Essay 1  Owning a Car in Urban Area

As the standard of living is getting higher, more and more people are buying cars as they are buying T.V sets. It is however debatable if buying a car in an urban area is advantageous or not. Having a car in an urban area on the hand provides the owner with comfort and safety but on the other hand involves a lot of worry and expense.

There are some advantages to owning a car in an urban area. First, sitting in your car is much more comfortable than having to wait a long time for the arrival of the bus or train. In bad weather the driver of the car is warm and comfortable and is always guaranteed a seat. Second, in urban areas it is much safer to be in your car, especially at night, than having to walk down a dark street to get to bus stop or train station.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to owing a car. First, a car is expensive. Gasoline is not cheap and car insurance rates in urban areas are very high. There are other expenses to be considered too, such as car maintenance and repairs as well as having to pay for parking. Second, owing a car causes a lot of worry and stress. If you leave your car in the street it might get stolen or its parts might get stolen. It is also very stressful to be driving on the freeway or in traffic jams and there is the constant fear and stress of being involved in an accident.

Owning a car in urban area can be both advantageous by providing comfort and safety and disadvantageous by causing worry and stress as well as a lot of expenses to the driver. In my opinion, owing a car in urban area is indispensable for getting around a safely and freely in a big town, and its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages.


Essay 2 Advantages of Living in a Hostel


Accommodation is one of students’ biggest concerns when they leave home to study in a big city. They may live with their relatives if possible, or rent a room or enter the hostel. Among those choices, entering a hostel is the most favourable one because of its advantages as follows.

The very first advantage of living in a hostel is that a hostel is quite a cheap and rather safe place for students. Living there, students are able to save a pretty big amount of money for each school year. Besides, they do not have to worry about the security and other things like electricity or water supply. Moreover, for most students, this is the first time they have left home to live without parents’ care, there will be a lot of danger awaiting them in the outside world. Hostels will partly help to protect them from that.

Another advantage that should be mentioned is that students will have a lot of friends if they enter the hostel. Normally, there are at least eight students sharing a room. Therefore, they hardly feel lonely as friends are all around most of the time. Students living in the hostel usually do everything together, for example they have meals together, go out together and study together. They also give birthday party to each member in the room.

It would be not enough if the last advantage is not listed, that is living in a hostel enables students to learn many things. The very first thing to learn is the way to live in harmony with others, even how to cope with people they do not like at all. Moreover, students can learn from their roommates’ good qualities they can help one another with their studies and difficulties in life.

In conclusion, it is good for each student to spend time to experience the life in a hostel. They will have chance to learn many new things and new lessons that only the life in a hostel can give.


Essay 3 Disadvantages of Living in a Hostel


When leaving home to start studying in a big city, students will have to take many things into account, for example: the tutor fee, the life expense and above all the accommodation. For some reasons, many students choose to live in a hostel rather than renting a room or living with the relatives. However, besides its advantages, there are some disadvantages of life in a hostel that can  be listed here.

The very first disadvantage that students will encounter is that they will experience a great change when entering on the life in a hostel. They will not be able to have good meals of their appetite as they are not allowed to cook. Although the rooms are small, students have to share space with other people. Therefore, the private space for them in a room is less than nothing. Besides, other services are very bad, for example the water supply is poor, making a phone call is inconvenient, etc.

Besides, hostel is one of the places from which social evils originate. As a matter of fact, gambling, drinking and drug addiction and prostitute are popular in many hostels. Therefore, when living in a hostel, students will easily get involved in those bad things. The result is that those evils will lead them to cause serious problems and consequences not only for themselves, for their family but also for the whole society.

Last but not least, the life in a hostel may bring about a lot of troubles. As students have to share room with others, their daily life will become less and less comfortable. Sometimes it is impossible to do things that they want, they can only do what all the members want. Besides, there are intolerant roommates with bad habits or lifestyle. Consequently, quarrels are inevitable and life becomes sufferings.

To sum up, everything has its good side and bad side and so do hostels. If a student can manage to overcome the disadvantages that the life in a hostel brings about, then hostel is a nice and good place for him to start his university life.

Essay 4 Students at universities often have a choice of places to live. They may choose to live in university dormitories, or they may choose to live in apartments in the community. Compare the advantages of living in university housing with the advantages of living in an apartment in the community. Where would you prefer to live? Give reasons for your preference.


  Some students prefer to live in university dormitories. However, other students choose to live in apartments in the community. I think both of these options have advantages. Bellow I will give my reasons to support my answer.

From the one side, living in a dormitory has many benefits. First of all, for a foreign student it is a good chance to improve his or her communication skills and find new friends. Second of all, a dormitory has many useful facilities such as libraries, a canteen, Internet access, etc. In addition to these practical benefits living in a dormitory is often cheaper. So, it helps students save some money what is important at the beginning of their independent life. Finally, living in a dormitory gives students the opportunity to ask for help each other if something was not clear on the lecture presented in a class. This, in it is turn, lead to higher grades. Also, students have many common subject and interests to discuss with each other. So, basically, living in a dormitory helps students to become more sociable and good team-players and gain new knowledge and experience by use of libraries and group discussion.

From the other side, living in apartments in the community also has a few benefits. Students can have more privacy and, also, they can choose a community according to its convenience and location. It is sometimes may be an essential because of a person's job.

In conclusion, I think that living in a dormitory brings students more benefits then it does living in a community. Students learn to get along with each other, be ready to help and make friends.

nguon VI OLET