. received

3. a. helps b. provides c. documents d. texts

4. a. noisy b. subscribe c. service d. graphics

5. a. transfer b. newspaper c. thousand d. relatives

Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one.

6. What is your __________ in life? - Going out with friends and enjoying delicious foods.





 ĐỀ CƯƠNG TIẾNG ANH 11 HỌC KỲ 2             

a. please b. pleasant c. pleasure d. pleasing


7. You can pay for the goods on __________ .

a. deliver b. delivery c. deliverable d. delivering

8. Those telephone companies have launched major campaigns to increase their number of  __________ .

a. subscribe b. subscription c. subscribers d. subscribing

9. Most schools and universities are now equipped __________ surveillance cameras and other security measures.

a. on b. for c. in d. with

10.1 had asked everyone to submit questions __________ advance of the meeting,

a. in  b. at c. on d. for

11. It would be more convenient __________  you if you used the Express Mail Service,

a. for b. with c. on d. among

12. Those letters were sent by __________ surface mail.

a. a  b. an c. the d. 

13. __________  is used to describe special services in which things are sent or done faster than usual for a higher price.

a. Express b. Message c. Distribution  d. Press

14. I wish you a speedy recovery from your illness to return to work soon,

a. thoughtful b. gradual c. courteous d. quick

15. John often uses Express Money __________ to send money to his parents in the countryside.

a. Change b. Exchange c. Transfer d. Send

16. The Messenger Call Service helps you to notify the recipient of the time and place to receive the call.

a. receiver b. fax c. call d. telephone

17. Fax __________ has become more and more popular because it is cheap and convenient.

a. exchange b. distance c. sending d. transmission

18. Someone sent you a parcel this morning and I put it on your table,

a. package b. letter c. stamp d. fax

19. The class treasurer, __________ , announced the balance of the account.

a. to whom we gave the money  b. to that we gave the money

c. whose we gave the, money to  d. whom we gave the money

20. The engineers __________ designed the building received an award.

a. which b. whom c. who d. whose

21. __________ is one of the most important capitals in the world.

a. London, that the place I was born b. London, which I was born

c. London, I was born,   d. London, where I was born,

22. Express Money Transfer is one of the quickest ways __________ helps us to send money.

a. who b. whose c. when d. that

23. Do you remember the time __________  we first visited London?

a. which b. when c. that d. on that

24. Sunday is the day __________ few people go to work.

a. that b. which c. when d. why

25. Do you know the reason  __________ she quit her job?

a. that b. which c. when d. why

26. The government sent money and food to the people __________  houses were destroyed by the storm last week.

a. which b. that c. whom d. whose

27. I will never forget __________ he said he loved me.

a. the moment b. the moment which  c. the moment when d. the moment in that

28. It is very difficult to integrate yourself into a community __________  is quite  different from yours.

a. whose culture  b. the culture that  c. which culture  d. that culture





 ĐỀ CƯƠNG TIẾNG ANH 11 HỌC KỲ 2             

29. He often finds fault with  __________  he describes as having no talent.

a. John Smith, whom b. John Smith, that  c. John Smith, whose d. John Smith who

30. The scheme is designed to help children __________ have fallen on hard times.

a. that parents  b. which parents  c. parents of which  d. whose parents

Error Identification

31. The Post Office, that is a retail company in the United Kingdom; formerly part of

                                                     A                                                                                                       B

 the postal service Royal Mail, became a separate entity in 1981.

                              C                                              D

32. In 1823, the Post Office used steamboats to carry mails and parcels between post towns which

                                                                  A                                   B                                                    C                                   D

 no roads existed.

33. On February 22,1921, when mail was flown both day and night for the first time

                                                                  A                      B                                C                              D

 over the entire distance from San Francisco to New York.

34. In 1930, more than 10,000 trains which were used for moving the mail into every city, town, and

                                          A                                                    B                         C

 village in the United States.


35. When railroad mail service began, mostly letters were sorted on the trains, which

                    A                                                                                                   B                                               C

 were not equipping to distribute other kinds of mail.


Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

In early colonial times, correspondents depended on friends, merchants, and Native Americans to carry messages between the colonies. However, most correspondence ran between the colonists and England, their mother country. It was a very hard work to handle so many letters like that. In 1639, the first official notice of a postal service in the colonies appeared. The General Court of Massachusetts designated Richard Fairbanks’ tavern in Boston as the official place of mail brought from or sent overseas, in line with the practice in England and other nations to use coffee houses and taverns as mail drops. Local authorities operated post routes within the colonies. Then, in 1673, a monthly post was set up between New York and Boston. The service was of short duration, but the post rider’s trail became known as the Old Boston Post Road, part of today’s U.S. Route 1. William Penn established the first post office in 1683. In the South, private messengers, usually slaves, connected the huge plantations.

After the Boston revolution in September 1774, the colonies began to separate from the mother country. A Continental Congress was organized at Philadelphia in May 1775 to establish an independent government. One of the first questions before the delegates was how to convey and deliver the mail.

36. In early colonial times, __________ .

a. the English did not know how to write a mail

b. merchants were not allowed to send letters

c. the US was the mother country of many colonies

d. England had colonies

37. The first place which was used as a post office was __________ .

a. a tavern b. a big house c. an official place d. a coffee house

38. In 1673, letters were sent from New York and Boston, and vice versa __________ a month.

a. once b. twice c. three times d. four times

39. The first post office was set up in __________

a. 1639 b. 1673 c. 1683 d 1774

40. According to the passage, __________ had to work as a mailman between the huge plantations.

a. delegates b. governors c. messengers d. slaves

Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.

In many countries, (41)__________ in Africa and the Middle East, there is no ‘door to door’ (42)__________ of mail. For example, (43) __________ one post a letter to a street address in Namibia, it will be (44)__________ to sender as undeliverable. Consequently renting a post office box has traditionally been (45)__________  only way to receive mail in (46)__________ countries, although some, like Jordan, are now introducing home delivery.





 ĐỀ CƯƠNG TIẾNG ANH 11 HỌC KỲ 2             

Generally, post office boxes are rented from the post office either by individuals (47)__________ by businesses on a basis ranging from monthly to annual, and the cost of rent varies depending (48)__________ the box size: In the US, the rental rate used (49)__________ the same across the country. Now, however, a postal facility can be in any of seven fee groups by location; in (50)__________, certain customers qualify for free box rental.

41. a. hardly b. particularly  c. gradually d. certainly

42. a. delivery b. receiving c. sending d. service

43. a. must b. can c. should d. will

44. a. exchanged b. mailed c. called d. returned

45. a. a b. an c. the d. 

46. a. so b. such c. such as d. as

47. a. or b. nor c. but d. along

48. a. in b. of c. on d. from

49. a. be b. being c. been  d. to be

50. a. instance b. addition c. example d. recent





Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1. a. document b. newspaper c. competitive d. favorite

2. a. technology b. distribution c. delivery d. facsimile

3. a. notify b. origin c. tomorrow d. courteous

4. a. become b. distance c. daily d. morning

5. a. graphic b. subscribe c. transmit d. receive

Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one.

6. She was given the award for a lifetime of public __________ .

a. serve b. service c. servant d. serviceable

7. To become a novelist, you must be __________ .

a. imagine b. imagination  c. imagining  d. imaginative

8. Can you let me have the __________ of your report? I can’t read this photocopy,

a. origin b. original c. originally d. originate

9. I received that parcel __________ my sister this morning, but I have not opened it yet.

a. to b. from c. on d. over

10. Cunningham sent a note   __________ me thanking me for dinner.

a. with b. to c. from d by

11. Could you please help me __________  mail delivery?

a. for b. on c. with d. about

12. Britain has still been proud of the cheapest postal  __________ .

a. sending b. care c. service d. delivery

13. The post is the public service or system by which letters and __________  are collected and delivered.

a. parcels b. faxes c. documents d. graphics

14. The winner will be notified by post.

a. sent quickly  b. acted thoughtfully  c. limited strictly  d. inform officially

15. A consultation paper has been __________ on the Internet inviting input from Net users.

a. served b. weighed c. received d. posted

16. If you go to the post office, please post these letters.

a. fax b. sign c. send d. stamp





 ĐỀ CƯƠNG TIẾNG ANH 11 HỌC KỲ 2             

17. She felt __________ and protected when she was with her parents.

a. thoughtful b. secure c. spacious d. convenient

18. Opening the present __________ , she was trembling with excitement.

a. her sweetheart had sent her that  b. her sweetheart had sent her

c. to that her sweetheart had sent her  d. whose her sweetheart had sent her

19. My friend, __________ I visited last week, is taking a holiday soon.

a. that b. whom c. which d. whose

20. My brother who lives abroad __________ .

a. returns to see us   b. returning to see us

c. that returns to see us   d. where returns to see us

21. He bought the present __________ from a souvenir shop in Paris.

a. that he gave me   b. that he gave me it

c. that he gave it to me   d. he gave me it

22. The doctor are examining a patient __________ was taken to hospital last night.

a. which b. who c. whom d. whose

23. The park __________ I used to jog in has been demolished.

a. which b. where c. in which d. in where

24. Finding a cure for cancer is one of the biggest challenges __________ medical researchers face.

a. who b. when c. why d. that

25. Money is all __________ many people consider to be the aim of their life.

a. whose b. which c. that d. whom

26. I have to leave for London tomorrow, __________ means I cannot go to the party with you.

a. that b. which c. when d. why

27. The film was about three young girls, __________ are policewomen.

a. whom all  b. all of who  c. all of whom  d. all of that

28. __________ has just won an international scholarship.

a. David Pike, whose parents are both teachers,

b. David Pike whose parents are both teachers

c. David Pike parents of who are both teachers

d. David Pike, whom parents are both teachers

29. Is there anything __________ ?

a. I can do to help you that  b. with that I can do to help you

c. that I can do to help you with it  d. I can do to help you

30. Money is not really __________ they have often quarreled.

a. a reason which  b. a reason that  c. a reason, why  d. a reason why

Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given.

31. I / write / express / some ideas / the services of your Post Office

a. I wrote to express some ideas on which the services of your Post Office.

b. I have written to express some ideas on the services which is of your Post Office.

c. I am writing to express some ideas on the services of which is your Post Office.

d. I am writing to express some ideas on the services of your Post Office.

32. high quality equipment / your Post Office / the best in the area

a. To buy high quality equipment, your Post Office is the best in the area.

b. High quality equipment which makes your Post Office seems to be the best in the area.

c. With high quality equipment, your Post Office seems to be the best in the area.

d. High quality equipment, your Post Office to be the best in the area.

33. I / satisfied / the staff / polite and helpful

a. I am so satisfied that with the staff, who are often polite and helpful.

b. I am very satisfied with the staff, that are often polite and helpful.

c. I am quite satisfied with the staff, who are often polite and helpful.

d. I am too satisfied with the staff, which are often polite and helpful.

34. the prices of the services / reasonable / every pockets

a. The prices of the services which are reasonable for every pockets.





 ĐỀ CƯƠNG TIẾNG ANH 11 HỌC KỲ 2             

b. As the prices of the services are reasonable for every pockets.

c. I think the prices of the services are reasonable for every pockets.

d. I think the prices of the services that are reasonable for every pockets.

35. your Post Office / serve / better and better

a. I want your Post Office will serve better and better.

b. I hope your Post Office that will serve better and better.

c. I hope your Post Office will serve better and better.

d. I wish your Post Office will serve better and better.

Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

Between the Revolutionary period and the World War I, the United States post office was set out to improve transportation of the post office mails. From those early days to the present, the post office has helped develop and subsidize every new mode of transportation in the United States. Transportation has been the most important element in mail delivery. Even when the general public had still suspected of the security of a new means of transportation, the post office experimented with inventions that offered potential for moving the mail faster, occasionally suffering embarrassment, ridicule, or even abuse in the process:

As mail delivery evolved from foot to horseback, stagecoach, steamboat, railroad, autoniobile, and airplane, with intermediate and overlapping use of balloons, and helicopters, post office mail contracts ensured the income necessary to build the great highways, rail lines, and airways that eventually spanned the continent;              ^

By the turn of the 19th century, the U.S. Post Office had purchased a number of stagecoaches for operation on the nation’s better post roads - a post road being any road on which the mail travels - and continued to encourage new designs to improve passenger comfort and carry mail more safely.

36. The passage is about __________  .

a. transportation of the Post Office in the US

b. the Post Office in the Revolutionary period

c. the Post Office in the World War I

d. transportation and public ideas

37. According to the passage, the main purpose of the Post Office is __________ .

a. to develop transportation

b. to apply new means of transportation

c. to deliver mail as safely and fast as possible

d. to subsidize every new mode of transportation

38. Which means of transportation used in the Post Office is NOT referred in the passage?

a. train b. car c. plane d. motorcycle

39. The Post Office __________ .

a. has never used helicopters in delivery

b. contributes income to build highways, railroads, and airways

c. has never been the first to use a new means of transportation

d. makes no contribution to build roads

40. Any road on which the mail travels is called __________ .

a. motorway  b. highway  c. national road d. post road

Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.

Post Office service is (41) __________ developing with some certain inventions. The first envelopes were made (42) __________ cloth, animal skins, or vegetable parts. The Babylonians (43)__________ their messages in thin sheets of clay (44) __________ were then baked.

In 1653, a Frenchman, De Valayer (45) __________ a postal system in Paris. He set up mail (46)__________  and delivered any letters placed in them if they used envelopes (47) __________ only he; sold. (48)__________ enemy put live mice into the letter boxes and ruined De Valayer’s business.

A schoolmaster from England, Rowland Hill (49)__________  the adhesive postage stamp in 1837, an act for (50)              __________ he was knighted. Through his efforts the first stamp in the world was issued in England in 1840. Hill created the first uniform postage rates that were based on weight, rather than size.

41. a. more b. more and more c. the more d. the most



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