Part 1: Complete the form below
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND /OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Example: Name:
Stefan Unger

Your answers

Degree programme:

2. ________________________

Leisure activities
3. ________________________

Type of accommodation:
4. ________________________

Contact number:
5. ________________________

Part 2: You will hear a psychologist being interviewed about friendship. Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear.
1. From three to five years old , children __________.
A. Are happy to play alone B. prefer to be with their family
C. have rather selfish relationship D. have little idea of ownership
2. From the age of five to eight to ten, children ________.
A. change their friend more often. B. decide who they want to friends with.
C. admire people who don’t keep to rules. D. learn to be tolerant of their friends.
3. According to Sarah Browne, adolescents _______.
A. may be closer to their friends than to their parents
B. develop an interest in friend of the opposite sex
C. choose friends with similar personalities to themselves.
D. want friends who are dependable.
4. Young married people ______.
A. tend to focus on their children B. often lose touch with their friends
C. make close friends less easily D. need fewer friends than single people
5. In middle or old age people generally prefer ______.
A. to stay in touch with old friends B. to see younger friends more often
C. to have friends who live nearby D. to spend more time with their friends
Your answers:
1. ________
2. ________
3. ________
4. ________
5. ________

Part 3: You are going to listen to a report from a local TV news program about the island of
Samsø in Denmark and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F)

Your answers


1. The major source of power on Samsø is oil.

2. Samsø produces more electricity than it needs.

3. Americans on average produce more carbon dioxide than Dutch citizens.

4. The furnace is used for both heating and making fertilizer.

5. Farmers on Samsø have lost money by changing to environmentally-friendly practices.

Part 4: You will hear a woman called Yvonne on a TV programme giving about children being punished at school. For questions 1-10, complete the sentences with NO MORE THAN THREE
WORDS for each gap.
The strap was a long piece of leather made especially for (1)_________________ children’s palms.
Today, children who misbehave at school seldom even get a (2)_________________..
In the fifties, Yvonne was strapped for coming to school in (3)_________________.
Yvonne thought the way she was disciplined at school was (4) ______________ and unfair.
The members of organization P.O.P.P.I. all had (5)__________________.
In 1979, because of P.O.P.P.I…, (6) ______________made the strap illegal.
Yvonne describes her children as (7) ______________ and irresponsible.
Yvonne does not think her children understand (8) ______________ they are.
She is now sorry that the government (9) ______________.
She believes that there would be less (10)________________ if the strap was still used.
Your answers:
1. ________
2. ________
3. ________
4. ________
5. ________

6. ________
7. ________
8. ________
9. ________
10. ________

Part 1. Choose the word that best completes each sentence. Write your answer (A, B, C, or D) in the box provided. (20 points)

1. I was really looking forward to going to the game and I could hardly wait until the _____ day came.
A. grand B. big C. major D. huge
2. This disagreement is likely to _____ relations between the two countries.
A. disaffect B. alienate C. sour D. estrange
3. I don’t want to be too _____ on Alice, but I think I should tell that her work isn’t good enough.
A. strict B. firm C. stern D. hard
4. Once the story _____ the headlines , everyone was talking about it
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