Week 1:       Date of teaching: 

Period 1:

Unit Starter:

Lesson 1


* By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Give and respond to greetings and introductions,

- Speaking skills

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary: class Book characters, greetings

2. Structure: What’s your name?

                     My name is Pete

III. Method of teaching

  Focus: Listening – Speaking

IV. Teaching aid.

- CD tracks 1-3, story poster Starter Unit

- Hello flashcards 1-4

V. Procedure




Say Hello to all the children and elicit Hello in response.  Ask every child to say Hello to the other children. Say My name’s…Ask a child, What’s your name?  Encourage children to ask each other’s names and respond in pairs.

Show the flashcards and say the names of the characters for children to repeat.  Divide the class into two.  When you show a flashcard, half of the class says, What’s your name?  The other half responds with My name’s Billy, etc…



  Recording 1:  Say Open your books, and mime the action.  Children point to the characters and say the names.  Play the first part of the recording and model pointing to the pictures as you listen.  Children then do the same.  Play again and give the flashcards to four children.  Get them to stand up when they hear their character’s name.

Recording 2: Children listen and chant along – then do again without recording. Divide the class into four, give each group a character’s name and ask them to stand up when they hear their name.

Recording 3:  Use the Starter Poster and point to the characters and ask, Who’s this?   Play the recording and point to the pictures.  Play it again and ask children to point to the pictures.  Children follow the words as they listen in their Class Books.



Trace and Circle:  Do exercise 1 in the Workbook.

Personalization:  Ask individual children What’s your name?  Students do Exercise 2. They then show the pictures to each other and practice the target vocabulary, pointing to the pictures and asking, What’s your name?


Week 1:       Date of teaching: 

Period 2:

Unit Starter:

Lesson 2


Giving and responding to greetings and introductions, Speaking skills

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary: Greetings

2. Structure:

What’s your name?

My name’s…

How are you?

I’m fine, thank you

III. Method of teaching

  Focus: Listening – Speaking

IV. Teaching aid.

- CD tracks 3-4

- Story Poster Starter Unit

- Hello flashcards 1-4

V. Procedure




Begin the class by saying Hello to the children and encouraging them to greet each other in the same way.  Show the flashcards again and elicit the names of the characters.

Show the story poster again and ask the children to repeat the story.  Play recording 3 again and children can say it along with the audio.  Decide on actions for the story and get the students to do the actions as they say the story.



Ask and answer:  Say Open your books, and show children opening the Class Book to page 5. Say Look at the pictures, indicating the pictures of the boys.  Read and model the dialogue, pausing for children to repeat.  Read the dialogue with one of the stronger students, and then put students in pairs to practice it themselves.

Recording 4:  Ask children to look at the pictures in Exercise 3 and ask what they can see.  Elicit any words they think will appear in the song.  Play the song and ask children to listen.  Play again and ask children to sing along, saying their own name in the appropriate place and add actions.



Vocabulary practice:  Ask students to open their Work Books to page 5.  Ask students what is happening in the story.  Do exercise 1.  Put students in pairs to practice the story.  Students then do Exercise 2.

Role play:  Ask students to work with a different partner.  They practice the dialogue from Exercise 2 again, but this time substituting their own names.  Then they shut their books and do it from memory.  Have volunteers act out the dialogue in front of the class.


Week 1:       Date of teaching: 

Period 3:

Unit Starter:

Lesson 3


Talking about ages, Speaking and listening skills

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary:

2. Structure:

How old are you?


III. Method of teaching

  Focus: Listening – Speaking

IV. Teaching aid.

- CD tracks 5-7

- Numbers flashcards 5-14

- Extra Practical Classroom Activities: Days of the Week Pair Activity

V. Procedure


Sing Hello, hello! From p.5 of the Class Book to revise the language.

Use the number flashcards to elicit numbers 1-10.  Give a flashcard to 10 different students in the class and get them to stand up when they hear their number.



Recording 5: Play the recording and ask students to point to the pictures as they hear the ages.  Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat.  Point to different people in the pictures and ask individual children to say the numbers.

Recording 6:  Look at the pictures again and point and say, Look, he’s six.  Then point to the first boy and ask How old is he?  Play recording, and do Exercise 2. Check answers as a class.

Recording 7: Ask children to look at the calendar and play the recording.  Children listen and point to the words in their books.  Play again and children chant along.



Pair activity:  Give half the children worksheet A and half worksheet B.  Tell children not to show their partner their worksheet.  They sit back to back and read their words of the week to each other listen and write down the words their partner says.  Make sure children help each other by spelling the words out correctly. Then they can check together.


Week 1:       Date of teaching: 

Period 4:

Unit Starter:

Lesson 3


Talking about ages, Speaking and writing skills

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary: Numbers 1-10, Days of the week

2. Structure:

How old are you?


III. Method of teaching

  Focus: Speaking - Writing

IV. Teaching aid.

- Numbers flashcards 5-14

- Extra Practical Classroom Activities: Numbers 1-10 Memory Cards

V. Procedure




Look at the calendar again on p.6 of the Class Book and get students to read out the days of the week. 

Ask the class what day it is today?  Shut the books and ask children to say all the days of the week.

Show numbers flashcards again and elicit the numbers 1-10.  Show the flashcards out of order and ask students to say the numbers together.



Exercise 1: Children put in the numbers and then point and say.  They work in pairs to say What number is this? They then answer.

Exercise 2:  Children write the numbers and then repeat activity above.

Exercise 3: Children do the exercise, filling in the gaps

Role-play: In pairs children act out the dialogues.  Some of the stronger students read out the dialogues in front of the class.  Ask students to substitute their own ages and do the role-play again.



Group activity:  Give a set of memory cards to each group of 4-6 children.  Ask them to shuffle and place the cards face down on the desk.  They then take turns turning two cards over.  If the cards match (number and word) they keep the cards, if they don’t match they turn them back over and the next child takes a turn.  The winner is the child with most matching cards at the end of the game.

Week 2:       Date of teaching: 

Period 5:

Unit Starter:

Lesson 4


Identifying colours, Listening and speaking skills

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary:

Colours, Days of the week



2. Structure:

It’s (yellow)….


III. Method of teaching

Listening - Speaking

IV. Teaching aid.

- Colours flashcards 15-21

- CD tracks 8-10

- Extra Practical Classroom Activities: Song worksheet

V. Procedure




Play Word chain with class to revise the numbers one to ten.  See T’s Book for details of how to play.

Use colours flashcards to elicit colours and once the children have named the colour correctly put it on the board and write the word underneath. Take the flashcards off the board, shuffle them and ask some children to come to the front and put them above the correct word.



Recording 10: Children listen, point and repeat.

Recording 11:  Either use the song worksheet (without opening the Class Book) where children listen and fill in the correct colours, or do Exercise 2 in the Class Book.  After either activity, ask children to sing along with the CD and then sing together without the CD audio.

Exercise 4: Children do the exercise, matching the words to colours and then check with their partner.



Song extension:  Children close their books.  Call seven children to the front of the class and give each of them a colour flashcard.  The rest of the class help put the children in a line in the order the colours appear in the song.  Ask children to open their Class Books to check the song and see if they were correct.


Week 2:       Date of teaching: 

Period 6:

Unit Starter:

Lesson 4


Identifying colours, Listening and speaking skills

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary:

Colours, Days of the week

2. Structure:



It’s (Sunday).


III. Method of teaching

Listening – Speaking - Writing

IV. Teaching aid.

- Colours flashcards 15-21

- Extra Practical Classroom Activities: Colours board game (in colour or black & white)

- Colour pencils for each child

V. Procedure




Show the colours flashcards and elicit the different names of the colours.

Revise days of the week by putting children in groups of seven and asking them to say the words of the week around their group in the correct order.



Exercise 1: Children write the correct capital letter at the start of the days of the week.

Exercise 2: Children read and colour the rainbow.  Ask the class to sing the Sing a Rainbow song again together pointing to the correct words and colour in the picture as they do so.

Point and say:  Sing the song again and ask children to point to objects in the room that are that colour.  Then follow up by showing the colours flashcards and asking children to call out other things in the room which are the same colour.



Picture dictionary:  Ask children to open their Workbooks to p.108 and do the Read and Colour activity in the Starter Hello! box.

Colours board game:  Either use the colour version or the black & white one (with the black & white version, ask children to work in a group to colour the shapes as they like).  Put children in groups of four and give each group a board game.  They play the game moving around the board, and saying the colour as they land on that square.

Week 2:       Date of teaching: 

Period 7:

Unit 1:

Lesson 1


Identifying objects, Speaking skills

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary:

School thingsrubber, pen, pencil, ruler, book

2. Structure:



What’s this?

It’s a _______.

III. Method of teaching

Listening – Speaking

IV. Teaching aid.

- CD tracks 10-12

- Story Poster 1

- School things flashcards 22-26

-PMB Activity 1A - Bingo

V. Procedure


Revise the colours by singing Sing a Rainbow from Class Book p.7

Use real objects to present the vocabulary.  Hold up each object (ruler, pen, rubber, pencil, and book) in turn and say the words for children to repeat.

Check the vocabulary again by holding up the flashcards 22-26 and hold them up one at a time ask Is it a pen/book/rubber? The students answer Yes or No.

Show two cards to the class and then put them face down on your table.  Point to each card and ask, is it a…? Repeat with other pairs of cards.



Recording 10: Play the first part of the recording while children listen and point to the school things.  Play the recording again, all the way through and ask children to listen, point and then repeat the words together.  Then hold up the flashcards and ask individual children to repeat the words.

Recording 11: Ask children to listen to the chant once.  Then play it a second time for children to say the words.  If children have all of the objects, ask them to put them on the desk and pick them up when they chant each word.

Read and listen: Use the Poster Story 1 to present the story.  Point to the characters and ask Who’s this?  Point to the different school things and ask, What’s this?  Play the recording and point to the pictures. 



Bingo: Ask children to cut out the cards. You will also need a set. Children choose four cards from their set and put them face up on the desk in front of them. Pick up one of your own cards at random, and say, e.g. Its a pen. Any child with that card turns it face down. Repeat, until a child has turned over all his/her cards. He/She shouts Bingo! and is the winner.

Week 2:       Date of teaching: 

Period 8:

Unit 1:

Lesson 1


Identifying objects, Speaking skills

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary:

School thingsrubber, pen, pencil, ruler, book

2. Structure:



What’s this?

It’s a _______.

III. Method of teaching

Listening – Speaking

IV. Teaching aid.

- School things flashcards 22-26

V. Procedure


Revise the vocabulary by showing the objects and asking children what they are.

Play the game ‘Jump.’ Ask students to stand up.  Show them one flashcard at a time.  Say a word (sometimes the same word as the picture on the card, sometimes a different word).  If the word is the same as the picture, the children jump.  If the word is different, they don’t move.



  Vocabulary check: Display the flashcards around the room.  Say the chant from Class Book page 8 again and get children to point to the correct word as they do it.  Do exercise 1 on p.8 of the Workbook

Spelling:  Put the flashcards up on the board.  Elicit the spelling and write it on the board under the picture. Cover the words. Then ask children to open their Workbooks once again and do exercise 2.  Show the spelling again and ask children to check.  Read out the spelling together as a class.

Pronunciation: Use the flashcards again to elicit the sounds.  Focus on /r/ - ruler, rubber and /p/ - pen, pencil. 



Game: Choose 5 children to come to the front.  Put the flashcards on the floor, face up, in a row.  Each child stands opposite another child with the flashcard in the middle.  One row points to the flashcard in front of them and says What’s this?  The other child replies, It’s a rubber/ruler/pen etc.. and then each row moves one step to the left (the children at the end of the rows move around to the other side) and they repeat.  Keep the children moving round the cards so they all take turns saying What’s this? And then, It’s a ….

Week 3:       Date of teaching: 

Period 9:

Unit 1:

Lesson 2


- Identifying objects, Speaking and writing skills

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary:

School thingsrubber, pen, pencil, ruler, book

2. Structure:



What’s this?

It’s a _______.

III. Method of teaching

Writing – Speaking

IV. Teaching aid.

- School things flashcards 22-26

- CD Track 12

- Story Poster 1

V. Procedure


Do exercise 1.  Children listen again to the story and follow Story Poster 1.

Play Board slap with the children. Put the school things flashcards on the whiteboard and bring up two teams of 4 children to the front.  Two children from each team compete against each other to slap the correct flashcard as the teacher spells the word.  The first child to touch for their team wins a point.



  Exercise 2: Look at exercise 2 and hold up different flashcards asking students What’s this?  They reply It’s a (rubber).

Writing: Put flashcards on the board again and write a gapped sentence like the ones in the Class Book, for example. _____a pen; _____ a rubber. Elicit the target structure and get two children to come to the front to write the missing words.

Exercises 3 & 4:  Children do the exercises (Exercise 4 in pairs).

Pronunciation: Focus on the contractions of What’s (What is) and It’s (It is) and have children practicing the words as a class, groups and pairs. Children can play the point and ask game again, but this time substituting real class objects.



Grammar Reference: Ask children to open their Class Books to p.74 and do the Unit 1 Grammar activity to practice the target structure further.

Game: Ask volunteers to come to the front of the class.  Each child can choose a flashcard.  They don’t show the class.  Each child takes turns standing in front of the class.  The child says What’s this?  And the children in the class take turns guessing..It’s a rubber, It’s a ruler etc…when they say the correct school object, the child shows the flashcard and it is the next child’s turn.



Play Snap with School things flashcards.  Say one of the school objects, show the flashcards one by one.  If the word is different to the picture, the children say the word matching the picture.  If it is the same they shout “Snap” and the first child to say it can hold the flashcard for the rest of the game.



Ask and answer: Ask children to colour the school objects in Exercise 1.  Then in pairs, they ask What colour is it?  And answer, It’s (green).  Go around the room pointing to individual pictures and asking What colour is it?  The children answer individually, and the rest of the class put up their hands if their object is the same colour.

Exercise 1:  Children do the exercise, unscrambling and writing the words.

Exercise 2:  Children do the exercise.



Exercise extension: Ask children to draw three pictures as in Exercise 2 in the Workbook.  They can draw pictures and hide the school object in the pictures.  They then give the pictures to their partner who colours in the object.  The children then take turns asking each other What’s this? and answering.

Game:  Stick the flashcards on the wall around the classroom.  The children ask together, What’s this?  And you reply It’s a (pen).  The children then run and touch the correct flashcard.

Week 3:       Date of teaching: 

Period 11:

Unit 1:

Lesson 3


- Responding to instructions, Listening and speaking skills

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary:

School things ,Bag, Door, Window

2. Structure:



What’s this?

It’s a _______.

III. Method of teaching

Listening – Speaking

IV. Teaching aid.

- School things flashcards 22-29

- CD tracks 13 & 14

- Extra Practical Classroom Activities: Song worksheet

V. Procedure


Play Slow reveal (see Teacher’s Book for instructions) with flashcards 22-26 to revise vocabulary.  Say What’s This? as you reveal each one.

Use flashcards 27-29 to introduce the three new words.  Hold up each one and say the words for children to repeat. 



Recording 13: Ask children to look at the pictures and play the first and second parts of the recording as children point to the words. Play again for children to repeat the words after the audio.

Recording 14:  Either use the song worksheet (without opening the Class Book) where children listen and fill in the correct words, or do Exercise 2 in the Class Book.  After either activity, ask children to sing along with the CD and then sing together without the CD audio.

Sing and act:  Tell children they are going to sing the song again, but this time they are going to do the actions. Elicit the actions from the pictures in the Class Book, and then practice them as a class before doing the activity.



Point and say:  Point to the door, bags and windows around the room and elicit the target vocabulary from students.  Say What’s this?  Children answer as a class.  Children can do the same in pairs, pointing and answering.

Say and mime: Say and mime, Open a book/Close the door/Open the bag/Close the window.  Then say them again for the class to mime the actions as you speak.  Ask children to give the same instructions to their partner to mime.  They can take turns and work with different partners for further practice


Week 3:       Date of teaching: 

Period 12:

Unit 1:

Lesson 3


- Responding to instructions, Listening and speaking skills

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary:

School things ,Bag, Door, Window

2. Structure:



What’s this?

It’s a _______.

III. Method of teaching

Listening – Speaking

IV. Teaching aid.

- School things flashcards 22-29



- Extra Practical Classroom Activities: School Objects Memory Cards

V. Procedure


Sing the song from Class Book p.10 again, with students doing the actions at the same time.  Sing a second time, with students at the front holding the three flashcards (door, bag, and window) and every time they hear their word they hold the card up in the air.



Exercise 1: Ask children to write the target vocabulary in the gaps.  Elicit the spelling of each word and write it on the board for children to check.

Exercise 2: Children complete the crossword, and check their answers in pairs.

Point and answer:  Children work in pairs and point to the pictures and ask What’s this?  Their partner answers, It’s a (pencil).



Game:  Play Simon Says, using the target sentence patterns, of Open the window, close the door etc… Explain that students just have to mime the actions.  If you say ‘Simon Says,’ before the instruction, children mime it.  If you don’t say Simon Says, they shouldn’t do it.  If they do, they are out of the game.

Group activity:  Give a set of memory cards to each group of 4-6 children.  Ask them to shuffle and place the cards face down on the desk.  They then take turns turning two cards over.  If the cards match (picture and word) they keep the cards, if they don’t match they turn them back over and the next child takes a turn.  The winner is the child with most matching cards at the end of the game.

Week 4:       Date of teaching: 

Period 13:

Unit 1:

Lesson 3


- Responding to instructions, Listening and speaking skills

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary:

School things ,Bag, Door, Window

2. Structure:



Open the door

Close the window

Open the bag

III. Method of teaching

Writing – Speaking

IV. Teaching aid.

- School things flashcards 22-29



- PMB p. 2, Extra Writing worksheet

V. Procedure


Put the flashcards around the room, on the walls.  Ask What’s this?  Show a real object or point to a real object.  Children point to the corresponding flashcard and say the word.

Play Simon Says again to revise the sentence structures of Open the door, close the window etc…



Picture Dictionary: Ask children open their Workbooks to p.68.  Tell them to colour in the school objects (Number 1, School things) and then tell them to point and ask and answer using the target sentence structures with their partner.

Writing Exercise 1:  Children do the exercise, circling the odd one out and writing the word.  Elicit the spelling and ask five individual children to come up and write the words on the board.

Writing Exercise 2:  Students do the exercise and finish writing the words and drawing the objects. 



Writing extension:  Children draw three more school objects in their notebook.  They then give their notebook to their partner.  Their partner writes below each picture, It’s a (ruler).  They then swap back again and tick the sentences if they are correct.

Week 4:       Date of teaching: 

Period 14:

Unit 1:

Lesson 4


- First letter sounds a/b/c/d, Speaking and writing skills

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary:

Apple, Bird, Cat, Dog

2. Structure:



III. Method of teaching

Writing – Speaking

IV. Teaching aid.

- Phonics cards 1-4



- CD Tracks 15-17


V. Procedure


Draw dotted outlines of the letters a,b,c, and d in upper-and lower-case on the board.  Ask different children to come and join the letters.

Point to each letter on the board and say the letter name and the sound for both upper- and lower-case letters for children to repeat. Say the sounds again and children can draw the letters in the air.



Vocabulary:  Elicit the words on the phonics cards and say the letter names and sounds for children to repeat.  Use the cards in order and then out of order to drill the first letter sounds and the words.

Recording 15:  Children do the exercise and point to the letters.

Recording 16:  Do the exercise, and children join in with the chant.  Put the four cards around the room and children point as they say the chant.

Recording 17: Ask children what the dog has got.  Tell children they can find out by listening.  Model the activity and then children listen and draw the lines.

Exercise 4: Read the text for children to follow and model the activity first on the board.  Then children read and circle the sounds at the start of the words.



Phonics activity:  Give the children different actions to do for the different letters (e.g. stand up for a, clap their hands for b, put their right hand in the air for c, left hand in the air for d).  Then say the letters in order, and then out of order and the children do the actions as they hear the different sounds.  Volunteers can come up to the front of the class and the children can run the activity themselves, either with the whole class or in smaller groups.

Week 4:       Date of teaching: 

Period 15:

Unit 1:

Lesson 4


- First letter sounds a/b/c/d, Speaking and writing skills

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary:

Apple, Bird, Cat, Dog

2. Structure:



III. Method of teaching

Writing – Speaking

IV. Teaching aid.

- Phonics cards 1-4



- Extra Practical Classroom Activities: Sounds Fun Pair Activity


V. Procedure


Show the phonics cards and elicit the words again.  Ask individual children to come to the front and write the first letters on the board, in both upper- and lower-case.

Ask the children to trace the letters in the air and say the sounds as they do so.



Look and trace:  Children do exercise 1, tracing the correct first letter sound for each picture.

Exercise 2:  Children do the exercise and write the words.  Put the children in pairs and ask them to point and answer about the pictures, What’s this?  It’s a (dog).

Exercise 3:  Do the exercise.  Children write the first letters of the words.

Exercise 4: Ask children to match the upper- and lower-case letters.

Sounds Fun pair activity: Put children in pairs and give each either an A or B part of the worksheet.  They do not show their worksheet to their partner and sit back to back.  They read out their words in turn, and listen and tick the correct first letter sounds they hear.  Check as a class.



Phonics game:  Put children in pairs again and ask them to trace one of the letters a, b, c or d (in upper- or lower-case) on their partner’s back.  Their partner must guess the correct letter and whether it is upper or lower.  They can take turns and work with different partners.  Model the activity first with one or two stronger students.

Week 4:       Date of teaching: 

Period 16:

Unit 1:

Lesson 5


- Identifying objects, Reading skills

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary:


School things

2. Structure:


My name’s…



This is my….


III. Method of teaching

Reading – Speaking

IV. Teaching aid.

- CD Track 18



- Natasha’s Extra Activity Handouts: What’s in our bag? Pair interview


V. Procedure


Sing Open the book! from p. 10 in the Class Book.

Ask children to name all the school things they have learned in this unit – elicit them and write the words on the board.  Use flashcards to remind the children if necessary.



Exercise 1:  Children do exercise 1, pointing to four school things and saying the words.

Recording 18:  Children listen to the recording and follow the words in their book.  Check comprehension by asking simple questions:  What’s the girl’s name?  Is there a ruler/rubber/ball in the bag?  Is the pencil case black?  Has Emma got three pens?  Describe some of the objects in the picture for students to guess.

Exercise 3:  Do the exercise.  Children tick or cross the objects that appear in the text.  Model the activity by playing and doing the first part for the children.

Group activity:  Put four school objects into a bag on the table in front of the class. Tell children that they have to guess which items are in the bag.  Children work in small groups to make a list of four items they think are in the bag.  Invite guesses from the children and take out the objects as they are guessed. 



Pair interview:  Put children in pairs and give each one a worksheet.  They write their own name and their partner’s name on their worksheet.  Then they put a cross or tick in each box to say what they have in their own bags and then interview each other to find out what their partner has.  Then they compare their answers to see if they have the same things in their bag.


Week 5:       Date of teaching: 

Period 17:

Unit 1:

Lesson 5


- Identifying objects, Reading and writing skills

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary:


School things

2. Structure:


My name’s…



This is my….

And this is….


III. Method of teaching

Reading – Speaking

IV. Teaching aid.

- School things flashcards 22-29



- PMB Activity 1B Write and Draw

V. Procedure


Play What’s missing? with school things flashcards.  Stick them all on the board and elicit all the words to revise vocabulary.  Then quickly take one flashcard off the board, and ask students to work in pairs to decide which flashcard is missing.  Find out if all the class agrees before showing them the card taken off the board.  Do this again with different cards.



Exercise 1:  Children do exercise 1, circling the correct word and writing the word to complete the sentence.

Exercise 2:  Children do the exercise and colour the school objects by following the instructions.

Write and draw:  Give students the PMB activity worksheet.  Children complete the sentences with nouns and colours.  They swap sheets with their partner, who draws and colours the pictures to match the sentences.  They then check each other’s work by taking turns to read the sentences and check the pictures.



Game:  Play What’s the picture?  Invite a child to come to the front of the class and whisper the name of a school object that s/he has to draw.  The child draws the picture on the board for the rest of the class to guess what it is.  The first child to guess the object correctly comes to the front of the class to draw the next picture.  Repeat until all the target vocabulary has been used.

Week 5:       Date of teaching: 

Period 18:

Unit 1:

Lesson 6


- Identifying objects, Listening and speaking skills

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary:


School things

2. Structure:



What’s this?

It’s a….


III. Method of teaching

Listening – Speaking

IV. Teaching aid.

- CD track 19



- Extra Practical Classroom Activities: My School Things board game

- Dice and counters

V. Procedure


Ask children what they can remember from the reading text in the previous lesson.  Encourage them to name as many objects from Emma’s bag as they can.



Recording 19:  Children do exercise 1, listening and ticking the correct picture. Check together as a class.

Exercise 2:  Model the activity first by showing some objects from your bag.  Then ask a strong student to come to the front and show what is in their bag.  Ask the child What’s this?  The child answers, for example, It’s a ruler. Children open their bags and ask and answer about the different objects with their partner.  Swap and do the activity again with a different partner.

Counting:  Ask children to do the Writing box at the bottom of p.13.  They count each word in the sentences.  Copy the sentences onto the board and ask individual students to come to the front and write the amount of words in one sentence.  Check with the rest of the class to see if they agree.



Counting extension: Ask children to choose three of the sentences from the reading text on p.12 and count the words in each.  Then ask their partner to check their answer.

Board game:  Give each group of 4-6 children a copy of the board game.  (Either in colour or in black and white).  They move around the board, saying the objects as they land on the squares with school object pictures.  The winner is the first child to reach the finish square.

Week 5:       Date of teaching: 

Period 19:

Unit 1:

Lesson 6


- Identifying objects, Speaking and writing skills

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary:

School things


2. Structure:



What’s this?

It’s a….

This is a….

III. Method of teaching

Speaking - Writing

IV. Teaching aid.

- PMB p.3 Values worksheet



- Extra Practical Classroom Activities: Spelling Quiz


V. Procedure


Spelling quiz:  Put students into groups of four and give each group a spelling quiz worksheet.  Tell children they cannot open their Class Books or Workbooks, and to think of a team name.  Make one child the person responsible for writing the words, but make sure they understand they all must help to spell.  Read the words on the second page (only for the teacher) one by one and students write the words.  Tell each group to swap their worksheets with another group.  Check the spelling as a class by asking volunteers to write the words on the board. 



Exercise 1:  Children do exercise 1; counting and writing how many words are in the sentences.

Exercise 2:  Students look at their own school things and write the colours next to the school objects.  Model the activity first.

Exercise 3:  Ask children to draw some school things in the picture on p.13 and to write the words and colours, completing the sentences.  Ask each child to find a partner and read the sentences to their partner.



Values:  Give a copy of the Values worksheet to each student.  Ask them to follow the instructions and circle the good actions, eliciting some of them before they start the activity.  Check the answers together as a class and then ask them to do exercise 2, colouring in some of the objects as instructed.  As a follow-up activity they can colour in four more objects and then dictate the instructions to their partner.

Week 5:       Date of teaching: 

Period 20:

Unit 2:

Lesson 1


- Identifying common toys, Listening and speaking skills

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary:

Toys – doll, ball, teddy, puzzle, car

2. Structure:



Is this your…?



No, it isn’t.

III. Method of teaching

Listening – Speaking

IV. Teaching aid.

- Toys flashcards 30-34

- Story poster 2

- CD tracks 20-22

V. Procedure


Sing Open the Book! from Class Book p.10 to revise vocabulary from the last unit.

Use flashcards 30-34 to elicit the vocabulary for this lesson.  Hold them up one at a time as ask What’s this?  Model any vocabulary the children don’t know. 



Recording 20 & 21:  Ask children to listen to the words.  They point to the pictures as they listen. Put the flashcards around the room and as they listen one further time, they point to the correct flashcards.

Recording 21:  Students listen and point, and then listen and chant.

Listen and read:  Use Story Poster 2 to present the story.  Revise the names of the characters.  Ask children to name as many things in the picture as they can.  Look at the story and ask children what is happening in each box.  Listen to the story as children follow with the poster, then listen again as children follow in their books and point to the objects.  Ask simple comprehension questions (Where’s the teddy?  Who finds the teddy?) to check understanding.



Game:  Play a guessing game with the class.  Tell children they are going to guess which flashcards you are holding up, without seeing them.  If they name the object within three guesses, they get one point.  If they don’t, you get one point.  Hold up each flashcard in turn so that children can only see the back.  Ask different children What’s this? until the object has been guessed correctly. Keep a record of the score on the board.

Week 6:       Date of teaching: 

Period 21:

Unit 2:

Lesson 1


- Identifying common toys, Writing and speaking skills

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary:

Toys – doll, ball, teddy, puzzle, car

2. Structure:



It’s a…

III. Method of teaching

Writing – Speaking

IV. Teaching aid.

- Toys flashcards 30-34



- PMB Activity 2A – Cut out card game

Colour pencils for each child

V. Procedure


Pronunciation:  Use the flashcards to elicit the vocabulary again for revision, and then focus carefully on different sounds which may be difficult for the children (e.g. /z/ in puzzle, /l/ in doll and ball, /d/ in teddy)

Give flashcards 30-34 to different children.  Ask them to stand up, one at a time.  They show their card for the class to shout out the word.



Exercise 1:  Ask children to number the pictures and check their answers with a partner, before checking with the whole class.

Exercise 2:  Students follow the instructions to colour in the toys.  Extend this activity by orally giving further instructions, for children to colour in the rest of the toys (e.g. The puzzle is yellow and purple, The doll is blue and white)

Exercise 3:  Before you begin the exercise, elicit the spelling of the words by sticking the flashcards on the board and writing the words underneath.  Children can then use this as a model to complete the writing exercise.



Game:  Children cut out the cards (from PMB worksheet) and write their name under each picture.  With a partner, they mix both sets of cards into one pile and put this face down on the table.  Children take turns to pick a card up and say, e.g. This is my teddy, or This is your teddy.  If it has their name, s/he takes it.  If it has the other child’s name they give it to their partner.  Continue until all the cards have been distributed.

Week 6:       Date of teaching: 

Period 22:

Unit 2:

Lesson 2


- Identifying common toys, Writing and speaking skills

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary:

Toys – doll, ball, teddy, puzzle, car

2. Structure:



Is this your…?



Yes it is / No it isn’t.

III. Method of teaching

Writing – Speaking

IV. Teaching aid.

- Toys flashcards 30-34



- Story Poster 2

- CD track 22


V. Procedure


Play Snap with the toys flashcards.  Say one of the toys; show the flashcards one by one.  If the word is different to the picture, the children say the word matching the picture.  If it is the same they shout “Snap” and the first child to say it can hold the flashcard for the rest of the game.

Point to the Story Poster 2 again and ask children to tell you what happened in the story. Elicit the toys from the story and write them on the board.



Listen and read:  Tell children to open their books to p.14 and play the recording again as children follow in their books.

Role play:  Put students in pairs and ask them to act out the story.  Elicit what actions they will need.  Get a couple of strong pairs to act it out in front of the class.

Exercise 2:  Copy the sentences onto the board, leaving spaces where the toy words should be.  Put different flashcards in the spaces to elicit the sentences and questions with the same pattern.  Point to yourself to demonstrate my, and to somebody else to show that it belongs to them, your.  Read the sentences together as a class.

Exercise 3 & 4: Model the target language Yes, it is and No, it isn’t. Ask individual children if this is their ruler or pen (holding up the real objects) to check comprehension. Children do the exercises and check with a partner.




Grammar Reference: Ask children to open their Class Books to p.74 and do the Unit 2 Grammar activity to practice the target structure further.


Week 6:       Date of teaching: 

Period 23:

Unit 2:

Lesson 2


- Identifying common toys, Writing and speaking skills

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary:

Toys – doll, ball, teddy, puzzle, car

2. Structure:



Is this your…?



Yes it is / No it isn’t.

III. Method of teaching

Writing – Speaking

IV. Teaching aid.

- Toys flashcards 30-34



V. Procedure


Play Musical Cards.  Play lively music, or the unit’s song.  Hand the unit flashcards out to different students in the class.  They pass the cards to children next to them around the class while the music is playing.  Stop the music suddenly.  Ask the children who are holding the cards, What’s this? to elicit the words.  Play the music and the children keep playing the game.

Elicit the target structures again by asking Is this a doll?  (Pointing to the teddy and the class says, No.)  Write my and your on the board and hold one flashcard and say This is my teddy.  Give a flashcard to a child and say, This is your doll.  Ask children to repeat the structures after you.



Exercise 1: Children do the exercise, matching my and your with the pictures and filling in the gaps in the sentences.  Model how to complete the exercise before they begin.

Exercise 2:  Students do the exercise.  Ask the class to chorally reply to the questions after they have completed the exercise and elicit the spelling to write on the board.



Game:  Call one child to the front and give him/her the doll and ball flashcards to hold up.  Hold the teddy, puzzle, and car flashcards yourself.  Say Is this my teddy?  The class shouts Yes!  Then indicate the child standing next to you and say Is this your teddy?  The class calls out No!  Repeat with Is this my doll?  The class calls out No! Then say Is this your doll? indicating the child next to you, for the class to call out Yes!  Repeat the activity with other children.


Week 6:       Date of teaching: 

Period 24:

Unit 2:

Lesson 3


- Identifying common toys, listening and speaking skills

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary:

Toys, Kite, Bike, Train

2. Structure:

This is my…

III. Method of teaching

Listening – Speaking

IV. Teaching aid.

- Toys flashcards 30-34



- CD tracks 23 & 24



- Extra Practical Classroom Activities: Song worksheet



V. Procedure



Use flashcards 35-37 to introduce the three new words.  Hold up each one and say the words for children to repeat. 

Play a miming game with the class.  Mime the actions of riding a bike for children to shout out the word.  Ask a child to stand up and s/he mimes an activity using one of the words from this lesson or from the other toy flashcards and the rest of the children guess the word.  Repeat the activity with different children.



Recording 23: Ask children to look at the pictures and play the first and second parts of the recording as children point to the words. Play again for children to repeat the words after the audio.

Recording 24:  Either use the song worksheet (without opening the Class Book) where children listen and fill in the correct words, or do Exercise 2 in the Class Book.  After either activity, ask children to sing along with the CD and then sing together without the CD audio.

Sing and act:  Tell children they are going to sing the song again, but this time they are going to do the actions. Elicit the actions from the pictures in the Class Book, (flying the kite, riding the bike, pushing the train) and then practice them as a class before doing the activity.



Song extension: Use all of the other toy flashcards to elicit further song paragraphs (e.g. This is my big yellow doll…etc…) and ask children to decide in pairs what they would like to add to the song.  Ask different pairs to stand up and sing their song with the class.

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