Giáo án soạn theo cv 5512
Subject: English 7
Time: 1 period
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to :
- Use "How............?" to ask about means of transport.
- Vocabulary: use the lexical items related to the topic "Traffic".
+ Skills.
- Students develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, Roling-play, spoken interaction about the topic in getting started
2. Competence.
- Students have serious attitude in learning.
- Ss are interested in learning English.
3. Quality
- Language: get acquainted with the topic "Traffic".
- Problem solving: find out the correct answer about the text
T : Textbook, lesson plan, , a projector, a laptop.
Ss : Learn the old lesson, prepare Unit 7: Getting started
1. WARM UP: ( 5’)
- Organization: 7A:....................
a. Goal: Motivate ss to interest in the topic of the lesson and create the fun atmosphere before starting the new lesson.
b. Content : Talk about "Traffic".
c. Expected result: Ss can understand the lesson and use the road well.
d. Performance:
Write the title "Traffic" on the board.
? Call out names of means of transport.
? Share any interesting facts you know about these means of transport.
2. PRESENTATION : ( 10’)
a. Goal: Provide Ss necessary vocabularies .
b. Content : Ss read the vocabularies and match the words to make common expressions.
c. Expected result: Ss can maser the vocabularies
d. Performance:

Step 1: Transfering the learning task
+ Present new words.
- Teacher use different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia)
- Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary
Step 2: Performing the task:
- Repeat in chorus and individually
- Copy all the words
Step 3: Discussion
-Some students repeat the vocabulary in front of class
Step 4: Conclusion
- T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning of them
* Checking vocab: Recall
Step 1: Transfering the learning task
* Set the scenes:
? Look at the title of the conversation and the picture.
- Ask them some questions:
Who are Mai and Oanh?
What might they talk about?
Step 2: Performing the task:
- Ss answer the questions as a class.
Play the recording and have Ss follow along
Step 3: Discussion
- One student answers and other students listen to the answer and give comment
Step 4: Conclusion
-T gives comment and adds on to the answer if necessary
Pre- teach vocab:
- used to
đã từng

- traffic jam
sự tắc ngẽn giao thông

- except
ngoại trừ, trừ ra

Xe cộ

2. Present the dialogue
- Answer the questions individually.
* Suggested answers
- They are on the road.
- Students` answer

3. PRACTICE (15’)
a.Goal: understand and do exercises correctly
b. Content: Listen and circle, Read and answer: Individual,
Answer the questions: Teacher – Whole class
c. Expected result:
- Co-operation: interact with the teacher find out the answers
- Communication: answer positively
- Language: use English to answer
d. Performance

Task 1:
Step 1: Transfering the learning task
? Choose a correct answer (1a P7)
- Asks Ss to choose a suitable answer before listening.
b/? Run through the questions.
- Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board. Check their answers.
* Model sentences (Remember)
- Elicit the question from students
? Practice asking and answering questions using "How"? Recall how to use a passive sentence.
c/? Find a word or an expression from the conversation which you use when you:
? T ask S to share their answers with your partner.
? Add any other expressions which have the same meaning.
d. Work in pair
-T ask S to role-play the short conversation in 1d
? Creat your short conversations. Use the colloquial expressions in 1c P7
Step 2: Performing the task:
1a. ? Ss read the conversation again to answer the questions.
- Ss exchange their answers with a classmate.
1b. –One student write the answer on board, the rest of the studens write in notebook
1c. Students share their answers with their partner.
1d. Ss Work in pairs to role
nguon VI OLET