1. Listen to a school teacher talking about cyber-bullying. Fill each of the gaps with no more than TWO words. You will listen TWICE.
The Internet is said to be one of the most amazing (1)____________ that humans have made. Since its appearance, the Internet has been so popular that nearly everyone uses it or knows about it. However, the Internet can be a scary place, especially because of cyber-bullying. Open any (2)____________ these days and you will see a story about this cyber-bullying. It’s a really nasty and growing problem. Cyber-bullies are real cowards. They hide behind their computers and scare people, send them hate mail or threaten them. Even worse is when they (3) ____________ pictures of their victims online. I have a friend who had a bad time at the hands of a cyber-bully. The cyber-bully (4)____________ lots of gossips and lies on the Internet. My friend’s reputation was badly damaged. You may wonder how cyber-bullying starts at school. Many schoolchildren physically bully others in class and then continue doing it online. Their victim isn’t safe anywhere. It is high time we (5) ____________ to stop cyber-bullying.
2. Listen to Annie talking about the Internet. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Circle T or F. You will listen TWICE.
1. Annie thinks the Internet is the greatest invention. 

2. Annie does her homework on the Internet. 

3. Annie loves emails. 

4. Annie spends little time on the Internet. 

5. Annie puts a lot of her personal information on Facebook. 

1. Read what Tom and Sara thinks about the Internet. Match the correct person with his/her opinion.
 TOM. I have worked in IT for 17 years and have seen it grow and develop. It’s a fantastic tool and most businesses rely on it these days and it’s also great for keeping in touch with friends, relatives and doing your shopping, etc. The only downside is that it wasn`t regulated correctly from day one and there are some shocking sites and big scams going on. The Internet is now so big that I think it is difficult to get it under control. SARA. The Internet itself is like any other invention. Neither good nor bad. It`s how it`s used that makes the difference. To me, the Internet is the greatest technological invention of all time. Before the Internet, the world was a huge place and people on opposite sides of the world could only communicate by snail mail or occasional phone calls as these were too expensive for regular use. The world has become a much smaller place and the places we cannot visit have become alive to us because of it. 
1. The Internet has made the world smaller. 

2. The Internet is good for people to keep in touch.

3. The bad sites make the Internet bad. 

4. The Internet had made one kind of communication cheaper. 

5. Whether Internet is good or bad depends on the use of it. 

2. Read the passage and fill the blanks with the given words.
prediction         anger          deforestation          processes          decades

Natural disasters result from natural 1.____________ of the earth. However, in the last five decades, human activities have contributed to increasing the number of natural disasters. More landslides have occurred as a result of 2.____________. Because there are fewer trees in the forest, the soil becomes loosened and more easily to be flushed down. Industrialization and urbanization contribute to global warming, leading to more intense disasters of all kinds, including hurricanes and tsunami. It is more difficult to have exact 3. ___________ of climate patterns such as El Niño and La Niña. According to the Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance, the total natural disasters reported each year have been steadily increasing in recent 4. ____________. In 1980, there were only about 100 hydro-meteorological disasters reported per year but that number has risen to over 300 a year since 2000. If humans do not take action, natural disasters will become more tragic and we won’t be able to cope with the 5.____________ of Mother Nature.
III. WRITING 1. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in brackets. You may need to change the word. eg 0. The bookshop is opposite the library. _________________________ a bookshop opposite the library. (THERE) Answer: 0. There is
1. What is your plan for this weekend? (TO) _________________________________________________________ 2. Do you want to see a movie tonight? (WOULD) _________________________________________________________ 3. You shouldn’t use caplocks in emails. (ADVISIBLE) _________________________________________________________ 4. What exactly is “netiquette”? (MEAN) _________________________________________________________ 5. My CV
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