Date of preparing: 3/4/2015

Week 30

Period 119


  Lesson 1(1+2)

A.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about what a village/town/city is like.

- Practice speaking and listening skill  .

B.Teaching aids: pictures, CD player

C. Techniques: picture drill, free talk. 

D. Procedure:

I. Organization

       Class                      Date of teaching                  Absent  students

              5A                             10/4/2015                       ............................

              5B                             10/4/2015                       .............................




Teachers activities


Students’ activities





















































II.Warm up:

- Ask Ss to sing the song " To my hometown"

III. New lesson

1. Look, listen and repeat

* Set the scence:

- T: Linda and Thu are talking about the place  where they live .

 * Pre-teach the new vocab: public

- T elicit the meaning  and write words on the board.

- T gets Ss to repeat them a few times.

*Look, listen and repeat

- T plays the cassette.

- T plays the cassette again line by line( twice).



- T calls some students to read

2. Point, ask and answer.

 * Pre-teach the new vocab:

- T runs through the pictures.

- T writes target items on the b.b

What's .... like ?

It's.......  It's got/ hasn't got............ 

- T gets Ss to repeat them a few times.


Picture cues drill.    


- T models:

What's Doson Town  like ?

It's big.  It's got a lot of shops

Teacher- Whole class 



-  T goes around to help and checks.

- T calls some pairs to practice.

3. Production: Free talk

- T asks SS to talk about where they live and what it's like.

- T makes a model with a good student.

Teacher: Where do you live, Trang ?

S1: I live in a village.

Teacher: What's your village like?

S1: It's quiet. It hasn't got a lot of cars.

      Where do you live, Miss Lan ?

Teacher: ..................................

- T goes around to help and check

- T checks some pairs.

IV. Summary:

 What's .... like ?

It's.......  It's got/ hasn't got............

V. Homework: practice the structure at home


- Sing the song chorally







- give meaning


- repeat chorrally, individually


- Listen to the dialogue.

- Listen and repeat chorally.           

- Teacher- whole class

- Half-half, exchange

- Open pairs- close pairs




- Read aloud the words chorally




- repeat chorrally, individually





- Listen and repeat C.



- half-half; Exchange.

- S1-S2; S3-S4........

- work in close pairs.







- Listen





- Practice in pairs

- Some pairs perform.


- Ss retell


- listen and remember


E. Self evaluation :



***the end***






Date of preparing: 3/4/2015

Week 30

Period 120




  Lesson 1(3+4)

A.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to listen and complete ; ask and answer questions about what a village/town/city is like.

- Practice speaking and listening skill  .

B.Teaching aids:   CD player

C. Techniques: ordering .

D. Procedure:

I. Organization

       Class                      Date of teaching                  Absent  students

              5A                             10/4/2015                       ............................

              5B                             10/4/2015                       .............................



Teachers activities


Students’ activities
































































II.Warm up: Ordering

- T writes some words on the board and asks Ss to copy down.

- shops     - farms        - village

- friendly                     - people

- T give instructions: Listen to a paragraph and number the words.

- T models: village- 1

- T reads: Hi, my name's Anna. I live in a village in the South of Australia. It's about 500 kms from Sydney. It's got many farms. It hasn't got many schools and shops. The people are very nice and friendly. I love my home village so much.

- T asks Ss to give the answer, corrects.

* Keys: shops -3; farms -2; friendly-5; people -4

III. New lesson

3. Listen and complete:

* Set the scence:

- Ask Ss to open the book on page 62

- Get them to look at the picture and read through the sentences.

- Set the context: Mai is meeting Anna from Australia. You are going to listen to the dialogues between the 2 girls and complete the sentences provided.

*Listen and complete:

- Play the recording twice.

- 1st for Ss to listen all the way through.

- 2nd for Ss to do the task.

- Pause after each part for Ss to have time to complete the sentences.

- Replay the recording.

- Get Ss to correct their answers in pairs.

- Ask some Ss to report their answers to the class.

- If there is disagreement on any answer, play the related part of the recording again.

- Give the right answers to the class.

1.south; 2.500; 3.farms ;4.nice and friendly

- Ask a few Ss how they come to their answers if possible.


- Write a list of Ss’promts on the board.

- Get Ss to repeat each sentence a few times.

- Do the first example with the best student.

Teacher:Where do you live ?

S1: I live in Tien An village

Teacher:What's your home village like ?

S1: It's quiet. It has a lot of trees, flowers. It hasn't a lot of building.

- Have Ss to work in pairs take turns to play roles to ask and answer questions about means of transport.

- Call on some pairs to demonstrate in front of the class.

- Listen.- Help.

- Check Ss’ pro. and fluency.

- Praise them.

IV. Summary: - In this lesson, students learn to ask and  answer questions what a village/town/city is like.

V. Homework: practice retelling the story at home



- Copy down the words




- Listen



- Listen and number






- Give the answer, remark

- Check





- Look at the picture and sentences



- Listen.





- Listen and complete.


- Listen and check their answers.

- Correct the answers in pairs.

- Report their answers to the class.

- Check.










- T- S1




- Pairs work



- Demonstrate in front of the class.




- Ss retell



- listen and remember


Week 30 Tổ trưởng kí duyệt

Ngày 9/4/2015



                                                             Bùi Thị Luyện


Date of preparing: 10/4/2015

Week 31

Period 121



  Lesson 2(1+2+3)

A.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to pronouce correctly the sounds of the letters  "o" as in "go" and those of the letter ‘o’as in"got

B.Teaching aids:   cards; poster,CD player

C. Techniques: pair work, group work

D. Procedure:

I. Organization

       Class                      Date of teaching                  Absent  students

              5A                             15/4/2015                       ............................

              5B                             13/4/2015                       .............................



Teachers activities


Students’ activities




































































II.Warm up: Pair work

T asks Ss to practice with their partner to ask and and answer about their hometown

S1::Where's your hometown?

S2: It's in......

S1: What's it like ?

S2: It's...... It's got/hasn't got......

S1: :How did you  get there?

S2: By....

S1: :How long does it take to get there by...?

S2: ....

- T checks 2 pairs.

III. New lesson

1. Listen and repeat: go - got

- T models: ooo

                   go_ go_ go


                 got _ got _ got

2. Listen and read together

* Set the scence:

-Ask Ss open your books on page 63 and look at the text

? Who are in the picture ?

? What are they talking about ?


T: You're going to hear 2 dialogues. Clap the words in focus: 1 clap for the word " go, hometown " and 2 claps for the word " got, hot ".

- T plays the recording.

-  T plays the recording again.


- T reads the dialogue again and claps .

- T reads the dialogue again

- T plays the CD

- T plays the CD again

- T divides class into 2 groups

- T asks Ss to practice in pairs.

-         Make a few questions to check Ss’ comprehension of language

* Comprehension questions

1. Where's Nam's hometown ?

2. How does he go there?

3. Where's Tony's hometown ?

4. What's it like?


3. Group and say aloud

- T gives instructions: Group the words in the appropriate column according to their pronunciation

- T checks if Ss understand the meaning of the words in focus. Recalls the familiar words and teach the new one: nose, pot rope.

- T says each words and gets Ss to repeat it a few times.

- T sets the time and get Ss to work individually.

- T asks Ss to check their answers in pairs.

- T calls on some Ss to report their answers to the class

- T gives the correct answer

1. go: nose, close, rope, cold, home. lot, not, holiday, pot, hot.

- T haves the class read in chorus all the words in each column.                   

IV. Summary:

V. Homework: practice reading  at home.





- work in pairs









- listen to the T

- listen and repeat C

- Some Ss read aloud

- Practice in pairs.






- Tony and Nam

- they are talking about their hometowns.


- listen



- listen

- listen and repeat twice

- 2 Ss read

- listen and watch

- Listen and clap

- Read the dialogue C

- Read and clap

- Group A read-Group B clap


- Read and clap in pairs.

- Listen and answer the T's questions

- It's on an island

- By ferry boat

- It's near the center of Australia

- It's hot. It's hasn't got many farms.


- listen





- Repeat chorally


- Work individually


- Correct in pairs

- report the answers

- Remark

- Check



- Read chorally



- listen and remember


***the end***




















Date of preparing: 10/4/2015

Week 31

Period 122



  Lesson 2(4+5)

A.Objectives:  By the end of the lesson SS will be able to listen and tick the chart and do the word maze well.

B.Teaching aids:   cards; poster,CD player

C. Techniques: pair work, group work

D. Procedure:

I. Organization

       Class                      Date of teaching                  Absent  students

              5A                             16/4/2015                       ............................

              5B                             13/4/2015                       .............................



Teachers activities


Students’ activities




































































II.Warm up: Pair work

T asks Ss to practice with their partner to ask and and answer about their hometown

S1::Where's your hometown?

S2: It's in......

S1: What's it like ?

S2: It's...... It's got/hasn't got......

S1: :How did you  get there?

S2: By....

S1: :How long does it take to get there by...?

S2: ....

- T checks 2 pairs.

III. New lesson

- 4. Listen and tick

- Tell the Purpose: You are going to listen to the recording and tick the chart.

+ Key:

 a, Nam, b. David, c. Tom, d. Laura



?*. Where does Nam/ Tom… live?



T plays the recording.

-  T plays the recording again.


- T reads the dialogue again and claps .

- T reads the dialogue again

- T plays the CD

- T plays the CD again

- T divides class into 2 groups

- T asks Ss to practice in pairs.

-         Make a few questions to check Ss’ comprehension of language

* Comprehension questions

1. Where's Nam's hometown ?

2. How does he go there?

3. Where's Tony's hometown ?

4. What's it like?

5. Funtime:  Word maze

- T gives instructions: Group the words in the appropriate column according to their pronunciation

- T checks if Ss understand the meaning of the words in focus. Recalls the familiar words and teach the new one: nose, pot rope.

- T says each words and gets Ss to repeat it a few times.

- T sets the time and get Ss to work individually.

- T asks Ss to check their answers in pairs.

- T calls on some Ss to report their answers to the class

- T gives the correct answer

1. go: nose, close, rope, cold, home. lot, not, holiday, pot, hot.

- T haves the class read in chorus all the words in each column.                   

IV. Summary:

V. Homework: practice reading  at home.





- work in pairs



- T explains the requirement of the task.

- Run through all the chart

- Listen and tick:

+ Listen all the way through (once)

+ Listen and tick. (once) - Individual

+ Listen and check. (compare with their partners)

+ Then correct.

+Listen all the way through again to check/ Pause at the key words.

- Gives comment.


- T-WC, Individual


- Explain how to play the game.

- Do an example with “Town”

- Set the time for Ps to play the game in groups.

- Get feed back.

- Read aloud all the words.

- Make sentence with words.


- Remember



- listen

- listen and repeat twice

- 2 Ss read

- listen and watch

- Listen and clap

- Read the dialogue C

- Read and clap

- Group A read-Group B clap


- Read and clap in pairs.

- Listen and answer the T's questions

- It's on an island

- By ferry boat

- It's near the center of Australia

- It's hot. It's hasn't got many farms.


- listen





- Repeat chorally


- Work individually


- Correct in pairs

- report the answers

- Remark

- Check



- Read chorally



- listen and remember


***the end***


Date of preparing: 10/4/2015

Week 31

Period 123  

                    UNIT 18: LIFE IN THE VILLAGE AND CITY

          Lesson 3(1+2)

A. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about how to compare two places or things

- Practice speaking and listening skill  .

B.Teaching aids:   pictures,CD player

C. Techniques: picture cues drill, lucky numbers. .

D. Procedure:

I. Organization

       Class                      Date of teaching                  Absent  students

              5A                             17/4/2015                      ............................

              5B                             17/4/2015                       .............................



Teachers activities


Students’ activities
























































II.Warm up: - Read the chant on page 22

III. New lesson

1. Look, listen and repeat

* Set the scence:

? Who are in the picture

? Wherte are they


- T: Akio is showing some photos of her last holiday to Nam.

 * Pre-teach the new vocab: bridge,tower.

- T elicit the meaning  and write words on the board.

- T gets Ss to repeat them a few times.

*Look, listen and repeat

- T plays the cassette.

- T plays the cassette again line by line( twice).



- T calls some students to read


2. Point, ask and answer.

 * Pre-teach the new vocab:

- Mount Everest,Mount Fansipan

- T elicit the meaning from the pictures and write words on the board.

- T gets Ss to repeat them a few times.

- T writes target items on the b.b

Which city is bigger,Tokyo or London ?

Tokyo is.

Picture cues drill.  


- T models:

Why shouldn't they jump into the river ?

Because they may drown.

Teacher- Whole class 



-  T goes around to help and checks.

- T calls some pairs to practice.

3. Production: Nought and crosses

- T uses pictures for Ss to play the game






- T gives instructions, checks.

- T divides class into teams, names.

- T monitors.

- T praises the winning team

IV. Summary: ask and answer questions about accident prevention

V. Homework: practice the structure at home


- Whole class




- Akio and Nam

- They're in the classroom.





- give meaning


- repeat chorrally, individually


- Listen to the dialogue.

- Listen and repeat chorally.           

- Teacher- whole class

- Half-half

- Open pairs







- give meaning


- repeat chorrally, individually






- Listen and repeat C.




- half-half; Exchange.

- S1-S2; S3-S4........

- work in close pairs.












- Play the game in 2 teams

- Ss retell


- listen and remember



E. Self evaluation :


***the end***


Date of preparing: 10/4/2015

Week 31

Period 124  


                                       Lesson 3(3+4+5)

A.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to read about life in a village or a city and write a short paragraph to describe their hometowns.

- Practice reading  and writing skill  .

B.Teaching aids:  

C. Techniques: cross word puzzle; questions and answers. 

D. Procedure:

I. Organization

       Class                      Date of teaching                  Absent  students

              5A                             17/4/2015                      ............................

              5B                             17/4/2015                       .............................



Teachers activities


Students’ activities






























































II.Warm up: Fun time- Do the cross

word puzzle.

- Uses the poster and student book

- Stick the poster with the crossword puzzle on the board.

- Ask Ss look at crossword puzzle and pictures  on the bb or in their books .

- Point to each picture to elicit pupil ‘ answer to identify the different things

Eg :point to the picture 1 and ask “which is longer ?

- Write word "fall"on the board and ask pupil count the letters .

- Get pupils to check whether the letters fit the number of boxes in the puzzle .

- Repeat the step unit pupils finish prompting all the words

- T asks Ss to do in pairs

- T monitors and helps if necessarry

-call on some pupil  to the bb to complete  the puzzle and read out the words to the class


III. New lesson

3. Read a passage and do the task

- T asks ss open their book on p.66

a. Find the opposites of




- Set the context: You are going to read two passages about life in a village and a town to know the differences between them.

* pre- teach vocabulary: peaceful,exciting,quiet,province,prefer

- T translates meaning for ss

- T asks ss repeat them a few time

a. Find the opposites of

- T monitors the activity and offer help as necessary.

- T asks ss read aloud the answers and explain how to get to their answer

- T checks

- T gives key answer: 1.quiet 2.large     3.exciting

b. Read the passage again.Match’it’ with the right meang

- T gives instructions:

- T asks ss work individually

- T monitors, goes around to help and check

- T asks ss compare with partner

- T calls ss report their answer.

- T corrects.

* Answer:

It(1).b  It(2).c    It(3).a

c. Answer the questions 

- T asks Ss to read the questions and scan the passage qickly to find the answers.

- Set the time and move around the classroom to monitor the activity.

- Asks Ss to read aloud the answer to the class.

- T corrects Ss' mistake if necessarry.

* Keys:

1. She lives in Binh minh village in Thai Binh province.

2.He lives in Nam Giang Town in Na Dinh province.

3.Because his hometown is exciting.

4. Write.

- T ask ss to open their book on p.67

- T asks ss read the writing frame and write

- T gives instructios: You are going to write about your hometown or villages

- T monitors

- T asks ss work individually

- T goes round and checks

- T calls some ss to report their answer

* Answer:I live in yenduc village in quang ninh province.It is a small and quiet village.  

IV. Summary: to read an informative text on fall prevention for younger children and write a message.

V. Homework: redo exercise 4









-         The bridge b is longer







- Do in pairs.



- go to the board, complete the puzzle and read aloud the words.





- Ss give their ideals

- Read after the T chorally



- Listen






- listen

- repeat chrocally


- work individually

- compare with the partner

- read aloud answer and explain.







-  work individually

- compare with partner

- say aloud the answer








- Read the qs and scan the passage.


- Do individually, check the answers in pairs.

- Read aloud the answers.











- open the book


- read the writing frame



- listen




- Write individually

- compare with patner

- Some Ss read aloud their writings

- Remark.




- retell


- listen and remember


E. Self evaluation :


***the end***

Tổ trưởng kí duyệt

Ngày 16/4/2015



Bùi Thị Luyện


Date of preparing: 15/4/2015

Week 32

Period 125


Unit 19: Road Signs

Lesson 1(part1, 2)

A.Objectives: By the end of the lesson SS will be able to ask and answer questions  about road sign.

 B.Teaching aids:   student books, puppets/ flashcards / pictures, CD,

C. Techniques: cross word puzzle; questions and answers. 

D. Procedure:

I. Organization


             Class                      Date of teaching                  Absent  students

                   5A                             23/4/2015                       ............................

                   5B                             20/4/2015                       .............................



II. Procedure



I. Warm up: brainstorming

                Favourite stories

- T- WC

- Team work.

II. New lesson

1. Look, listen and repeat.

- Who are they? where are they ?

- What are they doing?


- Explain the title of this unit.

- T explains the requirement of the task.

- Run through all the pictures ( Characters/ places/ activities)

- Model: T- Ps, P- P

- Play the recording all the way through( once)

- Listen and repeat.

- Ps practice in pairs/groups

2. Point, ask and answer

Eg: Picture a.

What does this sign mean?

It means we must stop

+ Vocabulary( use pictures )

Mean,observe,traffic rule,zebra crossing


+Checking vocab: R& R

+ Sentence patterns

        What happened first?

III. Reinforcement

- Repeat vocabulary and model.

IV. Homelink

- Learn by heart the words, sentence patterns you have learnt in this lesson.

- T explains the requirement of the task.

- Run through  all the pictures.

- Teach vocabulary


- Model: T- Ps, P- P

- Ps practice in pairs

- Call on some pairs to perform in front of the class.

- Gives comment.

-   T- WC



Week 31

Period 124


Unit 19: Road Signs

Lesson 1(part3+4)


A. Objectives: By the end of the lesson SS will be able to ask and answer questions  about road sign.

B.Teaching aids:   student books, puppets/ flashcards / pictures, CD,

C. Techniques: game,map dialogue; questions and answers. 

D. Procedure:

I. Organization


             Class                      Date of teaching                  Absent  students

                   5A                             10/4/2014                       ............................

                   5B                             11/4/2014                       .............................







I. Warm up:

Slap the cards ( road signs)

 You must/ mustn’t…


- T- WC

- Teams


II. New lesson

3. Listen and circle

+ Answer key:

        1b, 2a, 3c, 4b


- T explains the requirement of the task.

- Sets the context, describe the picture, and read the questions carefully.

- Elicits and recall vocabulary if necessary.

- Tells Ps the techniques to complete the task correctly and quickly.

- Ask Ps to guess the answers.

- Listen for all through

- Listen and circle.

- Check their answers with friends.

- Listen and check then listen and correct.

- Gets fed back.


4. Talk :

- III. Reinforcement

Game: True or false

T says the sentences , Ps listen and say aloud True or false.


This sign mean you can park here. ( F)

IV. Homelink

Draw and colour a road sign for the class display in the next lesson.

-T explains the requirement of the task.

- Run through the guiding questions and pictures.

- Practice asking and answering  questions as guiding ones.



- Play game: T- WC



                                                TỔ TRƯỞNG KÍ DUYỆT

                                                        Ngày 10/4/2014




                                                            Bùi Thị Luyện





School year: 2014-2015

nguon VI OLET