1. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others
  1.                                                                                          A. gulf B. surface C. submarine D. undersea
  2.                                                                                          A. ocean B. undersea C. beneath D. deep
  3.                                                                                          A. poor B. tour C. actual D. group
  4.                                                                                          A. sure B. pure C. picture D. mature
  5.                                                                                          A. pine B. psychology C. plane D. pick
  1.                                                                                       Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others
  1.                                                                                          A. maintain B. marine C. challenge D. device
  2.                                                                                          A. investigate B. information C. submarine D. independent
  3.                                                                                          A. reveal B. supply C. effect D. planet
  4.                                                                                          A. oversize B. satellite C. existence D. pesticide
  5.                                                                                          A. discover B. endanger C. fertilize D. contribute
  1.                                                                          WORD FORMATION
  1.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           By the age of eighteen, he was completely______________of his parents. (denpend)
  2.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The power station has been shut down for essential_____________. (maintain)
  3.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Scientists have made many important new______________of the depth by using mordern devices. (discover)
  4.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The government has just set up a wildlife_______________project. (conserve)
  5.                                                                                                                                                                    They are investigating the ______________disappearance of a young woman.
  1.                                                                                                                                                              Choose one word or phrase a,b,c or d that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase.
  1.                                                                                                                                                                    The country is divided _____ nine regions

A.                                                                                 to B. on C. into D. up

  1. I’d like to contribute _____ the school restoration fund.
  1.                                                                              on B. to C. with D. for
  1. Raw sewage makes the sea ____ and endangers sea plants and animals
  1.                                                                              pollute B. polluting C. polluted D. pollution
  1. _____ is a chemical used for killing weeds.
  1.                                                                              Pesticide B. Herbicide C. Fertilizer D. Antibiotic
  1. Some tiny organism are ____ along by the currents.
  1.                                                                              carried B. taken C. flowed D. moved
  1. The health of our children is being __ by exhaust fumes.
  1.                                                                                endangered B. danger C. dangerous D. endanger
  1. Many organizations have been set up and funds have been raised.
  1.                                                                                changed B. established C. decreased D. supported

  1. How_____ is the lake?
  1.                                                                                deep B. depth C. deepen D. deeply
  1. Sperm whale population are at risk due to hunting.
  1.                                                                                in extinction B. in danger C. on the decrease D. in fewness
  1. Sperm whales are _____, which means they eat meat.
  1.                                                                              herbivores B. carnivores C. omnivores D. mammals
  1. What would Tom do if he ______ the truth?
  1.                                                                              would know B. has known C. knows D. knew
  1. Could you talk _____? I’m trying to work.
  1.                                                                              more quietly B. quieter than C. more quiet D. quite
  1. 370C is the normal _______ of the human body.
  1.                                                                              coldness B. heat C. temperature D. weather
  1. _______ , he would lend us his car.
  1.                                                                              If he was here B. Was he here C. Were he here D. Unless he was here
  1. Green turtles can migrate more than 1,4000 miles to ____ their eggs.
  1.                                                                              lie B. lay C. laid D. lain
  1. If Marry were not afraid of flying, she would travel by plane.
  1.                                                                  Because of her fear of flying, Marry did not travel by plane.
  2.                                                                   Because of her fear of flying, Marry does not travel by plane.
  3.                                                                   Because of her fear of flying, Marry traveled by plane.
  4.                                                                  Because of her fear of flying, Marry travels by plane.
  1. We   ______ English very well before we went to New York.

 A. has learnt B. had learnt C. were learnt D. learnt

  1.  The chemical ________ from cars and factories make the air, water and soil dangerously dirty.

A. pollution         B. pollutants C.  polluted         D. pollute

  1. Consumers have been encouraged to use ............... products.
  1.                                                                                environment friendly B. environmental friend C. environmentally friendly D.environmentally friend
  1. You___________ Mark. You know it’s a secret.

A. should tell    B. shouldn’t tell    C. couldn’t tell                    D. might tell


  1. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

Every year, 100 million sharks are killed by people in commercial and recreational fishing. In the past they were killed simply for the sport of landing a good fighting fish (make sharks for instance). Sharkskin was used for making sandpaper. Other sharks are hunted for food, and some species for other products.

Sharks are a common seafood in many places around the world, in­cluding Japan and Australia. In Australia shark is the most commonly used fish. Sharks are often killed for shark fin soup, in which many sharks are hunted for their fins, which are cut off with a hot metal blade before the live animal is tossed back into the water. There have been cases where hundreds of de-finned animals were swept up on local beaches without any way to convey themselves back into the sea. Conservation­ists have campaigned for changes in the law to make finning illegal in the U.S.

Sharks generally reach sexual maturity slowly and produce very few offspring in comparison to other fishes that are harvested. This has caused concern among biologists regarding the increase in effort applied to catching sharks over time, and many species are considered to be threatened. Some organizations, such as the Shark Trust, campaign to limit shark fishing.


  1. Nowadays, people hunt sharks for_____.

A: commerce and recreation

B: fun and fighting

C: sport and fighting

D: fishing and landing

  1. According to the text, _____.

A: people hunt sharks only to make sandpaper

B: sharks are hunted only for food

C: sharks cannot be hunted

D: there are many products made from sharks

  1. Which sentence is not true?

A: Shark fins are used for making soup.

B: Japanese do not like to eat sharks.

C: Many sharks are hunted for their fins.

D: Shark fins are cut off when they are alive.

  1.  Cutting off shark fins is _____ in America.

A: legal

B: encouraging

C: banned

D: popular

  1. Sharks______.

A: have a lot of offspring

B: have very few offspring

C: can be caught freely in America

D: reach sexual maturity quickly

  1. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase

Human beings (1) ____ to protect only the beautiful and non-threat­ening parts of our environment. We tend to pay more attention to ani­mals on land than any other large (2)_________. Environmentalists have not done much enough to help (3) _______the Pacific

Ocean sharks (4) ____ population has decreased nearly to the point of (5)______.  Sharks are among the oldest creatures on Earth (6) ____ in the seas for more than 350 million years. The fact that they have managed to live in the oceans for so many millions of years is enough proofs of their efficiency and adaptability to change environments. It is time for human beings to begin considering the protection of sharks as an important part of a program for protection of our natural environment.

1.      A. let  B. make               C. seem D. advise

2.      A. sea animals B. animals          C. land animals                   D. creatures

3.      A. kill B. destroy            C. threaten  D. save

4.      A. which  B. that                C. whose D. whom

5.      A. extinguish B. extinctive       C. extinct D. extinction

6.       A. to have survived  B. survived C. which having survived   D. that surviving

  1. Rewrite
  1. Climbing without a safety rope is forbidden.

You aren’t____________________________________________________

  1.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Nigel hasn’t got satelltite, so he can’t watch the game.


  1.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Throw a stone into water and it sinks.


  1.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I don’t know enough about the machine, so I can’t mend it myself.


  1.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Nick can’t find the way because he hasn’t got a map.


  1.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    It is raining, so we won’t finish the game.


  1.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I don’t ride the bus to work every morning because it’s always so crowded.


  1.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Barry stops to shake everyone’s hand becausee he’s running for political office.


  1.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The wind is blowing hard, so I won’t take the boat out for a ride.


  1. I can’t go to the disco because I’m under 18.


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