English 6

Full name: _____________________________________


I – Choose the word having the underlined part pronounced differently in each line (1pt)

  1. A. hill   B. ship  C. kite   D. chip
  2. A. cheap  B. great  C. peace  D. meal
  3. A. evening  B. extreme  C. scene  D. excite
  4. A. garage  B. village  C. message  D. shortage
  5. A. field  B. movie  C. quiet  D. piece


II Look at the pictures and fill in the blank with a suitable word to complete each sentence (1pt)



There is a _______________ in our neighbourhood.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho palace


This is a picture of a ___________________.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho memorial


Go straight ahead and you’ll see the _________________ on your left.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho cathedral


Is that Ba Dinh _____________________?

Kết quả hình ảnh cho ba dinh square


Shall we go to the _____________________ tonight?

Kết quả hình ảnh cho art gallery


III Complete the following sentences with the comparative form of the suitable adjectives  (1pt)

Kết quả hình ảnh cho country and city1.








       Amy’s neighbourhood      Jason’s neighbourhood

=> Jason’s neighbourhood is ___________________________ than Amy’s.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho integrate sinxKết quả hình ảnh cho 1+1=22.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              


=> The first calculation is _____________________ than the second calculation.                

Kết quả hình ảnh cho sunny3.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho cloudy





   Hanoi 35°C           Lai Chau 25°C

=> It is ______________________ in Hanoi than in Lai Chau.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho big houseKết quả hình ảnh cho small house4.  







=> The house on the right is _______________________ than the one on the left.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho cinderella sister disneyKết quả hình ảnh cho cinderella5.                                          






=> Cinderella is ______________________ than her sister.


IV – Look at the pictures and choose the correct answer to complete each sentence (1pt)
















V Read the passage and choose the correct answers (1pt)
















1. You should live in the city if _____________________________.

 A. You have asthma

 B. you have problems with breathing diseases

 C. you want to meet people from social status

 D. you want your children to run around in open environments.

2. The country life is better for you if ___________________________.

 A. you love to meet people from different cultures

 B. you want a busy social life

 C. you would like to work for international company

 D. you are really sensitive to the pollution

3. There is much less pollution in the country than in the city because _____________________.

 A. everything is so centralized in the city

 B. there are not as many cars in the country as in the city.

 C. the distance between other people is harder.

 D. there are much more trees in the city.

4. The word “plants” in the passage means __________________.

 A. factories   B. trees  C. buildings  D. restaurants

5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

 A. The pollution in the city is concentrated.

 B. You have higher opportunities of meeting people in the city.

 C. There is more traffic in the country than in the city.

 D. The environment in the country is safer than in the city.


VI Each sentence below contains an error. Underline it and write the correct answer in the space provided (1pt)

1. The seafood here is more delicious as the seafood in my hometown.


2. The air in the country is more clean than the air  in the city.


3. Can you telling me the way to the railway station?


4. Take the one left and the market is on your right.


5. Ho Chi Minh City is crowded than Danang.



VII Complete the second sentence so that is has the similar meaningto the first one (1pt)

1. The Blue Hotel is cheaper than the Ocean Hotel.

→ The Ocean Hotel ________________________________________________________.

2. Our neighbourhood is quieter than your neighbourhood.

→ Your neighbourhood _____________________________________________________.

3. Can you tell us the way to the nearest police office?

→ Can you show me how ____________________________________________________?

4. Let’s go out and have an ice-cream.

→ Shall __________________________________________________________________?

5. Annie’s hair is blonde and long.

→ Annie has ______________________________________________________________.


VIII – Look at the map, ask and answer about how to get to 5 places (1pt):

 - theatre    - cafe

 - school    - post office

 - hotel







IX – Listen and fill in the blank (1pt)

 Hawaii is a (1) ______________ beach. It must be the most wonderful beach I have ever been to. I love it here. Everything is so (2) ________________ and (3) ________________. You need anything here, 5 minutes later you (4) _________________ that. It attracts so (5) ________________ tourists every year.


X – Listen and choose A, B, or C (1pt)

1. What are they planning to do in the morning?

 A. Fishing   B. Mountain biking  C. Hiking

2. According to the weather report, when would it start raining?

 A. In the afternoon  B. At night   C. In the morning

3. What did Paul forget to bring?

 A. Rain coats   B. Umbrellas   C. Rain boots

4. Where did Sara leave the playing cards?

 A. Next to picnic table B. On picnic table  C. Under picnic table

5. What do they finally decide to do?

 A. They decide to stay at a hotel.

 B. They decide to return home.

 C. They decide to sleep at the campground.







nguon VI OLET