Teacher: __________________                                              ____________  Primary School


Date to teach:  07/09/2016                          



Period 1    - Lesson 1

I. Objectives:

- By the end of this lesson, ss will be able to use the words and phrases related to the topic “Address and Hometown” and ask, answer Qs about one’s address, using What’s your address? – It’s…..

II. Teaching methods:

- Communicative approach.

- Techniques:

+ Ask and answer (say individually)

+ Work in pairs/ groups.

+ Discuss.

III. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s and teacher’s book, word cards, pictures, tape.

- Students’ aids: books, notebooks, workbooks.

IV. Languages focus:

- Vocabulary: address, street, lane, road, tower, floor, flat

- Structures:

                     - What’s your address?

                                        - It’s__________________.


V. Procedures:



















































I. Warm up 

-         Have the class play Slap the board, using the pictures and names of the characters that they learnt in Tieng Anh 3 and Tieng Anh 4, like Mai, Nam, Quan, Phong, Linda, Tony, Tom, Hakim and Akiko. When the game is over, get them to point at each picture and say sentences. Ex: This is Mai. She’s from Viet Nam. She’s Vietnamese. At the end of the game, introduce Unit 1 by writing the title on the board and have pupils repeat it aloud.

II. New lesson

1. Look, listen and repeat:

- Have the class look at the pictures. Introduce the story by pointing at each character and elicit their answers to the questions: Who’s this? What’s his/her name? Is he/she a new comer? Where’s he/she from?....

- Play the recording all the way through for the class to listen and follow in their books.

- Play it again for them to repeat line by line.

- Finally, point to each picture for them to say the words in each bubble.

- Divide the class into groups to practice saying the dialogue.

- Call some Ss to be in front of the class to say out.

2. Point and say:

- Tell the class that they are going to pratise asking and answering questions about one’s address, using What’s your address? It’s…..

- Revise numbers 10 to 100 with the class.

- Point at each picture and ask the question What’s your address ? for pupils to answer chorally.

- Have pupils pratise asking and answering in pairs. Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary.

- Invite one or two pairs to speak to check their performance.

3. Let’s talk.

- Tell the class that they are going to pratise further by asking and answering questions about addresses. Get pupils to work in groups of four to ask each other’s addresses. Remind them to use the questions and answers in their books.

- Set a time limit for the class to pratise. Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary.

- Invite a few pupils to repeat their interviews to the class. Then give feedback.

III. Summary:

- Require ss to remember how to ask and answer Qs about one’s address, using What’s your address? – It’s…..

IV. Home link:

- Remind pupils to learn the words and the structure by heart.

- Pupils prepare for the next lesson.



Teacher-Whole Class










Teacher-Whole Class


Whole Class


Whole Class

Whole Class


Group work



Teacher-Whole Class





Pair work





Group work








Teacher-Whole Class


Students take note


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Trọn bộ giáo án TA3,4,5 tập 1 chương trình mới nhất của BGD( 2tiết/ tuần)

Giá : 80.000/ 1 khối/1 tập

Hình thức thanh toán: chuyển khoản hoặc nhận đĩa.

LH: giaoandbn@gmail.com để lại sđt chúng tôi sẽ llac lại ngay.



nguon VI OLET