I. Read the text. Then choose the right sentence A, B, C or D.(1.0p
Last year, we had a nice holiday. My friend and I went to the seaside for a month. I had been to the seaside several times before, but this was the first time for my friend. Naturally, it was the great event for him. Finally, the day came. It was a fine morning. We got up very early because we wanted to leave home after breakfast. We made the journey by car. We reached the seaside at noon. We spent many hours on the beach. We enjoyed making castles and channels in the sand. People said we ought to spend at least a few weeks at the seaside. If we could stay longer, so much the better.
How long did the writer and his friend spend at the seaside?
A. week B. A few weeks C. A month D. A few months
2. Who went to the seaside the first time?
A. The writer B. The writer and his friend. C. The writer/s family D. The writer/s friend.
3. What was the weather like on the day they started their journey to the seaside?
A. It was bad B. It was rainy C. It was snowy D. It was nice.
4. How did they travel to the seaside?
A. By car B. By train C. By bus D. By air
5. When did they reach the seaside?
A. At 8 o/clock B. At 12 o/clock C. At 4 p.m D. At 9 p.m
II- Read the passage then choose the best answer: (1pt)
Music influences people in different ways or the same person differently at different times. Music may seem to influence people differently. That is because people can react differently to the music. We are able to apply a choosing process to the music we hear. If someone hates jazz, then a jazz piece with a positive effect will probably not make him feel good. A happy song might appear to make an angry person angrier, yet it is not the music itself that is creating the anger; rather it is the positive effect of the music. The angry person does not want to accept the song`s happy feeling: it points out his already existing anger, and makes that anger come to the surface. When a piece of music is played and we are listening to it, our body, mind, and feelings are being affected. The musicians of ancient cultures such as China, India, Turkey and Greece understood the effects of music. In fact, Pathagoras, in ancient Greece, introduced a whole science that concerned them. Because the musicians of these ancient cultures understood these effects, they created music that was positive, uplifting, and beneficial. Once the effects of music are better understood, the next step is to gain a better understanding of the music around us, and what effect it is actually having.
1. The text is about_____.
A. The science of music B. Understanding music
C. The effects of music on human feelings D. Music and an angry person
2. Music_____.
A. cannot be chosen B. affects everybody in the same way
C. affects us in different ways D. never make us angry
3. According to the text,_____.
A. Everybody likes jazz B. Jazz always makes us feel better
C. No one likes jazz D. a very angry person sometimes do not accept music
4. In ancient cultures, there used to be a science that concerned the effects of music in_____.
A. China B. India C. Turkey D. Greece
5. The word "Once"has a close meaning to_____.
A. on time B. when C. because D. if
III. Choose the correct answer from the options below, then complete the following passage,
Today, supermarkets are found in almost every large city in the world. But the first supermarket (26)_________opened only fifty years ago. It was opened in New York by a man named Michael Cullen. A supermarket is different (27)___________other types of stores in several ways. In supermarkets, goods are placed on open shelves. The(28)__________ choose what they want and take them to the checkout counter. This means that fewer shop assistants are needed than in other stores. The way products are displayed is another difference between supermarkets and many other types of stores; (29)__________ example, in supermarkets, there is usually a display of small inexpensive items just in front of
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