Period 55
Lesson 1: Getting started

I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Know some words, phrases related to traffic topic.
- Know the usage of “How” to ask about means of transport.
1. Knowledge:
a. Vocabulary: know some words, phrases related to traffic topic
b. Grammar: The usage of “How” to ask about means of transport
2. Competences:  Teamwork and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence
3. Qualities: Ss will be more responsible for using means of transport and more aware of taking part in traffic .
1. Materials: Textbooks, pictures, plan
2. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
1. Checking: During the lesson
2. New lesson:

Teacher’s and students’ activities.

Warm up
Aim: To warm up the class and introduce the lesson.

T asks some Ss to answer the questions and talk some words about means of transport.

Ss answer the questions and talk some words about means of transport.
T asks Ss to match the means of transport under the right pictures (Ex 2)
Ss match the means of transport under the right pictures
T introduces the lesson

* Questions
- How/ by what means do you go to school every day ?
On foot? By bicycle? By bus? On your parents’ motorbike…
- What means of transport do you know?
(plane, bike/ bicycle, bus, boat, ship,
Train, motorbike, car)

2. Presentation
Aim: Ss can listen and read about topic “traffic ”; ask and answer about distance and give suggestions

T lets Ss listen and read the conversation
Ss listen and read the conversation
T explains some words and gives examples.
Ss listen and remember.

T gives structures with “How…?” to ask about means of transort.

Ss copy and give examples

1. Lisen and read
* Vocabulary
Hey: to have someone’s attention.
Great idea: when you strongly support or agree with something.
Can’t wait: very excited and keen to do something.
* Structures
- How far is it from …….to…..?
It is about ………
A: How far it it from your house to school?
B: It’s about one kilometer.
- How do/ does + S + V …..?
A: How do you go to school?
B: I go to school on foot.
- How about + V_ing….?
A: How about cycling to school with me tomorrow?
B: Great idea!

3. Practice
Aim: Ss can understand the conversation and answer the questions and make sentences with phrases related to traffic topic.

T asks Ss to work independently to choose the correct answer to the questions.
Ss give the results
T checks their answers, and gives explaination if necessary.

T asks Ss to work in pairs.
T lets them check the answers in pairs or groups, then gives the keys.
T calls some pairs to read the questions and give answers.

T asks Ss to match a verb on the left with a means of transport on the right.
Ss read the answers.
T corrects
T asks Ss to make sentences with these phrases.
Ss make sentences
T lets Ss stand up and go round the class and then report their result to the class

Ex a. Choose the correct answer.
1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C

Exb. Answer the following questions.
1. She played with her brother/ stayed at home.
2. It’s about 2 kilometers.
3. She usually goes to school with her dad.
4. Because sometimes there are traffic jams
5. She goes to school by bike.
Ex3. Match a verb on the left with a means of transport on the right. There may be more than one correct answer.
1. ride a bike
2. drive a car
3. fly by plane
4. sail on/ in a boat
5. get on/ get off a bus/ a train/ a bike/ a motorbike.

Eg: My father taught me how to ride a bike.

4. Further practice
Aim: Ss can interact with other about the traffic

T asks Ss to practise in pairs asking and answering the questions
Ss practise in pairs
T observes and remarks
* Find someone in your class who never.
- How often do you walk to school/ go
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