Teacher :Qunh Như



I- Make the correct choice :

1: If she ______ sick, she would have gone out with me to the party.

A. hasn’t been   B. wasn’t   C. weren’t   D. hadn’t been

2: Prizes are awarded ______ the number of points scored.

A. according to   B. because of   C. adding up   D. resulting in

3: While southern California is densely populated, ______ live in the northern part of the state.

A. a number people  B. many people   C. few people   D. a few of people

4: The building has a smoke detector ______ any fires can be detected immediately.

A. so that   B. if    C. such as  D. as if

5: It was announced that neither the passengers nor the driver ______ in the crash.

A. were injured   B. are injured   C. was injured   D. have been injured

6: The two countries have reached an agreement through dialogues described as ________.

A. counterproductive  B. unproductive   C. productivity   D. productive

7: Anne persisted ______ her search for the truth about what had happened.

A. at    B. about   C. in    D. on

8: Ensure there is at least a 3cm space ______ allow adequate ventilation.

A. so as to   B. so that   C. in view of   D. with a view to

9: Why don’t you ask the man where ______ to stay?

A. he would rather  B. he feels like   C. would he like   D. he would like

10: My car is getting unreliable; I think I'll trade it ______ for a new one.

A. off    B. away    C. in    D. up

11: The old houses were ______ down to make way for a block of flats.

A. banged   B. hit    C. knocked   D. put

12: _______ that she burst into tears.

A. Her anger was such  B. So angry she was  C. She was so anger  D. Such her anger was

13: I hadn’t realized she was English ______ she spoke.

A. until    B. when    C. only after   D. in case

14: My father hasn't had much ______ with my family since he moved to New York.

A. business   B. contact   C. meeting  D. connection

15: Nowadays children would prefer history ______ in more practical ways.

A. be taught   B. teach   C. to be taught   D. to teach

16: Anne: “Thanks for the nice gift!”

John: “______”                  A. In fact, I myself don’t like it.

B. You’re welcomed. C. I’m glad you like it.  D. But do you know how much it costs?

17: He was ______ speaker!

A. so good a   B. what a good   C. so a good   D. how good a

18: I just took it ______ that he’d always be available.

A. for granted   B. into consideration  C. easy    D. into account

19: The case against the corruption scandal was ______.

A. discarded   B. refused   C. eliminated   D. dismissed

20: She nearly lost her own life ______ attempting to save the child from drowning.

A. at    B. with    C. in    D. for

21: David drove so fast; it was very dangerous.

A. David drove so fast, which was very dangerous.  B. David drove so fast and was very dangerous.

C. David drove so fast, then was very dangerous.  D. David drove so fast that was very dangerous.

22: The captain to his men: “Abandon the ship immediately!”

A. The captain invited his men to abandon the ship immediately.

B. The captain suggested his men abandon the ship immediately.

C. The captain ordered his men to abandon the ship immediately.

D. The captain requested his men to abandon the ship immediately.

23: The critics undervalued his new book.

A. The critics rejected his new book.   B. The critics were fed up with his new book.

C. The critics had a low opinion of his new book.  D. The critics turned down his new book.

24: “Shall I make you a coffee?” the girl said to the lady.

A. The girl wanted to make a coffee for the lady.  B. The girl offered to make a coffee for the lady.

C. The girl refused to make a coffee for the lady.  D. The girl promised to make a coffee for the lady.

25: No sooner had she put the telephone down than her boss rang back.

A. As soon as her boss rang back, she put down the telephone.

B. Scarcely had she put the telephone down when her boss rang back.



                                                                                              Teacher :Qunh Như


C. Hardly she had hung up, she rang her boss immediately.

D. She had hardly put the telephone down without her boss rang back.

26: ______, he felt so unhappy and lonely.

A. Despite of his wealth  B. Rich as was he  C. Rich as he was  D. Despite he was so rich

27: Peter asked me ______.

A. what time does the film start   B. what time the film starts

C. what time the film started   D. what time did the film start

28: She will be ill ______.

A. unless she takes a few days’ rest  B. provided she takes a few days’ rest

C. in case she takes a few days’ rest  D. if she takes a few days’ rest

29: ______ as taste is really a composite sense made up of both taste and smell.

A. That we refer to it  B. What we refer to  C. To which we refer  D. What do we refer to

30: Never before ______ as accelerated as they are now during the technological age.

A. have historical changes been   B. have been historical changes

C. historical changes have been   D. historical have changes been


Traditionally in America, helping the poor was a matter for private charities or local governments. Arriving immigrants depended mainly on predecessors from their homeland to help them start a new life. In the late 19th and early 20th  centuries, several European nations instituted public-welfare programs. But such a movement was slow to take hold in the  United States because the rapid pace of industrialization and the ready availability of farmland seemed to confirm the belief that anyone who was willing to work could find a job. Most of the programs started during the Depression era were temporary relief measures, but one of the programs -Social Security - has become an American institution. Paid for by deductions from the paychecks of working people, Social Security ensures that retired persons receive a modest monthly income and also provides unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and other assistance to those who need it. Social Security payments to retired persons can start at age 62, but many wait until age 65, when the payments are slightly higher. Recently, there has been concern that the Social Security fund may not have enough money to fulfill its obligations in the 21st century, when the population of elderly Americans is expected to increase dramatically. Policy makers have proposed various ways to make up the anticipated deficit, but a long-term solution is still being debated. In the years since Roosevelt, other American presidents have established assistance programs. These include Medicaid and Medicare; food stamps, certificates that people can use to purchase food; and public housing which is built at federal expense and made available to persons on low incomes. Needy Americans can also turn to sources other than the government for help. A broad spectrum of private charities and voluntary organizations is available. Volunteerism is on the rise in the United States, especially among retired persons. It is estimated that almost 50 percent of Americans over age 18 do volunteer work, and nearly 75 percent of U.S. households contribute money to charity.

51: New immigrants to the U.S. could seek help from ______.

A. the people who came earlier   B. the US government agencies

C. only charity organizations   D. volunteer organizations

52: It took welfare programs a long time to gain a foothold in the U.S. due to the fast growth of______.

A. industrialization  B. modernization   C. urbanization   D. population

53: The word “instituted” in the first paragraph mostly means ______.

A. “executed”   B. “studied”   C. “introduced”   D. “enforced”

54: The Social Security program has become possible thanks to ______.

A. deductions from wages   B. people’s willingness to work

C. donations from companies  D. enforcement laws

55: Most of the public assistance programs ______ after the severe economic crisis.

A. were introduced into institutions    B. did not become institutionalized

C. functioned fruitfully in institutions    D. did not work in institutions

56: That Social Security payments will be a burden comes from the concern that ______.

A. elderly people ask for more money  B. the program discourages working people

C. the number of elderly people is growing   D. younger people do not want to work

57: Persons on low incomes can access public housing through ______.

A. low rents   B. state spending  C. donations   D. federal expenditure

58: Americans on low incomes can seek help from ______.

A. federal government  B. government agencies

C. state governments  D. non-government agencies

59: Public assistance has become more and more popular due to the ______.

A. young people’s voluntarism only    B. volunteer organizations

C. people’s growing commitment to charity   D. innovations in the tax system

60: The passage mainly discusses ______.

A. public assistance in America   B. immigration into America

C. funding agencies in America   D. ways of fund-raising in America



                                                                                              Teacher :Qunh Như


The wind controls our planet's weather and climate. But how much do we understand about this complex force(61)______ can kill and spread fear?On the night of October 15, 1987, the south of England was (62)_____ by strong winds. Gusts of over 130 km/h(63)______ through the region. Nineteen people were killed, £1.5-billion worth of damage was (64) ______ and 19 milliontrees were blown down in just a few hours.Although people thought of this (65)_____ a hurricane, the winds of 1987 were only a (66)______ 7 storm. They remain far better known than the much more serious storms of January 25, 1990, (67)______ most of Britain was hit by daytime winds of up to 173 km/h. On this occasion, 47 people were killed, even though, (68)______ in 1987, the weather forecasters issued accurate warnings. Extreme weather events such as these are dramatic (69)______ of the power of the wind. It is one part of the weather that people generally do not give a second (70)______ to, but across the world the wind plays a crucial role in people's lives.

61: A. what   B. which   C. when    D. where

62: A. attacked   B. besieged   C. struck   D. beaten

63: A. ran   B. blew    C. flew    D. spread

64: A. paid   B. created   C. resulted   D. caused

65: A. like   B. unlike   C. same as   D. as

66: A. strength   B. length   C. power   D. force

67: A. until   B. why    C. when    D. while

68: A. when  B. like    C. unlike   D. such as

69: A. recalls   B. remains   C. memories   D. reminders

70: A. help   B. think    C. care    D. thought

Health and fitness are not just for young people. They are for anyone willing to accept the (71)______ for a good diet and (72)______ exercise. With age, there is a tendency to feel that the body is no longer able to (73)______. Aches and pains are (74)______ normal. Instead of pushing the body to do (75)_______, activities become limited. Yet examples after examples have shown us that older people can – and should – be (76)______. Men and women in their sixties have run in marathons, races of more than twenty-six miles. Some professional athletes stay (77)______ into their forties and fifties. For most people, simple activities like walking and swimming are all that is needed to stay in (78)______. It’s important to include exercise in your daily routine. In the winter, (79)______ push-ups, sit-ups, and other indoor exercises. Of course,

such exercises will be of little use (80)______ you follow them with soda and chips.

71: A. discipline   B. ruling   C. strictness   D. regulation

72: A. regular   B. useful    C. much   D. little

73: A. run   B. malfunction   C. operate   D. perform

74: A. believed   B. thought   C. made   D. considered

75: A. weaker   B. more    C. greater   D. faster

76: A. eager   B. active   C. bold    D. passive

77: A. passive   B. competitive   C. equal   D. comparative

78: A. need   B. form    C. contact   D. shape

79: A. make   B. get    C. work    D. do

80: A. although   B. unless  C. if    D. otherwise


I- Make the correct choice :

1.She is too weak; she can't sit up and talk to you.
A. If she weren't too weak, she could sit up and talk to you.
B. If she hadn't been too weak, she could sit up and talk to you.
C. If she isn't too weak, she can sit up and talk to you.
D. If she wasn't too weak, she can sit up and talk to you.
2. how / take / do / homework? //

A. How much time does it usually take you doing your homework?
B. How long do you take for doing your homework?
C. How long does it usually take you to do your homework?
D. How is your homework done when you take it?
3.if you / stay / late / tired / tomorrow //
A. If you are staying late, you can feel tired tomorrow.
B. If you stay up late, you will feel tired tomorrow.
C. If your stay is booked late, you will be tired tomorrow.
D. If you had stayed up late, you would be tired tomorrow. D. played
4.The film will end when you have finished dinner.
A. By the time you finish dinner, the film will have ended.
B. By the time you have finished dinner, the film will end.
C. You finish dinner, and then the film will end.
D. By the time you finishing dinner, the film will have ended.
5.You'll see my house _______ you cross the street.



                                                                                              Teacher :Qunh Như


A. because B. where  C. when  D. although
6.No sooner had he come home _______ he knew he had dropped his wallet.
A. when  B. after  C. than  D. then
7.She hasn't received a single letter from him _______ they both left school.
A. as  B. because C. since  D. now that
8._______ I am aware, this is the last talk on the topic. 

A. Where B. As long as C. Since  D. As far as
9._________ he gets home before us and can't get in?
A. If  B. What if C. If only  D. Unless
10._________ you change your mind, I won't be able to help you. 

A. If only  B. Because C. Unless D. Provided
11.No one else in the class plays the guitar _______ John.
A. as well B. as far as C. so well as D. as soon as
12.They were disqualified _______ they fought to the last minute.
A. as  B. since  C. though D. once
13.If there is a fire, you should phone number 114.
A. The phone number of the fire brigade is 114 if necessary.
B. In case of fire, phone number 114.        C. You should phone number 114 in case there is a fire.
D. Please, phone number 114 because there is a fire.
14.The tennis racquet was more expensive than I had expected.
A. I hadn't expected the tennis racquet to be so expensive.
B. I had expected the tennis racquet was more expensive.
C. My expectation was to buy a more expensive tennis racquet.
D. The tennis racquet was not so expensive as I had expected.
15.You can use my car, but return it to me before 8 this evening.

A. You can return my car when you finish using it at 8 this evening.
B. If you return the car to me before 8, you can't use it.
C. You and I can take turns to use my car before 8 this evening.
D. Provided that you return my car before 8 this evening, you can use it.
16.Tax-free goods / buy / before / board / plane.
A. There are tax-free goods to buy before the boarding plane.
B. Tax-free goods have boarded the plane before.
C. Tax-free goods can be bought before boarding the plane.
D. Tax-free goods can be bought before the boarding of the plane.
17.I'm very grateful _______ you for your kindness.
A. to  B. for  C. of  D. about
18.'You're always making terrible mistakes,' said the teacher.
A. The teacher complained about his students making terrible mistakes.
B. The teacher asked his students why they always made terrible mistakes.
C. The teacher realized that his students always made terrible mistakes.
D. The teacher made his students not always make terrible mistakes.
19.Your money will be refunded if the goods prove to be ________.
A. satisfying  B. dissatisfied  C. satisfactory    D. unsatisfactory
20.It is tiring to talk to such _________-minded person.
A. conservative  B. conserved  C. conservation    D. conserving
21.He became one of the most _________ actors in Vietnam.
A. success  B. successful  C. successfully      D. successive
22.Take this umbrella with you because it _______ rain this evening.
A. must   B. may   C. can      D. shall
23.As students, you _______ show your disrespect to your teachers.
A. must   B. should  C. mustn't  D. needn't
24.You _______ do it now, and do not argue.
A. must   B. need   C. are going to  D. may
25.Why don't you _______ a more famous school?
A. go into  B. go for   C. go in for  D. go forward
26.You _______ come with us if you don't want to. 

A. must   B. haven't to  C. aren't supposed to D. don't have to
27.The experts were not fully _______ that the animal was becoming extinct.
A. convinced  B. believed  C. realized  D. discovered
28.May I borrow your car tonight, dad?
A. Would you mind letting me drive your car tonight, dad?
B. I'd like to lend you my car tonight, dad.   C. Shall I borrow your car tonight, dad?
D. You don't lend me your car tonight, do you?



                                                                                              Teacher :Qunh Như


29.Please do not stop your work.                A. Please, work nonstop. 

B. Please, go on with your work.    C. Please, put a stop to your work. D. Please, carry out your work now.
30.When I saw him yesterday, he was _______ a taxi.
A. running after B. walking up  C. coming along D. running over
31.know / where / she / live now?// A. Where she lives now is your knowledge?
B. No one knows where she is living now, don't they?
C. Do you know where she lives now?                         D. Is it known about where does she live now?
32.Had he learned the lesson well, he ______ more confident now.
A. would feel  B. would have felt  C. will feel  D. will have felt
33.The boy did the embroidery ______.
A. on himself  B. by himself  C. by his own  D. his own self
34.I don't get much chance to go to the movies ______ when I'm on holiday.

A. only   B. but   C. except  D. as
35.We _____ him for months now.
A. don't see  B. didn't see  C. haven't seen  D. won't see
36.So funnily _____ that all his friends laughed wildly.
A. he did sing  B. did he sing  C. he sang  D. was his song
37.His carelessness in doing tests ______ I am worried may lead to a failure.
A. about that  B. which   C. that   D. about which
38.She lost her balance when she ________ to reach out for the balloon.

A. had tried  B. was trying  C. tried   D. had been trying
39.They are all at work doing some research ________ alternative sources of energy.
A. for   B. in   C. on   D. with
40.No one is a better cook than his mother, ________?
A. is no one  B. are they  C. isn't she  D. aren't they
41.Every man and woman ________ responsible for what he or she does.
A. is   B. are   C. be   D. have been
42.It was such ________ news that they all sat there saying nothing.
A. worry   B. worried  C. worrying  D. worryingly
43.I cut myself _______ I was shaving.
A. while   B. until   C. during  D. by the time
44.You'll see my house _______ you cross the street.
A. because  B. where   C. when   D. although
45.What will you do when you _______ away for the weekend?
A. go   B. went   C. will go  D. going
46.It seems _______ those students haven't learnt this grammar point before.
A. so that  B. as if   C. such that  D. even though
47.He doesn't seem to be successful _______ hard he works.
A. whatever  B. although  C. because  D. however
48.The school boy _______ in the accident.
A. seriously injured B. seriously was injured C. was seriously injured D. to be injured seriously
49.The house really needs _______.
A. for repainted  B. to be repainting C. being repainted D. repainting
50._______ that the earth is round.
A. It is believed  B. The belief  C. People are believed D. There is believed
51.No-one has ever discussed that matter thoroughly.

A. That matter has never been discussing thoroughly.  B. That matter has no discussion thoroughly.
C. People have never discussed that matter.   D. That matter has a thorough discussion.
52.No Smoking!   A. No one smokes now.   B. Nothing is as good as smoking is.

C. Smoking is no longer fashionable.   D. Smoking is not allowed here.
53._______ Christmas Eve, people often have parties late at midnight.
A. In   B. On   C. At   D. From
54.'Unless you give me a pay rise, I'll resign,' said Mike.

A. Mike asked for a pay rise before he would resign.  B. Mike asked to resign without a pay rise.
C. Mike threatened to resign if he didn't have a pay rise   .D. Mike was asked to resign without any pay rise.
55.'Let's have dinner out this evening,' said George.

A. George wanted to have dinner out alone.  B. George suggested having dinner out.
C. George invited them having dinner out.  D. George let others have dinner out.
56.He _______ work very hard; he is a millionaire.
A. hasn't to  B. mustn't  C. doesn't have to D. not has to
57.I _______ do that again. It's my promise.
A. mustn't  B. can't   C. needn't  D. won't



                                                                                              Teacher :Qunh Như


58.I've no idea why the car _______ start. What a nuisance!
A. doesn't  B. won't   C. mustn't  D. shouldn't
59.She _______ the state secret to the enemy.
A. gave up  B. gave in  C. gave away  D. gave off
60.A lot of things ________ to the house before we can move in.
A. need be doing  B. need to be done C. need being done D. need to do
61.When he arrived, a crowd ________ for several hours to greet him.

A. had been waiting B. is waiting  C. has been waiting D. was waiting
62.I am very _______ in the information you have given me.
A. concerned  B. surprised  C. worried  D. interested
63.________ will they return us the book?
_ Maybe in a week's time.
A. How fast  B. How come  C. How long  D. How soon
64.The prices have increased considerably in the past weeks.
A. There has been increasing consideration on the prices in the past weeks.
B. There has been a considerable increase in the prices in the past weeks.
C. They have considered increasing the prices in the past weeks.
D. It is their considered decision to increase the prices in the past weeks.
65.We don't even know whether she's still wealthy.
A. She is no longer a wealthy woman, we think. B. Her wealth is beyond my knowledge now.
C. We don't think she is wealth any longer.  D. For all we know she used to be a wealthy woman.
66.Where do you think Mike is from?- _________
A. Maybe he comes from Australia.   B. He lives in Australia.
C. He is Australia.   D. Australian man, of course.
67.Do it right now, _______?
A. will you  B. shall you  C. do you D. don't you
68.There's no point ______ a fuss over it.
A. to make  B. making  C. being made D. to be made
69.Are you ready _______ the exam?
A. with   B. about   C. for  D. on
70.It is just a small area with about 100,000 _______.
A. inhabitations  B. inhabitants  C. habitats D. inhabits
71.Don't talk about that in my brother's ______.
A. present  B. presenter  C. presence D. presentation
72.About fifty percent of all milk ______ from dairy cows is used to make cheese.
A. is obtained  B. will be obtained C. obtained D. when it is obtaining
73.________ difficult a test is given, that brilliant pupil succeeds in getting good scores.
A. Whenever  B. Whatever  C. However D. Wherever
74.He is not flexible in his work; that is why he doesn't have many friends.
A. Having almost no friends makes him inflexible in his work.
B. Such is his inflexibility in his work that he doesn't have many friends.
C. Inflexibility in his work is not why he doesn't have many friends.
D. He is not popular with many people although he is flexible in his work.
75.She / not stand / kept / wait / such / long //
A. She can't stand being kept waiting for such a long time.
B. She doesn't stand keeping to wait for such a long time.
C. She can't stand being kept to wait such a long time. D. She doesn't stand being kept waiting for such long.
76.Man has never had such efficient servants as computers.
A. The most efficient servants of computers are man. 
B. Man is the most efficient servant computers have ever had.
C. Computers are the most efficient servants man has ever had.
D. The most efficiently computers are man's servants.
77._________ you change your mind, I won't be able to help you.
A. If only   B. Because  C. Unless D. Provided
78.Fail to pay the bill _________ they will cut off the electricity.

A. unless  B. and   C. so  D. if
79.Mary was standing _______ front of her desk.
A. on   B. at   C. in  D. from
80.She is always borrowing money _______ me.
A. from   B. to   C. of  D. in
81.He received good education from an early age.
A. When he was young he carried on with good education.B. He was well brought up when he was young.
C. The younger he was the better educated he was.D. Good education resulted in his active youth.



                                                                                              Teacher :Qunh Như


82.'Don't be so disappointed, Bill. You can take the driving test again,' said Helen.
A. Helen told Bill not to be disappointed and not to take the driving test again.
B. Helen told Bill to be disappointed because of the driving test again.
C. Helen said Bill not to be disappointed in order to take the driving test again.
D. Helen encouraged Bill to take the driving test again.
83.They did everything possible to ________ the police force.
A. strengthen  B. strengthening  C. strength D. stronger
84.The _________ of old buildings should be taken into consideration.
A. preserve  B. preservation  C. preservative D. preserves
85.Our education will help with the _________ of knowledge for the young.
A. enrichment  B. rich   C. riches  D. richness
86.All I know is that he _______ be a very wealthy man.
A. used to  B. could   C. ought to D. should
87. _______ we go shopping this evening?_ That's a good idea.
A. Will   B. Shall   C. Might  D. Must 

88.It's much too expensive. We can't possibly _____________ it.
A. pay   B. cost   C. afford  D. cope
89.The forest fire went _______ after three weeks.
A. along   B. through  C. out  D. away
90.The lack of orders from potential customers resulted in the closure of the firm.
A. They had to close the firm in spite of lack of orders from potential customers.
B. As a result of the lack of orders from potential customers, they had to close the firm.
C. The closure of the firm resulted in lack of orders from potential customers.
D. The firm had to close with a view to attracting orders from potential customers.
91.Your house looks so new and strange, doesn't it?- Well, ________.
A. it's being painted B. it's just been painted C. it's painted  D. it was painted recently
92.He's doing a course in business ________ for further advancement in his career.

A. manageability  B. manager  C. management  D. managerial
93.Finally, / decide / go back / shop / buy / shirt //
A. Finally, he decided to go back to the shop to buy the shirt.
B. Finally, deciding to buy the shirt made him to go back to it.
C. Finally, he was deciding to go back to the shop for the bought shirt.
D. Finally, the decision to buy the shirt coming back to him.
94.You should understand _______ better to work together.

A. one the other  B. each other  C. yourselves  D. yourself
95.Did you see Alice at the meeting last week?

A. Did you have an appointment with Alice at the meeting last night?
B. Was there a meeting with Alice last week?
C. Did you catch sight of Alice at the meeting last week?
D. Did you see Alice and then come with her to the meeting last week?
96.She wants to look ______ in her wedding reception.

A. natural  B. naturally  C. nature  D. natured
97.Not until 2001 ______ across the river.
A. the first bridge was built  B. the first building of a bridge was
C. built the first bridge  D. was the first bridge built
98.He was _________ in his final attempt. What a pity for him!
A. successful  B. successive  C. unsuccessful  D. success
99.The government is determined to ________ corruption and bribery.
A. make a stop with B. put a stop to  C. make a stop to  D. put a stop with
100.Cameron, ________ directed 'The Titanic', is one of the leading faces in Hollywood.

A. that   B. whose  C. whom   D. who

                                                          PRACTICE TEST 3            

  Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:
1.a. display   b. dirty    c. invent  d. investigate
2.a. legal       b. leg   c. general  d. get
3.a.ulter     b. custom  c. cutting d. use
4.a. course    b. scout   c. bound  d. ground
5.a. date    b. path   c. delay   d. classmate

 Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blankspace in each sentence:

1/I never forget ……………  a. the day on which I first met you         b. the day when I first met you on
                                             c. the day on that I first met you.           d. the day that I first met you
2/ I have two sisters _____ are doctors.
                a. both of which   b. who both         c. both oh whom           d. both of who
3/ What _____ if Mary_________ you the book when you were asked to read the text by the teacher yesterday.
                a. will happen



                                                                                              Teacher :Qunh Như


I does not lend                      b. would happen / did not lend
                c. would happened / does not lend              d. would have happened/had not lent
4/ After he  ……………..his English course, he went to England to continue his study.

                a. will finish         b. has finished          c. had finished                d. will have finished

5/ They _____ a lot of preparations before the match started.
                a. has made     b. had made              c. will be made               d. are making

6/ Oil lamps _____ for years before electricity was discovered.
               a. had used       b. are used               c. has been used           d. had been used

7/ On _____ at the airport, I was very worried to find that no one _____ for me.

      a. arriving / was waiting       b. arriving / had waited     c. arrive / had been waited    d. arrive / was waiting
8/ Please tell me _____ you look so sad.
       a. why the reason              b. the reason why             c. that the reason                   d. the reason that

9/She was carefully opening the drawer ______ she kept her precious things.
         a. in which                  b. where                           c. in that                                  d. a and b
10/My friend, ______, is very hopeful about her future.             a. whose father is a millionaire   

       b. of a millionaire’s daughter         c. her father whose is a millionaire                     d. a millionaire is whose father

Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting:
1.Unlike oxygen, which is chemical changed by our bodies into carbon dioxides,

                    a            b           c

nitrogen  is merely exhaled back into the air.


2. The mathematic test was too difficult for us to solve it.

                   a                   b    c                                    d

3. Both chocolate and butter  has a lot of calories.

       a                       b              c        d

4. Although the serious problem of polution, many people prefer living in big cities.

         a                                                    b                            c         d     

5. Why did you quit your job? – For low salary.

        a                b                         c    d

6. The more he earns, the most happy he is.

            a               b                 c                d

7. Neither Mary nor her friends is going to the party.

         a                  b            c           d   

8. The US, that is one of the most powerful countries, decided to declare a war to Iraq.   

                    a                            b                           c              d                                                                                               

9. How many time does it take you to come to school?

     a            b                      c                  d

10. You should have a talk to your friend while to jog to regulate the speed.

                     a                                             b        c            d

11. You have to study harder unless you will fail the examination.

                 a                     b         c                  d

12. Why do you need such a big sum of money for?

       a             b                   c               d

13. How length is the river? – About 200 kilomiters.

       a        b       c                        d

14. Jogging has been said that to make our heart stronger.

                            a               b       c                           d

15. Mary said that she do jogging every morning.

               a       b           c                         d

16.    Almost 300 million people had visited America’s national parks every year.

            a                                               b                            c.                            d

17.    We have ever read Oliver Twist writing by Charles Dickens.

         a             b                                     c       d

18.    Exercise is one of best ways of keeping depression away.

             a               b            c                  d

19.    It was the weak of the foundation that led to the collapse of the house.

            a               b                                  c                                  d

20     I have called Peter three times but no one answers the phone. He maybe out.

              a                             b                                  c                                   d

21.    The police made the robbers telling the true.



                                                                                              Teacher :Qunh Như


            a                b                           c           d

22.    Which do these people run for?- To lose weight.

            a        b                        c                      d

23.    William Shakespeare, that wrote Romeo and Juliet, used to be an actor.

                                              a      b                                   c            d

24.    How fastly can you jog an hour?- 5 kilomitres.

          a       b               c              d

25.  Walking is also a safe and satisfactory way of to keep fit.

             a            b                            c                           d

26.  Everyone stopped talk when the president came in.

              a                      b        c                               d

27.  Tom Cruise, is one of the most famous American film starts, acted in “Minority Report”.

                            a                        b                                      c            d

28.  How often have you learnt English?- For 3 years.

            a                  b                                 c         d

29.  At this time next week, Peter was working in London.

              a                 b                     c                d

30.   If you are in my position, what would you do?

        a          b                c                           d

31.   What do you call a person who job is to edit a film?

                      a                            b     c          d

32.  Among the films that  I like the best are “Home alone”.

            a                     b                c          d

33.  Many films whose are about violence are harmful to our chidren.

             a              b       c                                         d

34.  Have you ever wondered what did we use to do   before the invention of T.V.

                            a                      b            c           d

35.  Despite there is a good film on T.V, I keep on studying for my final test tomorrow.

           a                                                           b            c                         d


Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage:
1/ Television is one of man’s most important means of (1)_______ . It (2) _______ pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of homes. A person with a television set can sit in his house and watch the president make a speech or visit a foreign country. He can see a war being (3) ______ and watch statemen try to bring (4) ________ peace . (5) ________ television, home viewers can see and learn about people, places, and things in faraway lands. Television even takes its viewers out of this world. It brings them views of America’s astronauts (6) ______ the astronauts explore outer space. In addition to these things, television brings its (7) _______ a steady stream of programmes  that are designed to (8) _______. In fact, TV provides many more entertainment programmes (9) ______ any other kind. The programmes (10) ___  action-packed dramas, light comedies, sporting events, and motion pictures.

1.a.thought  b.transportation     c.traffic d.communication

2.a.brings  b.sets     c.makes d.links

3.a.founded  b.fought     c.brought d.found

4.a.down  b.up     c.about d.to

5.a.Despite  b.Instead of    c.Through d.Among

6.a.because  b.as     c.although d.so that

7.a.listeners  b.readers    c.players d.viewers

8.a.entertain  b.enter     c.enable d.enrich

9.a.with               b.than     c.as  d.for

10.a.conclude  b.prove     c.include d.improve



 Choose the item that best answers the question or completes the unfinished statement about the passage:

1/Jack London was the famous American novelist and short story writer. He was born in Sanfrancisco in 1876. He quit school at fourteen to become a sailor. He was a self-taught student, he finished his high school and college education during six months. He led an adventurous but poor life. His view point was in favour of the poor and socialism. He read a lot of books of Karl Marx He was influenced  by Marxist Party theory and the October Revolution. In 1985, he joined the Socialist Labour Party but in the last years of his life, he moved away from the working class and in 1916 he left the party. In 1916 he committed suicide because of despair dream. He used an  overdose of morphine and drowned himself in the sea. He was an adventure novelist, a Socialist reformer and a prominent socialist who often signed under the line “Yours for the revolution, Jack London .”

1/ Jack London quit school in …………….
A. 1876                              B. 1890                 C. 1895                               D. 1916
2/ He had a/an life…………...
A. rich and adventurous   B. poor and quiet   C. adventurous and poor   D.  rich and quiet



                                                                                              Teacher :Qunh Như


3/ He was in favor of …………….
A. self teaching               B. the rich and the poor     C. capitalism         D. the poor and socialism
4/: Why did he committe suicide?
A. Because he left the party                           C. Because of socialism       

B. He used to have a dream                         D. Because of despair of life and disillusion with American dream

   5/ Jack London died at the age of
       A.39                       B.40                                 C.41                          D.42


          2/ England is one of the first countries that has developed the car industry in the world. “Englishmen are interested in cars as much as tea.”,some people are joking to say so. They always have a careful thought before buying a car. Each kind of cars has its advantages and disadvantages.

         A modern car is enjoyed. lt is comfortable and economical but it is rather expensive. Only the rich can afford to buy it. A large car can carry many people at the same time. It is very good for a big family. However it uses a lot of petrol to start the engine and run. It is also difficult to get a space for parking. A large car is forbidden in some streets. A driver can drive his small car to any place. It uses less petrol and it is easy for the driver to park. But it is only suitable for small family and it cannot run fast.
Which car would you like to choose?
1/ The car industry in England
a. is backward      b. has developed for years    c. has not developed     d.is now developing
2/Cars…………………………..      a. have advantages only                    b. are disliked in England

       c. have both advantages and disadvantages                                    d. are always comfortable

3/ A modern car is ……………………….

a. expensive           b. comfortable                       c. economical              d. all are correct

  4/A big family should ……………….
a. buy a small car      b. has no car                      c. buy an economical car     d. buy a large car
5/The advantages of a small car is ……………………….
a can’t run very fast         b. suitable for a big family   c. easy to park and economical     d. all are correct


TEST   4

I- Make the correct choice:
1. The pronunciation —— me a lot of difficulties.
a. provides  b. causes            c. makes                       d. allows

2. Parks play an important _____ in helping to form the city’s character
a. game     b. thing      c. roll         d. part

3. It is _____ to regard any language as the possession of a particular nation.
a. reasoning    b. reasonably   c. unreasonable  d. unreasonably
4. A Dane and a Dutch person ______in Rome will almost automatically find themselves speaking to each other in English.          a. meeting          b. met                            c. meet                d. are meeting
5. People in _____ speak _____ .        a. Portugal/Portugal                           b. Portuguese/Portugal 

                             c. Portugal/Portuguese                     d. Portuguese! Portuguese
6. English is easily _____ by Chinese.
a. outrun             b. outnumbered  c. outlived                  d. outweighed
7. Malaysian lecturers use English when------------- their students in Kuala Lumpur.

a. speaking  b. saying               c. giving                 d. addressing
8. More than half of the _____ and research journals are in English.
a. scientific  b. scientist                 c. science                  d. scientifically
9. Instead _____ studying, Margaret went to a ballgame with some of her friends.
a.of   b.with                  c.along          d.off

10. Mrs Grant insisted______ the whole truth.
a.in   b.on  c.of    d.at

11. There are some differences _____ British and American English.
a.of   b.about   c.between  d.with
12. I’m not going out yet. I’m waiting________ the rain to stop.
a.in   b.during  c.on   d.for
13. I wrote to the company asking them_______more information about the job.
a.to   b.about   c.for   d.with
14. I hope you succeed _____ finding the job you want.   a. in    b.at      c. of     d. upon
15 . Do you _____ smoke? There’s a fire down the road.
a. feel   b. ever   c. smell           d. usually


II. Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect:



                                                                                              Teacher :Qunh Như


1. You had to    be paid the bill before the fifth of the month.
            a                  b                  c              d
2. The tea was so hot  for her    to drink.
                  a        b  c  d
3.If it doesn’t  rain they would go for a picnic.
    a                    b                 c              d
4. The child will die if nobody  send  for a doctor.
         a                    b                  c               d
5. Nobody  believed   so a crazy story.
         a              b         c           d
6. She wanted to know how long it would take  us getting there.
                   a                    b                c                         d

7. The children were frightened with the noise

       a                      b                      c          d
8. The crops are late this year because of the weather is cold.
         a              b           c                                    d
9. They didn’t go to the movies because the bad weather.
           a               b         c                 d
10. He walked slower because of his injured legs.

             a             b               c                   d


III- Read the following passage and choose the best option:
1/ Although English is spoken in many countries, it is not (1) ______ an international language. This is because

it gives an unfair advantage to countries, like the USA and Britain, which use English (2) ______ a first language. A truly international language would be one (3) ______ had to be learned as a second language by all countries, making everyone equal. This was the opinion of Dr   Zamanhof, who, in 1887, (4) the world’s most successful international language, called Esperanto. The word Esperanto means “one who hopes” in that language. Zamanhof hoped that if everyone in the world (5) ______to learn one language, it would help create goodwill and friendship between nations.
Esperanto is now spoken in about 90 countries (6) ______the world and many newspapers and books are (7) ____ in it. Some schools even offer courses in Esperanto. However, until Esperanto is a compulsory subject in schools everywhere, it will not become the meat is of international understanding Dr Zamanhof(8) ______ for.
1 .a.necessarily   b.really   c.actual  d.certain
2.a.with   b.as   c.by   d.in
3 .a.who   b.where  c.which   d.when
4.a.created   b.did   c.performed  d.finished
5.a.is   b.were   c.would be d.could
6.a.all    b.through  c.around  d.over
7.a.published   b.spoken  c.carried  d.taken
8.a.waited   b.looked  c.searched  d.hoped

2/ In the world today, there are 5,000 to 6,000 living languages, of(1)_____ English is by far
the most (2)_______ used. As a mother (3) __________, it ranks second only to Chinese, (4)_____ is little used outside China. Approximately 350 million people speak English as _______(5) first language. About the (6)_______ number use it as a second language.
l.a. that   b. whom  c. which  d. them  

2.a. widely b. likely   c. lively   d.friendly
3.a. speech  b. tongue  c. tooth   d.mouth
4.a. which b. who   c. it   d.that
5.a. theirs  b. their   c. there   d.its
6.a. different b. like   c. indifferent  d.same

IV.Fill in the blank


1/      endangers          eroded                 necessary                without               consequently 

             there               protection               problem                  rural

              Man cannot exist _____________air, water and light. Many people think that soil is also __________to

man’s existence. Without soil_____________ could be no vegetation, no animals and _____________no people.

However, the soil is being___________day after day because people use the land without paying attention

to the _______________of land and the prevention of soil erosion. In many __________areas, soil erosion is a

major ___________________which_____________ the development of agriculture.


2/              smoke          grow            all                  pollute        masks



nguon VI OLET