
- culture ['kʌlt∫ə] (n):   …………………………….  

cultural (adj):    thuộc văn hóa

- precede [pri:'si:d] (v):   …………………………….

- to confide in sb [kən'faid]:  …………………………….

Image result for cute hamsters cartoon- partnership ['pɑ:tnə∫ip] (n):  …………………………….

- determine [di'tə:min] (v):   …………………………….   

determination (n):   …………………………….

- sacrifice ['sækrifais] (v)   …………………………….

- oblige (to do sth) [ə'blaidʒ] (v)  …………………………….

- diversity [dai'və:siti] (n):   …………………………….

- factor ['fæktə] (n):    …………………………….

- to approve [ə'pru:v] (v)   …………………………….    

approval (n)

-to marry ['mæri] (v):   …………………………….   

marriage ['mæridʒ]:   …………………………….

- romantic:     lãng mạn

- to be attracted to:    …………………………….     

attractiveness (n):   …………………………….

- to fall in love with:   …………………………….

- contractual [kən'træktjuəl] (adj)  …………………………….

- bride (n) [braid]:    …………………………….      

- groom [ grum]:    …………………………….

- to be supposed:    …………………………….

- survey ['sə:vei] (n):   …………………………….

- surveyor (n):    nhân viên điều tra

- to conduct  ['kɔndʌkt] (v):   …………………………….

- response  [ri'spɔns] (n) = answer = reply: tr lời

- key value (n):    giá trị cơ bản

- concerned (adj):    quan tâm

- to maintain [mein'tein] (v):  …………………………….

- to reject  ['ri:dʒekt] (v):   …………………………….

- trust (v, n):     tin cậy

- point of view (n):    …………………………….

- generation [,dʒenə'rei∫n] (n):  thế hệ

- to be based on:    …………………………….

- to lead an independent life (v):  sống cuộc sống tự lập

-typical  ['tipikl]  (adj):   điển hình

-feature  ['fi:t∫ə] (n):    …………………………….

- altar  ['ɔ:ltə] (n):    …………………………….

- banquet  ['bæηkwit] (n):   buổi tiệc

- ceremony  ['seriməni] (n):   …………………………….    

wedding ceremony (n):   hôn lễ

- the couple (n):    …………………………….

- to be charge of sb/sth:   đảm trách

- ancestor (n) ['ænsistə]:   …………………………….

- to be/get married to sb:   …………………………….

- to exchange (v):    …………………………….

- reception [ri'sep∫n] (n):   …………………………….

- blessing ['blesiη] (n):   …………………………….

  1. A. naked    B. looked   C. booked    D. hooked
  2. A. concerned   B. raised   C. developed    D. maintained
  3. A. appeared   B. agreed   C. coughed    D. loved
  4. A. sacrificed   B. trusted   C. recorded    D. acted
  5. A. laughed   B. weighed   C. helped    D. missed
  6. London is home to people of many _______ cultures.

A. diverse    B. diversity   C. diversify    D. diversification

  1. John cannot make a _______ to get married to Mary or stay single until he can afford a house and a car.

A. decide    B. decision   C. decisive    D. decisively

  1. My mother used to be a woman of great _______, but now she gets old and looks pale.

A. beauty    B. beautiful   C. beautifully   D. beautify

  1. Some researchers have just _______ a survey of young people's points of view on contractual marriage.

A. sent    B. directed   C. managed      D. conducted

  1. It is not easy to ________ our beauty when we get older and older.

A. develop   B. maintain   C. gain    D. collect

  1. Many people have objected to ____ marriage, which is decided by the parents of the bride and groom.
  1. agreed    B. shared   C. contractual   D. Sacrificed
  1. It is thought that traditional marriage _______ are important basis of limiting divorce rates.

A. appearances   B. records   C. responses    D. values

  1. Affected by the Western cultures, Vietnamese young people's attitudes _______ love and marriage have dramatically changed.

A. for    B. with   C. through    D. towards

  1. Sometimes she does not agree _______ her husband about child rearing but they soon find the solutions.

A. for     B. on    C. with     D. of

15. Although they are twins, they have almost the same appearance but they are seldom in _______.

A. agree                  B. agreeable               C. agreement                                      D. agreeably

16. My parents will have celebrated 30 years of _______ by next week.

A. marry                                             B. married                             C. marriageable                         D. marriage

17. Mr. Pike held his wife's hands and talked to her in a low voice, but there didn't seem to be any response.

A. feeling                                            B. emotion                           C. reply                                           D. effect

18. Socially, the married _______ is thought to be the basic unit of society.

A. couple                                             B. pair                                  C. twins                                            D. double

19. Professor Berg was very interested in the diversity of cultures all over the world.

A. variety       B. changes                           C. conservation                           D. number

20. A woman can never have a happy married life without _______ her husband.

A. demanding                  B. agreeing                          C. trusting                                             D. determining

21. _______ Tom Cruise's last movie? Yes, I _______ it three days ago

A. Have you ever seen / saw    B. Did you ever see / have seen

C. Had you ever seen / would see   D. Will you ever see / saw

22. In the past, people _______ to the beach more often.

A. have gone   B. used to go  C. were going   D. had gone

23. Soon, people _______ most of the time at home.

A. will work   B. are working   C. have worked   D. work

24. I _______ a terrible accident while I _______ on the beach.

A. see / am walking      B. saw / was walking

C. was seeing / walked     D. have seen / were walking

25. After all, she _______ him since her childhood.

A. knows    B. knew   C. was knowing  D. had known

26. We _______ touch since we _______ school three years ago.

  1. lost / have left      B. have lost / leave

C. have lost / left      D. were losing / had left

27. The lights _______ out because we _______ the electricity bill.

  1. have gone / did not pay    B. will go / did not paid 

C. go / would not pay      D. went / had not paid

nguon VI OLET