Preparing date: December 18th , 2015

Teaching date: December 22nd , 2015



Period 55:         Lesson 1: A(1) – A HOLIDAY IN NHA TRANG


A. Aims:

- To help students understand the past simple tense( form and use) and use the past simple to tell about Liz’s vacation in Nha Trang

- To educate students’ responsibility for their surrounding environment, especially when travelling to somewhere so that  they love their country more.

B. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Know and use the past simple tense with some regular and irregular verbs.

- Order the things Liz did during her vacation in Nha Trang.

- Moreover, the students will be more responsible for the environment surrounding them.

C. Ways of working:

+ Choral work            + Individual work             + Pair work               +  Group work

D. Techniques:

+ Matching                                                         + Ordering sentences

+ Filling in the gaps                                            + Filling in the table

E. Materials:

The textbook, a set of computer, a projector, chalk, USB, a blackboard,…………..

F. Anticipated problems: It takes so much time to teach the past simple tense and some weak students find some irregular verbs difficult to remember.

+ Teacher’s  solution : The teacher should let good students do the speaking task first. The weaker ones do then with the teacher’s help if necessary.

G. Procedures:

Teacher’s activities



Students’ activities


- Greets the class and checks the attendance of the students.









- Asks the class a question.



- Shows some pictures and lets the class discuss

in 2 groups to choose the best answer.








- Asks 2students to stick posters on the board.

- Checks ss’ answer.

- Lets them answer the questions.






- Leads in



- Shows the pictures.









- Elicits some new words

(use pictures, real thing, example …)




- Lets the class play game


- Lets ss predict to match suitable words before they listen.





- Lets the class open the books , listen and check .

- Lets ss look at the sentences with to be and ordinary verbs in the past.


-Sticks a poster on the board.


- Hands out copied papers to students.







-Asks the class to notice pronunciation of /ed/





- Lets ss repeat the irregular verbs.







- Lets ss know the use of the past simple.



-Gets the class to read the text silently and number the sentences.



+Write on the board.



-Lets ss work in pairs.

-Asks 1 or 2 pairs to read the text

- Checks their pronunciation if necessary.

-Asks the class to complete a passage.















- Corrects .



- Lets ss retell.



- Gives the class some assignments.




I. Warm up:

T: Good morning.

Ss: Good morning.

T: How are you today?

Ss: We are fine, thank you. And you?

T: I’m fine, thanks.

   Who is absent now?


T: Please welcome the teacher to our class. Clap your hands.

Ss: Class the hands.

T: Do you like staying at home or traveling?

Ss: I like ……………………


Which place are the piuctures about?

1. Sam Son        3. Nha Trang

2. Do Son          4. Ha Long

-> It’s Nha Trang.


T: How far is it from Nha Trang to Hanoi?

Ss: It’s about 1,300 kilometers

T: How can you get there?

Ss: I can get there by …..

T: How is Nha Trang?

Ss: It is very beautiful/clean/

famous… we have to keep the invironment clean when we travel.

T: Who is she? (Liz)

    Where is she from?(America)

She had a holiday in Nha Trang.

What did she do there?

Let’s start with lesson 1 of Part A

of Unit 9.

III. New lesson:  Unit 9 / A(1)

1. Presentation:

* New words:

Aquarium (n)        bể/hồ cá

Friendly(adj)        thân thiện

Delicious(adj)       ngon

Wonderful (adj)    tuyệt vời

Gift (n)= present   quà tặng

Tired (adj)           mệt

*Checking vocabulary :

Slap the board.

* Matching

- the vacation      - delicious

- the people         - TN Aquarium

- the food             - friendly

- the things           - beautiful

- Nha Trang          - wonderful

- she visited          - expensive



2. Grammar:

The past simple tense

2.1. Form:

a. To be:

(+) S  + was/ were …..

(-)  S + was not/were not….

(?) Was/Were + S+……?

(wh) wh + was/were + S …?

b. Ordinary verbs:

(+) S + Ved/C2…

(-) S + didn’t + V(inf)……

(?) Didn’t + S + V(inf)…?

(wh)Wh + did + S+ V(inf)…?

        Wh(s) + V(ed)………….?

+ Regular verbs:





/id/              /t/                   /d/


+ Irregular verbs:

- do   (làm)        ->       did

- take (đưa)       ->       took

- buy  (mua)     ->       bought

- have (có)         ->       had

- go     (đi)         ->       went

- think (nghĩ)     ->       thought

2.2. Use :

- Express an action or event that happened and completely finished in the past.

III. Practice:

1. Practice reading

Number the sentences:

   1. Liz went to Nha Trang.

   2. Liz visited Tri Nguyen     Aquarium.

   3. Liz bought souvenirs.

   4. Liz returned to Ha Noi.

   5. Liz talked to Ba about her vacation.





IV. Production:

Sum up Liz’s vacation:

* Fill in the gaps:

took          bought       was 

had           enjoyed      were

Liz is talking to Ba about her recent vacation in Nha Trang. It(1)______ wonderful.

She (2)______  the delicious

food , they (3)______  quite expensive.Her parents(4)_____

her to see Cham Temples and Tri Nguyen Aquarium. She(5)

______ some souvenirs for her American friends. She (6)_____ a great time.

Key:(1)was  (2)enjoyed  (3)were

(4) took    (5)bought    (6) had


- Repeat some new words and the past simple tense(form and use)


- Learn the new words and the past simple tense by heart

- Sum up Liz’s vacation.

- Prepare A2 (finding out the verbs in the past simple)













































































































































-Greet the teacher


-Answers the questions.








- Some ss answer.



- Look at the pictures and work in 2 groups to circle the best answer .


(work in 30 seconds)






- Stick posters on the board.



-Listen and answer the questions.









- Look at the pictures and answer the questions.






- Listen and read in chorus .


- Read individual




- Play the game.


- Work in 2 groups to match suitable words before listening.

- Stick on the board.

-Listen to the tape

,then check their prediction.


- Read the sentences.

- Notice the verbs to be and ordinary verbs in the past.

- Look at the poster and remember.

+Write down

- Receive the papers.








- Look at, listen and repeat  pronunciation of /ed/




- Listen and repeat




- Listen and repeat








- Read the text silently and number the sentences.


- Take note.


-Work in pairs

- 2 pairs read the dialogue.





- Complete a passage.


 ( do invidually)












- Some ss read the words in front of the class.


- Retell some new words and grammar.


- Remember to do as required.





Preparing date: December 19th 2015

Teaching date: December 22nd 2015



Period 56:         Lesson 2: A(2) – A HOLIDAY IN NHA TRANG


A. Aims:

- To help students read for  details of the Robinson’s vacation in Nha Trang and ask and answer about the events happened in the past.

- To retell the trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium of Liz’s family.

- To educate students’ responsibility for their surrounding environment and aware of protecting animals.

B. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Understand content of the text.

- Retell the trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium of Liz’s family.

- Moreover, the students will be more responsible for the environment and animals surrounding them.

C. Ways of working:

+ Choral work              + Individual work               + Pair work               +  Group work

D. Techniques:

+ Matching                                                          + Picture drills

+ Lucky numbers                                                + True or false statements

E. Materials:

The textbook, a set of computer, a projector, chalk, USB, a blackboard,…………..

F. Anticipated problems: Maybe retelling story is difficult for some weak students.

+ Teacher’s solution : The teacher should let good students do the speaking task first. The weaker ones do then with the teacher’s help if necessary.

G. Procedures:

Teacher’s activities



Students’ activities


- Greets the class and checks the attendance of the students.







- Lets 1 or 2 students tell about Liz’s vacation in Nha Trang.




-Listens and corrects, gives students marks









-Asks the class to look at the projector and answer some questions.








- Leads in the lesson.

-Writes on the board.



- Elicits new words.





-Asks some students to read the new words again.








- Lets the class look at the pictures and match the pictures to the right words.

answer 2 questions.








- Lets the class match the  infinitive to the right  past simple form.




- Reads the past form of the verbs .

-Uses the prepared pictures to present the new words.




- Asks the class to guess the sentences are True or False.














- Asks the class to open the book ,listen and read the text once and check the sentences .



- Checks and corrects.

- Lets one student read all

the questions.


- Divides the class into 2 groups and lets the class play a game: “Lucky numbers”.

(Group 1 and Group 2)





























- Total marks of 2 groups

- Which group is winner?

(clap your hands)


- Lets the students(3) read the text again, listen and check their pronunciation


- Shows the pictures and have the given words.











- Lets each student tell each picture of the story.









- Listens and corrects.


- Asks 1 or 2 students tell whole story follow these pictures.



- Gives  the student marks if he/she does well.







- Presents some pictures and asks.














- Asks the class to do assignments.




I. Warm up:

T: Good morning.

Ss: Good morning.

T: How are you today?

Ss: We are fine, thank you. And you?

T: I’m fine, thanks.

   Who is absent now?

Monitor: ………………

II. Homework- checking:

- Tell about Liz’s vacation in Nha Trang to depend on pictures and some given words.



* Leading in:


T: Who are they?

Ss: Liz and her parents

 T: What did they visit?

Ss: They visited Tri Nguyen Aquarium in Nha Trang.

T:What did they do there?


Today’s lesson will you know the correct answer.

III. New lesson: Unit 9/A2

1. Pre-reading:

+ New words:

-         shark (n)       cá mập

-         dolphin(n)     cá heo

-         turtle(n)         rùa biển

-         crap(n)          con cua

-         cap(n)           mũ lưỡi trai

-         poster(n)       tranh khổ lớn

-         exit (n)          lối ra/ thoát

+ Checking vocabulary:

Matching: pictures to the right words .


T: In the text there are some verbs:

* Match each verb inf to correct one in the past.

  A                         B

1. eat                  a. wore

2. see                  b. ate

3. wear               c. saw

4. think              d. bought

5. put                 e. thought

6. buy                f. put


T: Please guess what Liz and her family did during the visit to Tri Nguyen Aquarium?

* True or False statements:

1.__ Liz went to Tri Nguyen Aquarium in Nha Trang with her parent.

2.__ They saw sharks, dolphins,

turtles and many different types of fish.

3.__ They bought a dolphin and a shark in a shop.

4. __ Liz liked the cap very much.

5.__ Mr. and Mrs. Robinson don’t like to eat seafood.

6.__ Liz didn’t eat seafood.She ate noodles instead.

2. While- reading:

+Check True or False statements:

1.T                      2.T

3. F :a dolphin and a shark

-> a cap and a poster.

4. T

5.F : don’t like->like

6. T

T: To understand the text more, we read all the questions(p88)


T: Do you like playing game?




+ Lucky numbers.




         Lucky numbers





3 + 7 = Lucky numbers

1/a.Who went to the Aquarium with Liz?

- Her parents went to the aquarium with her.

2/b.What did the Robinsons see there?

- They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many different types of fish.

4/c. What did they buy in the souvenir shop?

- They bought a cap and a poster.

5/d. Did Liz like the cap?

Which sentence tells you this?

- Yes, she did. She wore the cap all day.

6/e. Do Mr. and Mrs. Robinson like to eat seafood? How do you know?

- Yes. They ate fish and crap.

7/f. Why did Liz eat noodles instead?

- Because she remembered the beautiful fish in the aquarium.



3. Post- reading:

Now tell the story of Liz’s trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium.




a. The Robinson family went to the aquarium.





b. They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many colorful little fish.




c. There was a souvenir shop near the exit of the aquarium.




d. Mr. Robinson bought Liz a cap and Mrs. Robinson bought a poster.



e.After their visit to the aquarium

,the Robinsons went to a food stall.Mr. and Mrs. Robinson

ate fish and crap and Liz ate noodles.


In the text ,you have learnt some animals .

T: Do you love animals?


Why did these animals die?

….Because the sea/water is  polluted.

Where is this pollution from?

- Give the reasons……

Are they important for people?

If yes, What should we do to protect them?

They are very important for people.…They are food, friends or entertainment .Some kinds of animals are in danger.

Please come to our library to read “ I’m a little Rhino”

V. Homework:

- Learn the new words by heart

- Tell the story about the Robinsons’ trip again.

- Prepare A3,4.













































































































































































































-Greet the teacher









-Look at the projector and tell about Liz’s vacation in Nha Trang












- Look at the projector ,listen and answer some questions.








- Listen and write down the title of the lesson.

- Listen and repeat.





- Read individual.



- Listen to the teacher and write the title for the new lesson.




- The whole class think of the matching exercise.

Some individuals (in turns) say out their answers.







- Matching






- Listen and repeat.








- Do as required.

(6students tell their prediction.)














- Listen and read the text ,then check their prediction.





-One student reads all questions,the rest listens.

-Try to answer.




- Work in groups.


(Choose the numbers and try to answer)


























- Group… is winner.




-Three students read,

the rest listen.



- Look at the pictures and tell the story of Liz’ trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium.








- Some students tell, the rest listens.











- One student tells whole story if he/she can.











- Look at the pictures and answer the questions.













- Do as required.







nguon VI OLET