HỌC KỲ II NĂM HỌC 2018 -2019
Môn: TIẾNG ANH Lớp 10
Thời gian: 45 phút (kể cả phát đề)
Từ câu số 01 đến câu số 40

Mã đề thi 132

Họ, tên thí sinh:..................................................................... Lớp: .............................

Choose the word which isstressed differently from the rest from 1 to 2.
Câu 1: A. damage B. discover C. consider D. preserve
Câu 2: A. condition B. temperature C. establish D. develop
Find the error from 3to 6.
Câu 3:Erosion, which washes away valuable topsoil, can preventby planting trees and grass. A B C D
Câu 4:That pottery wasfoundby an archaeologist while she was worked in this area.
Câu 5:The children are only allowed watching television on the weekend.
Câu 6:You can`t go into the reception if you`ve got a ticket.
Read the passage then choose the best answer for the following questions by marking the corresponding letter: A, B, C, or D from 7to 11.
Most people are afraid of sharks, but they usually do not know much about them. For example, there are about 350 species of sharks that live in oceans over the world. All of the sharks are carnivores, but most of them don`t attack people. Some sharks are very small - the smallest shark is about 6 inches long - about as long as your hand. But some sharks are very large. The largest species of sharks may be 60 feet long and weigh 15 tons. Unlike many other kinds of fish, sharks do not have bone. Their bodies are made up of a kind of tough white flexible material (called cartilage). Sharks do not have ears. However, they `hear` sounds and movements in the wade. Any sound or movement makes the water vibrates. Sharks can feel these vibrations and they help the sharks find food. Sharks use their large eyes to find food, too. Most sharks see best in low light. They often hunt for food at dawn in the evening, or in the middle of the night.
Nowadays scientists want to learn more about sharks for several reasons. For example, cancer is common in many animals, including, people. However, it is rare in sharks. Scientists want to find out why sharks almost never get cancer. Maybe this information can help people prevent cancer too.
(Note: - vibrations (n): sự chuyển động, rung động/- bone (n): xương/- cartilage (n): sụn)
Câu 7:According to the passage, sharks_______.
A. always attack humans. B. are carnivores
C. usually live in warm water D. are big mammals.
Câu 8: How long is a smallest shark?
A. As long as a hand B. As one`s long hand C. About 1,5 meters D. About 6 centimeters
Câu 9:It can be inferred from the last paragraph that_______.
A. information about sharks help people infect with cancer.
B. scientists are given permission to catch sharks for their studies.
C. the cancer risk among animals is found to be higher.
D. sharks are being studied.
Câu 10:Sharks can hunt for food at night because_______.
A. their eyes are large. B. they feel vibrations in the water.
C. they see well in the dark. D. they `hear` more clearly at night.
Câu 11:The word "they" underlinedin the passage refers to_______.
A. sounds B. sharks C. movements D. vibrations
Read the passage then complete it by marking thecorresponding letter A, B, C, or D from 12 to 16
Dolphins are known as cetaceans, or marine (12)_____: they breathe air, they are warm-blood, and they bear live young ones called (13)_____ The size of dolphins varies greatly. The smallest dolphin is just about 50 kg in weight and 1.2 meters in length (14)_____ the largest one can weigh up to 8.200 kg and is 10 meters long. Dolphins are sociable creatures. They swim together in group known as schools. They show great ability in the water and you can often (15)_____ them playing (16)_____ ships.
Câu 12: A. fish B. creatures C. mammals D. life
Câu 13: A. babies B. calves C. young D. diets
Câu 14: A. when B. as C. while D. since
Câu 15: A. look down B. come across C. run after D. go by
nguon VI OLET