Date of planning: …../…../2017                      Date of teaching: …../…../2017

PERIOD 01                                                     REVISION

I. Aims/Objectives of the lesson:

- To help Ss revise common knowledge in English

- To introduce Ss the English 12 textbook

- To test and access the Ss’ ability

II. Teaching method:   - Communicative language teaching

III. Teaching aids:    - Lesson plan, text book, pieces of test paper

IV. Procedure:

1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check – up (omitted)

3. New lesson (40 minutes)

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Verb tense

- Asks Ss to revise the structure and the use of some verb tense








2. Tense combination

- Asks Ss to revise some tense combination











- Gives Ss piece of test paper

Verb tense: - HTĐG:      S + V(s/es)

- QKĐG:      S + V(PI)

- TLĐG:       S + will/shall + V

- TLG:          S + am/is/are + going to + V

- HTTD:       S + am/is/are + Ving

- QKTD:      S + was/were + Ving

- HTHT:       S + have/has + V(PII)

- QKHT:      S + had + V(PII)

- HTHTTD:  S + have/has + been + V(PII)

- TLTD:        S + will/shall + be + Ving

- TLHT:        S + will/shall + have + V(PII)

Tense combination

1. QKĐG                        +  QKTD           (when, while)

   Hành động xen vào      Hành động đang xảy ra

2. QKĐG                        + QKHT       (after, before, when, by the time)

   Hành động xảy ra sau   Hành động xảy ra trước

3. HTHT + since + QKĐG

4. It’s + khoảng thời gian + since + QKĐG

5. This/It is the first/second … time + HTHT

6. HTHT(never) + such/comparative

   = This/It is + superlative + HTHT(ever)

7. Double progressive (when, while)

   HTTD + HTTD               QKTD + QKTD

Exercise 1: Put the verbs in their correct tenses

1. When I (arrive) at the station, the train (leave)

2. What you (do) at 5 p. m yesterday?

3. It’s five years since you (move) to live in the city

4. By the end of this month, we (finish) our work.

5. She (cook) dinner at present

6. They (go) abroad for their holiday this summer.

7. The sun (rise) in the east and (set) in the west.

8. This is the first time we (go) to England

9. I (come) back as soon as I (get) through my business.

10. Mrs. Brown (be) a teacher since she (graduate) from university.

11. We (work) with this TV for 2 hours

12. She (come) back home while her parents (watch) TV.

13. Between 6 and 9 a. m tomorrow, they (attend) the meeting

14. They (go) on holiday when summer (come)

15. This is the most beautiful picture I ever (see)

3. Passive voice

- Asks Ss to revise the structure of passive voice

1. HTĐG: S + am/is/are + VpII

2. QKĐG: S + was/were + VpII

By ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – THPT Liễn Sơn, Lập Thạch, Vĩnh Phúc –       Trang 1


















- Gives Ss piece of test paper

3. TLĐG: S + will/shall + be + VpII

4. TLG: S + am/is/are + going to + be + VpII

5. HTTD: S + am/is/are + being + VpII

6. QKTD: S + was/were + being + VpII

7. HTHT: S + have/has + been + VpII

8. QKHT: S+ had + been + VpII

Special passive structures: Một số cấu trúc bị động đặc biệt

1. CĐ: need + to V-infinitive        BĐ: need + Ving

2. CĐ: have/get sb  + V-infinitive + st : có ai đó làm gì  cho mình

    BĐ: have/get st  + VpII + (by sb): có cái gì được làm bởi ai

3. CĐ: People say/ think/ believe + that + clause

    BĐ: It is said/ thought/ believed + that + clause

          S + be said/ thought/ believed + to Vnt/ to have VpII

4. CĐ: make sb + Vnt            BĐ: be made + to Vnt

5. CĐ: S + V + Oi + Od           BĐ: S(Od) + be + VpII + pre + Oi

Exercise 2: Turn these sentences into passive voice

1. The postman delivers letters and newspaper once a day

2. We will install a new telephone in the living room

3. Mai did all the housework last night

4. People are destroying the environment

5. You should keep these flowers in the cool place

6. You need to dig the garden

7. He often has a famous tailor make his clothes

8. My parents made me go to bed early last night

9. Our teacher gave us a lot of homework.

10. People say that he is an excellent football player

4. Consolidation: (3 minutes) Relative clause; Conditional sentence; Comparisons

5. Homework (1 minute)   - Common structures in English


Date of planning: …../…../201…..          Date of teaching: …../…../201……..

PERIOD 02                                            REVISION

I. Aims/Objectives of the lesson: - To revise common knowledge in English

- To introduce Ss the English 12 textbook

- To test and access the Ss’ ability

II. Teaching method:    - Communicative language teaching

III. Teaching aids:     - Lesson plan, text book, pieces of test paper

IV. Procedure:

1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check – up (omitted)

3. New lesson (40 minutes)

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

4. Relative clause

- Asks Ss to revise the use of relative clause








- Gives Ss piece of test paper

- Relative pronouns and adverbs

who, whom, whose, which, that, where, when, why

- Cleft sentence

It is/was + S + that  + V.      It is/was + O + that  + S + V


It is/was + A + that + S + V

- Omission of relative pronoun. (defining relative clause  O)

- Replacement of relative clause. Ving/ VpII/ to V

Exercise 3: Combine these sentences using relative clause

1. The man is very friendly. He lives next door

2. The book is interesting. We are taking about it.

3. She was late this morning. Her car broke down.

4. The park is very famous. There are a lot of people there at weekends

By ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – THPT Liễn Sơn, Lập Thạch, Vĩnh Phúc –       Trang 1




. I must find a suitable time. I can tell her the truth then.

5. His dog bit me yesterday.        6. I was born on 10th January

7. John broke the vase

5. Conditional sentence

- Asks Ss to revise the structure and the use of conditional sentence

- Gives Ss piece of test paper

Type I:  If HTĐG, will + V.      Type II: If QKĐG, would + V

Type III: If QKHT, would + have + VPII

Exercise 4: Rewrite these sentences using conditional sentence

1. Let’s set off now or we will be late for work

2. She didn’t work hard, so she failed her last exam

3. He speaks so fast that we can’t understand him


6. Comparison of Adj/adv

- Asks Ss to revise the formation of comparison

- Superlative

the smallest         the most beautiful

the best/ the worst/ the happiest/

- Comparative

smaller than               more beautiful than  better/worse/happier - Comparison with as as

+ as long as       + as comfortable as        + as well as

- Comparison with not as as

+ not as/so good as                + less boring than

Introducing English 12 textbook

- 16 units.          8 units in each term

- 5 periods in each unit: reading, speaking, listening, writing, language focus.       6 test yourself lessons

4. Consolidation: (3 minutes) - Relative clause

- Conditional sentence   - Comparison of Adj/adv

5. Homework (1 minute)    Common structures in English


Date of planning: …../…../2017               Date of teaching: …../…../2017

PERIOD 03                                 UNIT 1: HOME LIFE


I. Aims/Objectives of the lesson:

- To help Ss develop their reading skills: skimming for general ideas and scanning for specific information.

- To provide Ss with new words and phrases

- To encourage Ss work in pairs and groups

II. Teaching method:  - Communicative language teaching

III. Teaching aids:  - Lesson plan, text book, pieces of paper containing new words

IV. Procedure:

1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check – up (5 minutes) Some Ss go to the board, present the structure and the use of – relative clause; conditional sentence; comparison of Adj/adv

3. New lesson (35 minutes)

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Before you read

- Asks Ss to look at the picture and describe it



- Asks some Ss write down the words on the board.





There are 4 people in the picture. They are members of a family: father, mother, son and daughter. They are in the living room now. The father is playing with his son. The mother is helping her daughter with the housework. They are a happy family.

V: + work long hours                 +  work on a night shift

     + join hands                             + take the responsibility for

     + run the household              + dress in suitable clothes

     + rush/ hurry                          + be willing to V

     + give a hand                           + attempt

     + be under pressure              + take out the garbage

     + share our feelings               + find solution to st

     + feel safe and secure            + live separately

By ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – THPT Liễn Sơn, Lập Thạch, Vĩnh Phúc –       Trang 1










- Helps Ss to study new words

     + work and support the family   + shake hands

     + play tricks                              + annoy sb

N: + biology – biologist              + project

     + special dishes                       + eel soup

     + household chore = housework = domestic work

     + base                                         + confidence

A: + caring                 + mischievous            + obedient

     + well-behaved   + close-knit                 + supportive

     + frankly  + men build the house and women make it home

2. While you read

- Checks pronunciation if necessary

Task 1

- Asks Ss to do task 1

- 4 Ss read out the passage


- Work in groups, choose the correct answer

1. B  2. C  3. A  4. B  5. A

4. Consolidation: (3 minutes) - Words and phrases

5. Homework (1 minute) - Words and phrases

 V. Evaluation:



Date of planning: …../…../2017               Date of teaching: …../…../2017

  PERIOD 4                                  UNIT 1: HOME LIFE

A. READING (Continued)

I. Aims/Objectives of the lesson:

- To help Ss develop their reading skills: skimming for general ideas and scanning for specific information

- To provide Ss with new words and phrases

- To encourage Ss work in pairs and groups

II. Teaching method:  - Communicative language teaching

III. Teaching aids:   - Lesson plan, text book, pieces of paper containing new words

IV. Procedure:

1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check – up (5 minutes) Some Ss go to the board, note down new words and phrases

3. New lesson (35 minutes)

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

2. While you read

- Checks pronunciation if necessary

Task 2

- Asks Ss to do task 2









- 4 Ss read out the passage again

- Work in pairs, ask and answer the questions

1. Very busy. They have to work long hours and sometimes they have to work at night.

2. She is always the first person to get up in the morning to prepare the breakfast and clothes for her children. She always makes dinner ready before her husband comes home.

3. The daughter washes the dishes and takes out the garbage. She also looks after her younger brothers.

    The father helps clean the house. He sometimes and cooks or mends things around the house at weekends

4. She is attempting to win a place at university

5. Because they are very close-knit and supportive of one another.

3. After you read

- Asks Ss to make a comparison

Similarity/ Difference:

- a very close-knit family

- family members are very supportive of one another

- parents have to work long hours/ hard to support the family

- all the family members share the household chores

- mother takes the responsibility to run the household

- feel safe and secure in the family

By ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – THPT Liễn Sơn, Lập Thạch, Vĩnh Phúc –       Trang 1



4. Consolidation: (3 minutes)- Talk about the family in the reading passage

5. Homework (1 minute) - Talk about the family in the reading passage

 V. Evaluation:



Date of planning: …../…../2017               Date of teaching: …../…../2017

PERIOD 5                                   UNIT 1: HOME LIFE


I. Aims/Objectives of the lesson: - To help Ss develop their speaking skills

- To help Ss prepare material for speaking

- To encourage Ss work in pairs and groups

II. Teaching method:   - Communicative language teaching

III. Teaching aids:    - Lesson plan, text book

IV. Procedure:

1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check – up (5 minutes)   - Some Ss go to the board to

                                         – write down new words

                                         - talk about the family in the passage

3. New lesson (35 minutes)

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Pre - speaking

- Gives Ss some new words







Pre - speaking

V: + share the household chores      + the interest

     + personal secrets with sb            + talk to sb

     + make an important decision

Interest: watching films/football matches on TV, listening to music, going shopping, reading books, playing badminton, chatting merrily with each other ...

Housework:  to clean the house, wash the clothes/dishes, take out the garbage, look after brother/sister, hang the washing out, cook the dinner

2. While- speaking

Task 1

- Asks Ss to do task 1






Task 2 + 3

- Asks Ss to do task 2,3







Task 4

- Asks Ss to do task 4

While- speaking

- Read out task 1 and check understanding

- Work individually to talk about your own family

In my family, both my parents work and support the family

All the members share the household chores

My responsibility is to clean the house and wash the dishes

In my family the interest we share closely is watching TV

I often share my personal secrets with my mother

Before making an important decision, I often talk to my parents

- Work in groups, give the questions

1. Who works and supports your family?

2. Who does the household chores?

3. What’s your responsibility in the family?

4. Which interest do your family members share closely?

5. Who do you often share your personal secrets with?

6. To whom do you talk before making an important decision?

- Talk about their partner’s family.

I talked to Tam. Both his parents work. But only his mother does the household chores ...

3. Post - speaking

- Asks Ss to write a letter telling your friend about your family

Post speaking: Useful expressions:

- Like many other families

- We often help our parents with the housework

- I try to do well at class in order to meet my parents’ expectation

- I’m very proud to have such a happy family

By ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – THPT Liễn Sơn, Lập Thạch, Vĩnh Phúc –       Trang 1



4. Consolidation: (3 minutes)  Ask and answer about your family

5. Homework (1 minute)   Words and phrases. Talk about your family

 V. Evaluation:



Date of planning: …../…../2017               Date of teaching: …../…../2017

PERIOD 06                                 UNIT 1: HOME LIFE


I. Aims/Objectives of the lesson:

- To help Ss develop their listening skills for general ideas and specific information

- To provide Ss with new words and phrases

- To give Ss the opportunity to listen to native speakers

II. Teaching method:  - Communicative language teaching

III. Teaching aids:   - Lesson plan, text book, radio, tape

IV. Procedure:

1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check – up (5 minutes)   - Some Ss go to the board, talk about their family

                                                     - T checks some writings

3. New lesson (35 minutes)

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Before you listen

- Asks Ss to look at the picture and describe it


- Asks some Ss write down the words on the board.

- Helps Ss to study new words

Before you listen

These people are members of a family. It’s a crowded home. They are having a small party. They all look happy. They may have a close-knit family.  Family members often have parties when they get together on holidays or at weekends.

+ get together                  + spread out all over the place

+ book a flight                  + reserved seat

+ leftovers                         + a crowded home          + coach

+ kid                                    + holiday season             + rarely

2. While you listen

Task 1

- Plays the tape twice


- Plays the tape again and checks the answer



Task 2

- Plays the tape again and check the answer





While you listen

- Read out task 1, check understanding and underline key words

1. can’t wait for her flight                            2. very excited

3. 280 km           4. more children               5. go out for dinner

- Work individually, listen to the tape, then do task 1

- Work in pairs, exchange their answer

1. (She can’t wait any more)        2. (isn’t)

3. F (180)                       4. T                  5. T

- Work in groups, note down the differences

Paul                                               Andrea

His family members are                 She has a close-knit family. Her 

not very close. The children           family members often get

rarely get together because           together on holidays.

they spread out over the space

When they get together, the         When they get together, they

mother cooks big meals                  often go out for dinner.

3. After you listen

- Asks Ss to discuss the importance of family

After you listen

- Work in groups

- family is very important in a person’s life

- feel safe and secure in our family

- family members take care of each other

- we share our feelings and together find solution to problems

- family members are close-knit and supportive of each other

- family is a base from which we can go into the world with confidence

By ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – THPT Liễn Sơn, Lập Thạch, Vĩnh Phúc –       Trang 1



4. Consolidation: (3 minutes)  - Talk about Paul and Andrea’s family

5. Homework (1 minute)    Words and phrases. About Paul and Andrea’s family

 V. Evaluation:



Date of planning: …../…../2017               Date of teaching: …../…../2017

PERIOD 07                               UNIT 1: HOME LIFE


I. Aims/Objectives of the lesson:

- To help Ss develop their writing skills to write an informal letter

- To provide Ss with new words and phrases

- To give Ss the opportunity to master their writing

II. Teaching method:   - Communicative language teaching

III. Teaching aids:    - Lesson plan, text book

IV. Procedure:

1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check – up (5 minutes) - Talk about Paul and Andrea’s family

- Some Ss talk about the importance of family

3. New lesson (35 minutes)

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Pre - writing

- Gives Ss some new words








Task 1


- Gives Ss jumbled pieces of papers and asks them reorder 

Pre - writing

+ allow/permit sb + to V            + be allowed/permitted + to V

+ force sb + to V                            + be forced + to V

+ have to/must/ought to + V    + make/let sb + V

+ be made + to V                           + want sb + to V

+ can + V                                       + It is prohibited in my family that ...

- Work in groups, talking about the rules in your family

- My parents don’t allow us to watch TV during the meals. Because, it’s not good for our health. Besides, dinner is the time when our family members get together, chat and share our feelings, but not the time for watching TV

- I am not permitted to go out late at night. Being out late at nigh is very dangerous and this makes my parents worried.

- My mother doesn’t let me chat with my friends long hours on the phone. She says that it’s time and money consuming.

- We can only use the computer one hour a day, and watch TV at weekend, otherwise it will distract us from studying

- We have to finish our homework before going to school. Our parents will be sad and disappointed if we don’t do well at school and get bad marks

- In my family, we have to share the household chores because my parents work very hard to support the family and when they get home, they are very tired. The children have to help with the housework

2. While writing

Task 2

- Asks some groups of Ss to give

+ the form of an informal letter

+ the introduction of the letter

+ the connectors


While writing

- Some groups give the form of an informal letter

Dear ...,


All of love/With love/ Yours/Best wishes

- Some groups write the introduction

Dear Lan,

   I’m very glad to receive your letter in which you told about your family rules. I agree with you that ...

Dear Vuong,

By ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – THPT Liễn Sơn, Lập Thạch, Vĩnh Phúc –       Trang 1










Task 2


- Asks Ss to write their own letter

   How are you? Is your study ok? I’m writing an English essay about family rules. Have your family got any rules? In my family, we have some.

- Some groups list the connectors

First, Firstly, First of all, The first rule is that

Secondly ..., Another rule is that, Besides, Furthermore, Moreover, What’s more?, In addition,

Finally, The final rule is that, Lastly, Last but not least

- Some groups write the conclusion

        You may think that there are many rules in my family and my parents are quite strict. But in fact these rule are all necessary to help us behave well and avoid problems. That’s why we are willing to obey them.   

3. Post - writing

- Asks some Ss to read out their letters.

Post - writing

- Read out their own letters

Checks and corrects mistakes if necessary

4. Consolidation: (3 minutes)  - Writing an formal letter

5. Homework (1 minute)   - Finish the writing at home

 V. Evaluation:



Date of planning: …../…../2017               Date of teaching: …../…../2017

PERIOD 08                                UNIT 1: HOME LIFE


I. Aims/Objectives of the lesson: To help Ss revise the use and structure of verb tenses, the pronunciation of the ending “s/es”

- To provide Ss the opportunity to practise

II. Teaching method:  - Communicative language teaching

III. Teaching aids:   - Lesson plan, text book

IV. Procedure:

1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check – up (5 minutes)  - T checks some writings

3. New lesson (35 minutes)

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Pronunciation

- Asks Ss to revise the pronunciation of  the ending “s/es’

2. Grammar

- Asks Ss to revise the use and structures of verb tense

Exercise 1:  HTHT


Exercise 2:

Pronunciation: /iz/ s, S, tS, d3, 3, z        /s/ p, t, k, f, 0

                                /z/ còn lại

- Practise pronouncing the ending


- Do exercise 1, then exchange the answer with their partner

1. Have you seen;                2. did you enjoy3. was

4. Did you give/ saw;         5. didn’t listened

6. Have you two met;         7. Did you meet

- Do exercise  2, then exchange the answer with their partner

1. B      2. C       3. A       4. A       5. B        6. B        7. B       8. C

9. B      10. C    11. B     12. C    13. C      14. A      15. B   

4. Consolidation: (3 minutes) - Verb tenses          - Pronunciation of the ending “s/es”

5. Homework (1 minute)  - Verb tenses          - Pronunciation of the ending “s/es”

V. Evaluation:


Date of planning: …....../…....../2017              Date of teaching: …....../....…../2017

PERIOD 09                    UNIT 2: CULTURAL DIVERSITY


I. Aims/Objectives of the lesson:

- To develop their reading skills: skimming for general ideas

By ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – THPT Liễn Sơn, Lập Thạch, Vĩnh Phúc –       Trang 1



- To provide Ss with new words and phrases

- To encourage Ss work in pairs and groups

II. Teaching method:  - Communicative language teaching

III. Teaching aids:   - Lesson plan, text book, pieces of paper containing new words

IV. Procedure:

1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check – up (5 minutes) Some Ss go to the board, present the structure and the use of – verb tense the pronunciation of the ending “s/es”

3. New lesson (35 minutes)

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Before you read

- Asks Ss to look at the pictures and describe it


- Asks Ss to answer the questions




- Asks some Ss write down the words on the board.






- Helps Ss to study new words

Before you read

The first picture shows a wedding in India

The second pictures shows a wedding in Vietnam

They are all important factors for a happy life.

Love is the most important because it brings people together. Without love we are not happy and our life is meaningless.

Money is the most important. Without money, we have nothing. So we can’t lead an happy life

Good health is the most important. With good health, we can earn money and bring love to other people

V: + follow >< precede        + be supposed to V        + determine

     + maintain                          + confide in                     + reject

     + sacrifice                           + do the right thing

     + be concerned with       + be obliged to V            + trust

N: + idea/view/opinion/thought

     + romantic marriage >< contractual marriage

     + bride – groom                     + survey               + attitude

     + response                               + key value

     + physical attractiveness    + partnership of equal

     + counterpart                         + majority >< minority    + wise

2. While you read

- Checks pronunciation if necessary

Task 1

- Asks Ss to do task 1


While you read

- 4 Ss read out the passage

- Work in groups, explain the words

1. happen / exist before;        2. find out

3. tell someone about something very private or secret

4. willingly stop having something you want

5. having a duty to do something

4. Consolidation: (3 minutes)  - Words and phrases

5. Homework (1 minute)    - Words and phrases

V. Evaluation:



Date of planning: …....../…....../2017              Date of teaching: …....../....…../2017

PERIOD 10                       UNIT 2: CULTURAL DIVERSITY

A. READING (Continued)

I. Aims/Objectives of the lesson:

- To help Ss develop their reading skills: skimming for general ideas and scanning for specific information

- To provide Ss with new words and phrases

- To encourage Ss work in pairs and groups

II. Teaching method:   - Communicative language teaching

III. Teaching aids:    - Lesson plan, text book, pieces of paper containing new words

IV. Procedure:

1. Class organization (1 minute)

By ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – THPT Liễn Sơn, Lập Thạch, Vĩnh Phúc –       Trang 1



2. Check – up (5 minutes)  - Ss go to the board, note down new words and phrases

3. New lesson (35 minutes)

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

2. While you read

- Checks pronunciation if necessary

Task 2

- Asks Ss to do task 2









While you read

- 4 Ss read out the passage again

- Work in pairs, ask and answer the questions

1. They are Physical attractiveness; Confiding; Partnership of equals and Trust built on love

2. The young Americans are much more concerned than the young Indians and the Chinese with physical attractiveness when choosing a wife or a husband.

3. The Indian students agree that a woman has to sacrifice more in a marriage than a man

4. The American wife trusts her husband to do the right thing because he loves her not because he has to

5. The main finding of the survey is that young Asians are not as romantic as their American counterparts.

3. After you read

- Asks Ss to discuss the question

After you read

* Traditional Vietnamese families:

- 3 even 4 generations live in one home.

- Woman has to sacrifice much more than man: do all the housework, be not allowed to take part in social activities, be not permitted to have general education, don’t have the right to make any  decision or have any power in the family, have no opportunity to go out and earn money

* Modern Vietnamese families:

- 2 generations live under the same roof

- Women have legal rights to vote, enjoy the general education and have a job

- Housework is shared by family members

4. Consolidation: (3 minutes)   - Talk about the Americans and

     - Asians’ attitudes toward love and marriage

5. Homework (1 minute)  - Talk about the Americans and

       - Asians’ attitudes toward love and marriage

V. Evaluation:



Date of planning: …....../…....../2017              Date of teaching: …....../....…../2017

PERIOD 11                    UNIT 2: CULTURAL DIVERSITY


I. Aims/Objectives of the lesson: - To help Ss develop their speaking skills

- To help Ss prepare material for speaking

- To encourage Ss work in pairs and groups

II. Teaching method:   - Communicative language teaching

III. Teaching aids:    - Lesson plan, text book

IV. Procedure:

1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check – up (5 minutes)  - Some Ss go to the board to – write down new words

  - Talk about the Americans and Asians’ attitudes towards love and marriage

3. New lesson (35 minutes)

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Pre - speaking

- Gives Ss some new words

Vocab:  + live in one home/ under the same roof

+ lead an independent life      + greet someone

+ be based on                              + generations     + old-aged parents

By ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – THPT Liễn Sơn, Lập Thạch, Vĩnh Phúc –       Trang 1









+ nursing homes                        + groceries    

In America/ Vietnam: In American/ Vietnamese culture/ families

The Americans: The American/Vietnamese people

But/ However/ On the contrary/ By contrast/ Whereas ...   

Expressing your opinion

- I think/ believe that;           - In my opinion

- From my point of view;      - As for me

Expressing agreement

- I quite/extremely agree with you      - You are right

- It’s true/ right                                           - That’s a good idea

Expressing disagreement

- I’m afraid I disagree/ don’t quite agree with you   - It’s not true                                       

- That’s wrong                                - That’s not a good idea

2. While- speaking

Task 1

- Asks Ss to do task 1














Task 2

- Asks Ss to do task 2










Task 3

- Asks Ss to do task 3




While- speaking

- Read out task 1 and check understanding

- Work in pairs, express your opinion, agreement or disagreement

A: I think in Vietnam, thee or even four generations many live in a home

B: I quite agree with you.

C: That’s true in a traditional family. But in a modern one,  there are only 2 generations

A: In my opinion, a happy marriage should be based on love.

B: That’s a good idea

C: I don’t think so, in some Asian countries love is supposed to follow marriage not precede it.

A: From my point of view, it’s common for a man and a woman to hold hands and kiss each other in public.

B: That’s only true in Western countries.

C: Yes, I quite agree. In Asia, it’s uncommon.

- Work in groups, find out the corresponding features of Vietnamese culture:

1. 3 or even 4 generations may live under the same roof.

2. Old-aged parents live with their children and are taken care of by their children

3. It is common to ask questions about age, marriage and income

4. Vietnamese people have to greet the old in the family first

5. Groceries are bought every day

6. Tet holiday is the most important

7. Small children sleep with their parents

- Work in groups, talk about similarities and differences between Vietnamese and American cultures.

A: I think there are both differences and similarities between Vietnamese and American cultures.

B: I quite agree with you. In both countries, family members get together on holidays or at weekend, have parties and a lot of fun.

C: That’s right. And both American and Vietnamese people give presents or gifts to their friends and relatives on special occasions such as birthday or wedding ceremony.  ......

3. Post - speaking


Post - speaking

- Asks Ss to write a paragraph about the similarities and differences between Vietnamese and American cultures.

- There are both similarities and differences between Vietnamese and American cultures. For similarities....


By ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – THPT Liễn Sơn, Lập Thạch, Vĩnh Phúc –       Trang 1


nguon VI OLET