Group 2                                                                               SPTA1



Lesson 3 (period 2)

  1. Objectives:

¯     By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able ask and answer questions about the location of thing in the house.

¯     Sts improve four skills (listen, speak, read and write) and love English more.

  1. Languages focus:

+ Vocabulary:

+ Sentence pattern:

  1. Teaching aids:

*          Teacher: textbook, board, chalk.....

*          Students: book, notebook, workbook.

  1. Procedures:


Teacher's activities

Students' activities



*          Greeting

*          Warm up

*          Teach new lesson

4. Read and tick.

-T explains the situation and how to do the exercise

-Ask students to read the paragraph and choose the suitable picture.

-Work in groups to do the exercise then explain how to choose the picture in front of the whole class. The rest listen to and give the remark.  





-Look at the sentences in the book

-Read and Work  individually

-Work in group






Answers:        picture c.



Group 2                                                                               SPTA1


-Correct the pronunciation

-Ask some questions to ensure pupils’ comprehension of the reading text.

5. Read and write

-T introduces the topic “you are going to read the sentences and find the suitable words to fill in the blanks”.

-Ss read the sentences individually and do the exercise.

-Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary

-Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for correction

-Call on some Ss to report their answers. Others listen and comment.

-Make a few questions to check Ss’ comprehension of the sentences.

6.   Project

- Introduce the situation.

- Explain how to do the exercise: draw your bedroom and describe it to your classmates

- Call on some Ss to report their answers. Others listen and comment.

- Correct Ss’ mistakes and pronunciation.

*          Consolidation




-Work individually




-Fill the suitable words  in the blanks


-Work individually




-Pairs work




-Work individually





-Do exercises in the workbook



Group 2                                                                               SPTA1


-Summary the lesson

*          Homework

¯           Learn by heart the new words and sentence pattern.

-Prepare new lesson .






nguon VI OLET