Teaching plan English 1                                       School year: 2014- 2015



Date of preparing: 22/ 8/ 2014

Date of teaching:  25 /8 /2014

    Period 1+2:     Introduction

 A -Objectives:
        By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about the importance of English, classroom rules, commands.
B- Preparations: 
1/ Teacher: Text book, lesson plan, ...
2/ Students: Textbooks, notebooks, reference books... 
C- Procedures:
I/ Organization: (2`) - Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (5`)
T: Chatting : teacher introduce the name and chatting with ss about name in Vietnamese.
III/ New lesson: (25`)
Activity 1: The importance of English

- In groups of 4, Ss discuss the importance of English.

Activity 2: Classroom rules

-         Teacher says about the classroom rules in Vietnamese.

  1. During lesson.

-         Pay attention to the lesson, give ideas.

-         Practise in English.

-         Join to activities during the lesson.

  1. At home.

-         Learn by heart vocabulary, grammar and write examples.

-         Read the dialogue.

-         Do exercises in the workbook.

-         Prepare next lesson.

Activity 3: Classroom commands

-         Teacher use TPR – Ss look, listen and act

Stand up, sit down, open the book, close the book, come in,  go out, come here, come back to (turn) your seat, look, listen, repeat, read, write, sing.

IV/ Consolidation:(3`)  Game: Simon says

   Teacher explains the rules of the game and makes sure Ss understand that they must hear “Simon says…” to perform the action. If not, they should do nothing.


Week 2

Date of preparing: 22/ 8/ 2014

Date of teaching:  1 /9 /2014

Period 3:   Unit 1: Me

Lesson 1

I. Objectives

- By the end of the lesson, students will able to identify the course characters.


Tess, Baz, Adam, Pat, Jig.

III. Method

Teacher-whole class, groups, individuals.

IV. Teaching aids

-         Flashcards of  Tess, Baz, Adam, Pat, Jig.

-         CD track 1,2; CD player

V. Procedure


Teacher’s Activities

Students’ activities

































1. Warm up

- Introduce student book and activity book.

- Have students look at picture at page 4.

- Have students discuss about the content of the picture:

+ How many kids are there in the picture?

+ Are they in a family?

+ Where are they?

2. Presentation: Listen and say

- Have students listen to the CD to find out the kids’ names.

- Play the CD while holding Flashcards.

- Have students point to the character in their books

- Have students listen and repeat twice.

- Have students say the names of the characters in groups and individuals.

3. Practice: Listen And Find

- Say the names in random

- Have students listen and point to characters in their books

- Hold flashcards to support students.

- Have students listen to the tape and find the character by themselves.

4. Production: Match and say

- Have students open Activity book and do the exercise

- Model the tracing activity

- Have students do with their fingers

- Have students do with their pencils.

5. Consolidation:Play a Game:

Slap the board with flashcards of the 5 character.

6. Homelink

- review the 4 characters





- listen



+ 3

+ yes

+ at home




listen and look

- point

listen and repeat






_ listen and point



- look , check and correct

- listen and find



- do the exercise

- look

- do with fingers

- write with pencils









Date of preparing: 22/ 8/ 2014

Date of teaching:  1 /9 /2014

Period 4:   Unit 1: Me

Lesson 2

I. Objectives

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to greet, introduce themselves and say goodbye in English.


Hello, I’m…, Bye


+ I’m…

+ How are you? I’m…

IV. Method

Teacher-whole class, groups, individuals.

V. Teaching aids

-         Flashcards of  Baz, Adam, Pat, Jig.

-         CD track 3,4;  CD player

VI. Procedure


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

























1. Warm up:

Play a game: Yes or No

- Guide students to play

- Hold one of the Flashcard of the characters and Say a wrong name

- Hold a flashcard and say a right name

2. Presentation: Listen and say

- Have students look at the picture at page 4,5

and discuss

+ who are in the picture?

+ What is Baz doing?

+ What is Tess doing?

- Have Students listen to the CD.

+ Hello, I’m Baz.

+ Bye Pat! Bye Jig! Bye Baz!

- Have Students listen and repeat twice

- Have students say again individually

- Remark


+ “Bye”

3. Practice:Say and do

- Have students act as Baz and Tess

+ Model with a student

+ have students work in pairs.

- have some pairs go to the board and act again.

4. Production: Sing

- Introduce the Greeting song

- Explain that it’s polite to ask about health to greet.

- Holding flashcard of Baz, present “How are you?”

- answer with Baz’s voice “I’m fine. Thank you!”

- Have students listen and repeat twice

- Model with students and exchange.

- Have students listen to the song:

“Hello Pat. How are you?

Hello Jig. I’m fine. Thank you.

Hello Adam. How are you?

Hello, Baz. I’m fine. Thank you.”

- Play the track with holding flashcards

- Have students listen and sing along

5. Consolidation

Saying Goodbye

6.  Homelink

Exercise in activity book




say “No”


say “Yes”



+ Baz and Tess

+ greeting

+ saying goodbye


_ listen



- listen and repeat


- remark






+ 2 students go to the board and act


- listen






_ listen and repeat

- teacher- whole class

- listen



-listen and sing along



Week 3

Date of preparing: 1/ 9/ 2014

Date of teaching:  8 /9 /2014

Period 5:  

Unit 1: Me

Lesson 3: Letter fun!

I. Objectives

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to say, recognize and write letter A a

- Students can recognize and say the sound /  /

II. Vocabulary:


III. Method

Teacher-whole class, groups, individuals.

IV. Teaching aids

Flashcards of  Baz, Tess, Pat, Jig. Adam, apple

CD, CD player

V. Procedure


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities


1.Warm up:

- play a game Find the missing character.

+stick flashcards of 4 characters  Baz, Tess, Jig, and Pat on the board

+ remove one.



2. Learn the letter

- teach new words

+ apple ( visual)

+ Adam (visual)

- Notice the first sounds of the two words are the same /   /

- write a under the flashcard of apple say /    /

- write A under the flashcard of Adam say/      /

- notice name of the sound /     / is    /    /

- have students repeat  /   /  /   / apple

-                           /   /  /   / Adam

- have students read again chorally and individually

3. Sing

- introduce the song of letter A.

- have students listen.

- have students listen and repeat one by one sentence.

- have students listen and sing all the song  twice.

- have students sing by themselves

4. Trace and Write

- notice students A is a capital letter , a is a lower case.

- write model A a.

- have students write by their fingers in the air.

-have students open their activity book

- have students trace and write in their activity books exercise 1.

- check and remark

5. Trace and say. Colour

- have students say out the words of the 2 pictures

- ask st which letter is the beginning letter

- have students trace the beginning letter

- have st colour

extra practice

- have students write 2 words Adam, apple on their board

- have students show the board

- have students check

- check and remark



- look

- close eyes then open and find out the missing one



- look listen and repeat

chorally twice


/  /





-listen and repeat


- read chorally and individually

- listen


-listen and repeat

-listen and sing



-look and listen


-write in the air

-open the book

-trace and write


-check and correct


-Adam, apple

-A a




- write on board


- show the board

- check

- check and correct



Date of preparing: 1/ 9/ 2014

Date of teaching:  8 /9 /2014

Period 6:  

Unit 1: Me

Lesson 4: Song

I. Objectives

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

+ understand and respond to imperatives.

+ recognize the written form of the characters’ names.

+ associate words and pictures


clap, stand up, sit down, point to

III. Method

Teacher-whole class, groups, individuals.

II. Teaching aids

-         Flashcards of  Tess, Baz, Adam, Pat, Jig.

-         CD track 6, CD player

III. Procedure


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities












































1. Warm up

- Guessing game

+ cover the picture of Jig

+ slowly uncover the picture and have students guess

+ repeat with other characters.

+ stick all characters on different parts of the board

2. Say and do

- have students discuss the content of the picture at page 7 by guiding questions:

+ who are they?

+what are the kids doing?

+what is Baz pointing to?

- say “Point to Pat” and model Pointing to Pat

- have students do the same

- repeat say and model

+ stand up

+ sit down

+ clap

3. Sing

- have students listen to the song and to the actions in it.

+ Have students listen to the CD

+ Have students listen and repeat each line

+ Have students sing and do the actions

♪ point to Jig

♪ point to Pat

♪ stand up

♪ sit down

♪ clap clap clap

♪ point to Baz

point to Tess

stand up

sit down

♪ yes yes yes

 4. Sing and do

- point to a student in the class

-Have students sing the song again and replace the name of the characters by the name of friends in their class.

- have students do the actions

5. Draw and match

- Introduce words of the 4 characters’ names

- Matching game

line 1: pictures of Tess Baz Pat Jig

line 2:names of Tess Baz Pat Jig

- Have students go to the board and match one by one

- Have  students do the same in their activity book

- have some students go to the board and do

- have others check

- check and remark




- guess the name of the character.




- look at the picture and discuss

+ Tess and Baz, Jig Pat

+ playing

+ Jig

-listen and look

- point to Pat


+ stand up

+ sit down

+ clap



+ listen

+ listen and repeat

+sing and do

-         point to Jig

-         point to Pat

-         stand up

-         sit down

-         clap three times

-         point to Baz

-         point to Tess

-         stand up

-         sit down

-         nod 3 times


- Sing


- sing and stand up, sit down, poin to…


- look



- go to the board and do

-  do in activity book

- some students go to the board and do

-look and check

Week 4

Date of preparing: 1/ 9/ 2014

Date of teaching:  15 /9 /2014

Period 7: Unit 1: Me

Lesson 5

I. Objectives

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

+say, recognize, and write letter B b

+say and recognize sound /b/

II. Vocabulary:

- Baz, bird

III. Method

- Teacher-whole class, groups, individuals.

IV. Teaching aids

- Flashcards of  Baz, bird

- CD track 7, CD player

V. Procedure


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities


1. Warm up

Play a game “ Recognize sound /  /”

- guide students raise their hand if the word begin with sound /  /

+ say Adam or apple

+ say Baz,

+  etc

2. Learn the letter

- teach new words

+ bird( visual)

+ Baz(visual)

- Notice the first sounds of the two words are the same /  b /

- write b under the flashcard of  bird say /b/

- write B under the flashcard of  Baz say/ b/

- notice name of the sound /  b   / is    /bi    /

- have students repeat  / bi  /  / b  / bird

-                           / bi  /  /  b / Baz

3. Sing

- introduce the song of letter B.

- have students listen.

- have students listen and repeat one by one sentence.

- have students listen and repeat twice.


-have students find b in the alphabet

- notice students b is the second letter

-have students point to Baz and bird in the picture

- have students point out 2 thing in the picture beginning with sound /  /

5.Trace and Write

- notice students B is a capital letter , b is a lower case.

- write model B b.

- have students write by their fingers in the air.

-have students open their activity book

- have students trace and write in their activity books.

- check and remark

-Have student write word Baz and bird on their board

- have students show  the boards

- check and remark





raise hand

sit still




- look, listen and repeat chorally and individually



- look and say

- /bi/

- /bi/

-  / bi  /  / b  / bird

-     / bi  /  /  b / Baz


- listen


- repeat line by line

- listen and repeat


- look and find


- point to Baz and bird

- point to Adam, apple



- look


- write in the air

open the book

- trace and write on the book

- write on board


- show the board

- check



Date of preparing: 1/ 9/ 2014

Date of teaching:  15  /9 /2014

                       Period 8:            Unit 1: Me

Lesson 6

I. Objectives

- By the end of the lesson, students can understand and enjoy Story in English

- Revise and consolidate

III. Method

Teacher-whole class, groups, individuals.

IV. Teaching aids

-         Flashcards of  Tess, Baz, Adam, Pat, Jig.

-         CD track 6 & 8, CD player

V. Procedure


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities


1. Warm up:

- have 4 students act as Pat, Jig, Tess, Baz

- play CD track 6

- have student review by singing and doing the actions

2. Look and say:

- Have students point to Pat, Jig, Tess, Baz in their book

-Have students point to the pictures in the right order

- Have students discuss about the content of the pictures

+ Who are they?

+ What are Tess and Baz doing?

+ What happen to Baz at the end of the story/

3. Listen

Have students listen to the CD to find out what happen to Tess and Baz

* Hello Baz. Let’s play. Stand up.

* Point to Jig

*Clap for Pat. Clap Clap Clap

*Sit down. Oh no Pat.

- Play the CD once

- Have students tell what they can understand

- Play the CD with pause twice

- Have students listen and repeat chorally and individually.

4. Listen and act

- Stick flashcards of Pat and Jig on the board

- Have students listen to the CD and act as Baz

+ Hello Baz. Let’s play. Stand up.

+ Point to Jig

+ Clap for Pat. Clap Clap Clap

+ Sit down. Oh no Pat

- Have some groups of 2 students go to the board and act as Tess and Baz.

5. Match and say

- Have students look at page 9 and identify characters in the picture halves

- Model drawing a wavy line on board

- Have students copy the action in the air

- Have students write on their book




- go to the board and act


- sing and do



- point



- discuss


+ Tess and Baz

+ Playing

+ fall down








- listen


- listen and repeat




- look






- go to the board and do



- look and say


- look

- do

- write





Week 5

Date of preparing: 15/ 9/ 2014

Date of teaching:  22  /9 /2014

                           Period 9:           Unit 1: Me


I. Objectives

- To review letters and sounds of Aa Bb

II. Teaching aids

-         Flashcards of  Baz, Adam, bird, apple

III. Method

-         Teacher-whole class, groups, individuals.

IV. Procedure


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities


1. Warm up:

Play a game: Whispering Game

- Have students look at teacher and identify which sound is being whispered by teacher

+ /   a/

+ /   b/

2. Find and circle

- remind letter and sound / a /, a, A;  / b /, b, B

       write the letter  a on the board and say /  /

       have students repeat

       write the letter b next to a and say /b/

       have students repeat

       write the capital letter A and B next to the two letters

       have students read them aloud

       have students find which word begin with A and B

       remark A and B are used to write names.

- Have students look at page 10 and do exercise 1

- model on the board

a    A a b B

- guide students point to the blue letter a and say out the sound / a /

- have students move to the 4 letter on the right and say out their sound

- explain why we circle letter a

- have students do individually

- have 3 students go to the board and do

- have others check

3. Match and colour

- show the flash card of Adam

- have students say out his name

- put the flashcard under  letter a on board

- ask students say out does his name begin with a

-Put the flashcard under letter A onboard

- ask students say out does his name begin with A

- model matching Adam with letter A

- Have students do ex2 on their books

- have 3 students go to the board and do

- have other check

- have students color the pictures.

4. Progress check

- deliver progress check paper

- guide st to do

-have students do individually.





+ say /a/

+ say /b/


- look


+ repeat


+ repeat

+ look


+ repeat

apple Adam; bird, Baz



open the books

- look


- listen





- do individually

- do

- check



- look and listen






- do the exercise

- go to the board and do

- check

- colour



- listen

- do



Teacher: Pham Song Hao                                Truc Thang Primary school

nguon VI OLET