Teacher: Nguyễn Hoàng Xuân  Date of teaching: 13/2/2019


Lesson: Listening


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Improve listening skill;

- Discuss and share the plan for further education.

II. TEACHING AIDS: blackboard, chalk, handout.




Teacher’s activities

Student’s activities


I. Warm-up: using picture

Questions: David comes from Viet Nam to study?

  1. Where is he come from?
  2. What is he doing?

Introducing David:

+ “Now class, look at this”

+ “This is David. Say hello to David class”

+”Where is he come from? And who is he?

+ “he comes from canada and he is an international students in Viet Nam”

+ “Can you guess what subject does he study?”

+ “Can you guess what David will talk

- Listening to teacher’s instruction.




- Answering the questions.



Lead-in: “If you don’t know, don’t worry. Now it’s time for you to listen to David share his experience of pursuing higher education abroad.”

- Asking students to write down the title of a lesson in 1 minute.



II. Pre-listening:

Activity 1: Listen to the recording and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F) or not given (NG).







David is a postgraduate student majoring in Vietnamese studies





His host family helped him overcome his culture shock





His host mum talk him how to cook Vietnamese food





He used his own motorbike to get around Ha Noi





He will have a better understanding of cultural differences and similarities when he goes back home.




* Keys:

1. F, 2. T, 3. NG, 4.F, 5.T


+ “How many statements are there?”

- Asking students identify difficult words and give the meaning: “Are there any difficult word? What does is mean?”

- Asking students to underline keywords in each statement in 1 minute.  

“What are


- Answering the question.

- Underlining difficult words and giving the meanings.

- Underlining keywords.




- Predicting the statements



keywords in sentence 1/2/…?”

- Asking students to predict if the statements are true, false or not given.

- Calling some students to give their prediction.

Giving instruction:

- Asking students to listen to the tape and see your predictions are true, false. (Listen 3 times)

+ “Now, you will listen to the recording 3 times and see if your predictions are true or false. Remember that take note keywords that you hear.”

- Checking student’s comprehension.

+ “What will you do?”

+ “How many times will you

are true, false or not given.


- Listening to the teacher’s instruction.








- Answering the question.




- Listeing to the tape and doing the task.

- Sharing the answer with partner.

- Giving the answers.











- Playing the recording.


- Asking students to share the answer with their partner.

+ “Compare with your partner”

Giving feedback:

+ Asking students to give their answer and playing the recording again to check.

+ If the statement is false or not given, asking students what is wrong.

“What wrong with this statement?”

- Asking students to copy down in 1 minute.



III. While-listening:

Activity 3: Listen to the talk again and complte the table. Write no more than 2 words.

David's study-abroad experience

  1. Academic level


  1. Courses he takes

Vietnamese ......... and ......... development

  1. Staff

......... and ………

  1. Programme coordinator

Very organized, ……… and thorough, always


Giving instruction

+ “What is this?” (Showing a handout)

+ “Now, you will work alone to listen again


- Listening to the teacher’s instruction.








available for ……….

  1. Housing

Lives with a ………, has his own room, ……… and clean, has Internet.

  1. Food

……… and dinner with host family, and lunch with Vietnamese ………: food - healthy and delicious; has his ……… .

* Keys:

1. Undergraduate

2. History/ economic

3. Very friendly/ helpful

4. Knowledgeable/ emergencies.

5. Host family/ comfortable

6. Eat breakfast/ fellow students/  favourite dishes.


and complete the table in a handout.”

+ “You will listen 2 times.”

- Checking student’s comprehension.

“What will you do?”

“How many times will you listen?”

“Will you work alone or work pairs?”

- Playing the recording.




- Asking students to share the answer with their partner.

Giving feedback:

- Asking students to take turn to go to the board and write the answer.

- Playing the recording again to check.

- Asking students to copy down in 1 minute.


- Answering the questions.





- Listening to the recording and doing the task.

- Sharing the answers with partner.


- Giving the answers.




IV. Post-listening:




Activity 4: Talk about the plan for further education.

Answer the questions:

1. Where do you want to study after graduation? In your country or abroad?

2. What subject do you want to learn?

3. What things do you need to prepare?










* The form of the presentation:

- Hello everyone, I am/ My name is…

- Today, I would like/ want to tell you about/ I will talk about…

+ The first thing is…

+ The second thing is/ secondly,…

+ The third/ Next…

+ The last one is/ Last but not least… - That’s enough for my presentation, thank for listening.

- Asking students to answer some question.

“Where do you want to study after graduation? In your country or abroad?”

“What subject do you want to learn?”

“What things do you need to prepare?”

- Calling some students to answer the questions.

Giving instructions:

+ “Now, you will work alone to make a plan for your further education in 5 minutes and then go to the board to present.”

- Run through the form of the talk.

- Asking students to take note.







- Answering the question.












- Listening to the teacher’s instruction.



- Taking note the form of the talk.








- Presenting in front of class.



- Asking to students to go to the board to present their plan.

- Giving feedback.



V. Home work:

- Look up new word for lesson writing.

- Asking students to take note.

- Taking note.


nguon VI OLET