Date of preparation: 4/9/2020
Date of teaching: 7/9/2020
Period 01: Getting started
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Listen and read for specific information about Nick`s, Phuc`s and Mi`s visit to Bat Trang traditional craft village
Use the lexical items related to traditional craft villages
Talk about traditional crafts and places of interest in an area
II. Teaching aids
Teacher’s book, students’book, projector, chalks…
III. Procedures
Organization: 1 min
Warm up: 4 mins
Free talk about traditional craft villages
New lesson (35mins):
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities and contents

A. Presentation
-Pre-teach new vocabulary
-Correct Ss’ pronuciation

* Set the scenes:
- We are going to listen and read a dialogue about Nick, Phuc and Mi`s visit to Bat Trang.
-Have Ss listen and read then do 1a P7 find the words with the given meanings in the dialogue.
-Asks Ss read out the lines in the dialogue that contain the words.
-Has Ss quickly write the correct answers on the board.
-Has Ss study the Watch out box.

- Have Ss read the questions to make sure they understand them.
- Ask for Ss` answers.
- Give feedback

- Has Ss do Ex2
- Go around to help if necessary
-Call Ss answer and give feedback.

-Have Ss complete the sentences with the words/phrases in 2.
- Call on two Ss to write their answers on the board. Confirm the correct answers.
- If time allows, T may organize a short activity to check Ss` short-term memory. Have Ss close their books. Point at each of Ss` answers on the board and quickly Ss have to call out the place where this handicraft is made.
C. Production
-Has Ss make a list of traditional crafts they have learn as much as possible.
- Look at the pictures and guess the meanings of the words.
-Listen and repeat
-Take notes
- pottery (n) : đồ gốm
-conical hat (n) : nón lá
- handicraft (n) đồ thủ công
- lacquer ware ( n) : đồ sơn mài
-marble sculpture ( n) đá cẩm thạch điêu khắc
-workshop (n) : xưởng

Ex1a. Find a word or phrase
-Work independently
- Share the answers
1. craft 2. set up 3. take over
4. Artisans 5. attraction 6. Specific
region 7. remind 8. looưk round
- Watch Out box: "As far as I know"
Ex1.b. Answer the questions
-Answer the questions without reading the dialogue again.
-Exchange their answers with a classmate.
-Check their answers by reading the dialogue again.
1. They are at Phong`s grandparents` workshop in Bat Trang.
2. It is about 700 years old.
3. His great-grandparents did.
4. Because people can buy things for their house and make pottery themselves there.
5. It`s in Hue.
6. Because the handicrafts remind them of a specific region.
-Work in pairs and match these handicrafts with the pictures
-Give their answers to class
A. paintings B. drums C. marble sculptures D. pottery E. silk
F. lacquer ware G. conical hats
H. lanterns
-Read and complete the sentence individually
-Share their answers
1. conical hat 2. lanterns
3. silk 4. paintings
5. Pottery 6. marble sculpture

Make a list of traditional crafts

Recall some information about Bat Trang traditional craft village.
Are there any craft villages in Bat Trang village?
What products do the artisans make?
Homework (2mins)
Learn by heart all the new words.
Do Ex B1,2 , 3, 4 (Workbook)
Prepare: Closer Look 1
Date of preparation: 6/9/2020
Date of teaching: 9/9/2020
Period 02: A closer look 1
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Use lexical items related to producing or creating crafts
Use the language correctly when they talk about the making of traditional crafts in a specific region
Manipulate the verbs as they are not all regular
Say sentences with correct stress on content words
II. Teaching aids
Teacher’s book, students’book, projector, chalks
nguon VI OLET