Full name: ………………………… Time: 45’

Class: 10A….


I. Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose main stress syllable pronounced differently from the rest in each of the following questions.

1. A. operation          B. stimulating  C. information  D. competition

2. A. encourage B. impressive C. important D. orphanage

II. Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that has underlined part pronounced differently from the rest in each of the following questions.

3. A. answer B. wheel C. whale D. why

4. A. use B. yet C. enjoy D. young


III. Choose the best answer:

5. He looked very  _____ when he got out of the house. He may have got some ____  experiences.

a. frightening / frightening        b. frightened / frightened

c. frightened / frightening         d. frightening / frightened

6. The film was built up to be a masterpiece but I found it rather ____ .  Many audiences failed to hide their ____  feelings.  

a. disappointing / disappointed    b. disappointed / disappointing

c. disappointing / disappointing    d. disappointed / disappointed

7. It was a long and  _____ journey so we all were too _____  to enjoy it.    

a. tired / tiring     b. tiring / tired    c. tiring / tiring    d. tired / tired

8. Larry had been driving all night to get there on time so he was _____  by the time he arrived. It was an _____ drive.

a. exhausted / exhausting        b. exhausted / exhausted

c. exhausting / exhausting      d. exhausting / exhausted

9. Yesterday she heard ______  news. She was so ______  that she couldn’t say anything.

A. surprising/ surprising B. surprised/ surprising 

C. surprising/ surprised D. surprised/ surprised

10. The majority of people claim that it is ____  from some films that leads to crime among teenagers.

a. interest      b. excitement     c. violence       d. thrill

11. My father usually helps me_______ English.

A. to learn              B. lean                   C. learning             D. both A and B

12. My grandfather is used to ........................... up early in the morning.

A. getting                B. to get C. get D. got

13. Don’t forget ............................... her message when you see her.

A. give                    B. to give C. giving D. gave

14.I can’t help ................................... his opinions.

A. consider              B. to consider C. considering D. considered

15.You should try ............................... any shirts you want to buy.

A. wear                    B. to wear C. wearing D. wears

7. Everyone feels enthusiastic during his________.

A. perform   B. performer  C. performance   D. performed

8. He has become more and more well-known.

A.  famous   B. unsuccessful  C. shy    D. passionate

9. The band's latest album will be________next week.

A. become   B. won    C. written   D. released

22. How long? by Charlie Puth is a___________hit.

A. smart   B. smell   C. smash   D. smoke

23. I love this song because of its fast and joyful________.

A. audience    B. judge   C. celebrity   D. melody

24. I wanted to perform this song in front of my friends but I didn’t remember its_______.

A. instruments   B. tradition   C. singer   D. lyrics

25. Almost everyone in the world listens to his music. He is a_________star.

A. local    B. national   C. global                D. city

26. This composer always look happy________his songs sound sad.

A. but    B. because   C. so    D. therefore

27. During his composing_________, he came up with one thousand songs.

A. career   B. stage    C. instrument                D. judge

28. Although she is a superstar, she is never arrogant. She is very_________.

A. narrow-minded  B. modest   C. mean   D. selfish



II. Complete the sentences by choosing a word from the box.





1. He works very hard. It’s not ……….…….. that he’s always tired.

2. I don’t have anything to do. I’m …………..…… .

3. The teacher’s explanation was ………….….. . Most of the students didn’t understand it.

4. I’ve been working hard all day, and now I’m ………….…… .

5. Tom is good at telling funny stories. He can be very ……………… .

6. I’m starting a new job next week. I’m very ………….…… about it.

7. The lecture was ………..……. I feel asleep.

8. She was very ………….…… to see him there.


ARead the passage and then choose the best answer to each question.

Every day many road accidents happen in Hong Kong. Everyone, especially children must learn how to cross the road. A simple code to remember is “STOP, LOOK and LISTEN BEFORE YOU CROSS”.

The Transport Department organized road safety campaigns every year in order to reduce traffic accidents. Parents and teachers should educate children on road safety. Most schools have their own School Road Safety Patrols. The School Road Safety Patrols is a uniformed group. It recruits secondary school students as members. Students in senior forms help fellow students cross the road correctly and safely on their way to and from school.

When you go out alone, however, what is the best way to cross the road? First, you must find a safe place to cross. Of course, it is safest to be directed by a policeman or a traffic warden.

Roads are dangerous. However, if everyone takes care when crossing the road, there will be fewer traffic accidents. Our transport system will then become safer and more efficient. 

36. Who must learn how to cross the road safely?

         A. Children and their parents.                                       B. Everyone, especially teachers.

         C. Those injured in road accidents.                               D. Everyone who uses the road.

37. Road safety campaigns are organized to …………

         A. help the School Road Safety Patrols.              B. cut down the number of road accidents.

         C. direct students to cross the road.                              D. educate children on road safety.

38. What is the most suitable description for the School Road Safety Patrol?

         A. It accepts school teachers as member.                            B. Its duty is to participate in Road Safety Campaigns.

         C. You need not wear a uniform if you join.      D. Patrol members direct students to cross the roads correctly.

39. What should you do first if you want to cross a road?

         A. Look around for traffic.                             B. Ask a policeman or traffic warden for help.

         C. Find a safe place to cross.                                         D. Stand at the kerb.

40. According to the writer, what will happen if everyone is more careful in using the road?

         A. Fewer traffic accidents will happen.                  B. Our transport system will not be safe.

         C. There will be no more traffic accidents.                D. The roads will be widen.

XI. Read the text about Mother Teresa and answer questions that follow.

Mother Teresa was one of the most influential personalities of the twentieth century. However, her life was neither easy nor glamorous. She was born in Skopje, Macedonia in 1910. At the age of 18 she left her home in Skopje and joined the Sisters of Loreto, an Irish community of nuns with missions in India. She went to India as a missionary. She became a teacher of English in a secondary school. The school was in a nice area but there were slums nearby. Conditions there were absolutely terrible. She was horrified by what she saw. She insisted on leaving her comfortable convent and going to live among the poor. At first her superiors tried to discourage her from leaving the convent, but in the end they agreed to let her go.

Soon other people heard about her work and came to help her. Although she had no money herself, she succeeded in building shelters for the dying and schools for the poor. By the 1990s she had become famous and she was eventually given the Nobel Prize for her service to the poor. Mother Teresa died on September 5th, 1997.

Choose the best answer.

1.    Where was Mother Teresa born?

A. in India  B. in Macedonia  C. in Ireland

2.    When did she join the Sisters of Loreto?

A. In 1918  B. In 1910   C. In 1928

3.    What was her job in India?

A. She was a politician. B. She was a journalist. C. She was a teacher.

4.     What did she insist on when she saw the poor living conditions in India?

A. She decided to leave India. B. She decided to change her job. C. She decided to live among the poor.

5.    Why was she given the Nobel Prize?

A. Because of her great contributions to the improvement of the life for the poor.

B. Because she was a teacher of English.

C.  Because she had no money.





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